Source code for nrelmat.augmentDb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2013 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden CO, USA
# This file is part of NREL MatDB.
# NREL MatDB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NREL MatDB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NREL MatDB.  If not, see <>.

import datetime, fractions, json, os, re, sys
import psycopg2
import numpy as np
from pyspglib import spglib

import wrapUpload
import fillDbVasp


class DbObj( object):
  Empty class so we can set attributes



# Creates an ASE bulk look-alike object, as required by spglib,
# using the info retrieved from the DB.

class AseBulk:
  def __init__( self, rowCellMat, cartPosMat, atomNames):
    self.rowCellMat = rowCellMat   # cell matrix, in rows
    self.cartPosMat = cartPosMat   # cartesian position matrix
    self.atomNames = atomNames     # names of atoms, like
                                   #  ['Fe', 'Fe', 'O', 'O', 'O']

  def get_cell( self):
    # The spglib python wants rows.
    # Internally the spglib python converts to columns
    # for the underlying spglib C library.
    return np.array( self.rowCellMat, dtype='double', order='C')

  def get_scaled_positions( self):
    cellInv = np.linalg.inv( self.rowCellMat)
    scalePosMat = np.array([ row, cellInv ) for row in self.cartPosMat])
    return np.array( scalePosMat, dtype='double', order='C')
  def get_atomic_numbers( self):
    from pylada import periodic_table
    atomNums = [periodic_table.symbols.index(nm)+1 for nm in self.atomNames]
    return atomNums


def badparms( msg):
  Prints an error msg and usage info, and exits with rc 1.
  print '\nError: %s' % (msg,)
  print 'Parms:'
  print '  -bugLev      <int>      debug level'
  print '  -useCommit   <boolean>  false/true: do we commit changes to the DB.'
  print '  -inSpec      <string>   inSpecJsonFile'


[docs]def main(): ''' This program adds additional information to the model database table. The following functions in this file fill the indicated columns in the model table. The columns must have been created previously by the function createTable. ============== ============= ============================================== Function Column Notes ============== ============= ============================================== addChemform formula Standard chemical formula: ``"H2 O"``. addChemform sortedformula Chemical formula: ``"H2 O"``, with atoms sorted in alphabetic order. addChemForm chemtext Structured formula, easier for parsing. Every token is surrounded by spaces, and single occurance atoms have the explicit "1" count: ``" H 2 O 1 "``. addMinenergy minenergyid == mident having min energyperatom for this formula and finalspacegroupnum. ============== ============= ============================================== Command line parameters: ============== =========== =============================================== Parameter Type Description ============== =========== =============================================== **-bugLev** integer Debug level. Normally 0. **-useCommit** boolean false/true: do we commit changes to the DB. **-inSpec** string JSON file containing DB parameters. See below. ============== =========== =============================================== **inSpec File Parameters:** =================== ============================================== Parameter Description =================== ============================================== **dbhost** Database hostname. **dbport** Database port number. **dbuser** Database user name. **dbpswd** Database password. **dbname** Database database name. **dbschema** Database schema name. **dbtablemodel** Database name of the "model" table. =================== ============================================== **inSpec file example:**:: { "dbhost" : "scctest", "dbport" : "6432", "dbuser" : "x", "dbpswd" : "x", "dbname" : "cidlada", "dbschema" : "satom", "dbtablemodel" : "model" } ''' bugLev = None useCommit = None inSpec = None if len(sys.argv) % 2 != 1: badparms('Parms must be key/value pairs') for iarg in range( 1, len(sys.argv), 2): key = sys.argv[iarg] val = sys.argv[iarg+1] if key == '-bugLev': bugLev = int( val) elif key == '-useCommit': useCommit = wrapUpload.parseBoolean( val) elif key == '-inSpec': inSpec = val else: badparms('unknown key: "%s"' % (key,)) if bugLev == None: badparms('parm not specified: -bugLev') if useCommit == None: badparms('parm not specified: -useCommit') if inSpec == None: badparms('parm not specified: -inSpec') # Register psycopg2 adapter for np.ndarray # The function formatArray is defined below. def adaptVal( val): msg = fillDbVasp.formatArray( val) # AsIs provides getquoted() which just calls the wrapped object's str(). return psycopg2.extensions.AsIs( msg) psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter( np.ndarray, adaptVal) psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter( np.float, adaptVal) psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter( np.float64, adaptVal) psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter( np.int64, adaptVal) psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter( np.string_, adaptVal) augmentDb( bugLev, useCommit, inSpec) #====================================================================
[docs]def augmentDb( bugLev, useCommit, inSpec): ''' Adds additional information to the model database table. See documentation for the :func:`main` function. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level. Normally 0. * useCommit (bool): do we commit changes to the DB. * inSpec (str): Name of JSON file containing DB parameters. See description at :func:`main`. **Returns** * None ''' print 'augmentDb: useCommit: %s' % (useCommit,) with open( inSpec) as fin: specMap = json.load( fin) dbhost = specMap.get('dbhost', None) dbport = specMap.get('dbport', None) dbuser = specMap.get('dbuser', None) dbpswd = specMap.get('dbpswd', None) dbname = specMap.get('dbname', None) dbschema = specMap.get('dbschema', None) dbtablemodel = specMap.get('dbtablemodel', None) if dbhost == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbhost') if dbport == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbport') if dbuser == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbuser') if dbpswd == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbpswd') if dbname == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbname') if dbschema == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbschema') if dbtablemodel == None: badparms('inSpec name not found: dbtablemodel') dbport = int( dbport) conn = None cursor = None try: conn = psycopg2.connect( host=dbhost, port=dbport, user=dbuser, password=dbpswd, database=dbname) if bugLev >= 1: print 'main: got conn. dbhost: %s dbport: %d' % (dbhost, dbport,) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('set search_path to %s', (dbschema,)) db_rows = None sqlMsg = 'SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY mident' % (dbtablemodel,) # For testing use: #WHERE wrapid = '@2013.12.04@' #WHERE wrapid = '@2014.03.25@' #WHERE wrapid = '' #WHERE model.mident = ANY( ARRAY[ # 2739, 2740, 2741, 2755, 2817, # 2818, 2820, 2835, 2836, 2848, # 3046, 3047, 3048, 3568, 3880, # 3881, 3882, 4173, 4592, 4593, # 4594, 4772, 17126, 17193, 23445, # 27102, 30971, 31004, 31037, 31070, # 34729, 39530, 39597, 39634, 39653, # 39668, 59421, 61882, 64391, 66165]) cursor.execute( sqlMsg) dbRows = cursor.fetchall() dbCols = [desc[0] for desc in cursor.description] nrow = len( dbRows) ncol = len( dbCols) objPairs = [] # one pair [curObj, newObj] per row for row in dbRows: if len(row) != ncol: throwerr('len mismatch') # Fill curObj with the values of this row curObj = DbObj() for icol in range( ncol): setattr( curObj, dbCols[icol], row[icol]) objPairs.append( (curObj, DbObj())) #print '\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxx start objPairs[0][0] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #wrapUpload.printMap('objPairs[0][0]', objPairs[0][0].__dict__, 0) #print 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx end objPairs[0][0] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n' addMisc( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addBandgap( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addChemform( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addSpaceGroups( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs # addMinenergy must be after addSpaceGroups addMinenergy( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addEnthalpy( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addMagmom( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addDosMat( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addDielectric( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs addFamily( bugLev, objPairs) # updates newObjs for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] keys = newObj.__dict__.keys() keys.sort() colNames = [] colVals = [] for key in keys: colNames.append( key) colVals.append( newObj.__dict__[key]) if len( colNames) > 0: colNameStg = ','.join( colNames) colTagStg = (len(colNames) * '%s,') [:-1] # del final ',' updateStg = 'UPDATE %s SET (%s) = (%s) WHERE mident = %d' \ % ( dbtablemodel, colNameStg, colTagStg, curObj.mident,) cursor.execute( updateStg, colVals) # xxx outdent? if useCommit: conn.commit() if bugLev >= 1: print 'augmentDb: commit done. mident: %d formula: %s num col: %d' \ % (curObj.mident, newObj.formula, len( newObj.__dict__),) finally: if cursor != None: cursor.close() if conn != None: conn.close() #====================================================================
def addMisc( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Calculates the atomnames, volume, pressure, misc, for all structures. For example for H2O gives and 2 typeNames ['H', 'O'] with typeNums [2, 1], and we compute the 3 atomNames ['H', 'H', 'O']. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' # xxx all doc nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addMisc entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] #print '\nxxxxxxxxxxxx start curobj xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #wrapUpload.printMap('curObj', curObj.__dict__, 0) #print '\nxxxxxxxxxxxx end curobj xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #print '\nxxxxxxxxxxxx start newobj xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #wrapUpload.printMap('newObj', newObj.__dict__, 0) #print '\nxxxxxxxxxxxx end newobj xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' if curObj.iterrealtimes == None: newObj.itertotaltime = None else: newObj.itertotaltime = sum( curObj.iterrealtimes) if bugLev >= 5: print 'addMisc: itertotaltime: %s' % (newObj.itertotaltime,) numType = len( curObj.typenames) if len( curObj.typenums) != numType: throwerr('numType mismatch') atomTypes = [] # indices into typeNames, typeNums atomNames = [] atomMasses_amu = [] atomPseudos = [] atomValences = [] for ii in range( numType): numEle = curObj.typenums[ii] atomTypes += numEle * [ ii ] atomNames += numEle * [ curObj.typenames[ii] ] atomMasses_amu += numEle * [ curObj.typemasses_amu[ii] ] atomPseudos += numEle * [ curObj.typepseudos[ii] ] atomValences += numEle * [ curObj.typevalences[ii] ] if bugLev >= 5: print 'addMisc: atomTypes: %s' % (atomTypes,) print 'addMisc: atomNames: %s' % (atomNames,) print 'addMisc: atomMasses_amu: %s' % (atomMasses_amu,) print 'addMisc: atomPseudos: %s' % (atomPseudos,) print 'addMisc: atomValences: %s' % (atomValences,) newObj.atomnames = atomNames newObj.atommasses_amu = atomMasses_amu newObj.atompseudos = atomPseudos newObj.atomvalences = atomValences # totalValence = sum( count[i] * valence[i]) # PyLada calls this valence. newObj.totalvalence = curObj.typenums, curObj.typevalences) if bugLev >= 5: print 'addMisc: totalValence: %s' % (newObj.totalvalence,) # In defect calcs of Lany, we can have numElectron==288 # and totalValence==289, leaving the supercell with # positive charge, for a donor. newObj.netcharge = newObj.totalvalence - curObj.numelectron # volume, Angstrom^3 # The scale is hard coded as 1.0 in PyLada crystal/, # in both icsd_cif_a and icsd_cif_b. if getattr( curObj, 'finalbasismat', None) == None: newObj.finalvolume_ang3 = None newObj.finaldensity_g_cm3 = None else: volScale = 1.0 newObj.finalvolume_ang3 = abs( np.linalg.det( volScale * np.array( curObj.finalbasismat))) # Density # xxx better: get atomic weights from periodic table volCm3 = newObj.finalvolume_ang3 / (1.e8)**3 # 10**8 Angstrom per cm totMass = curObj.typenums, curObj.typemasses_amu) totMassGm = totMass * 1.660538921e-24 # 1.660538921e-24 g / amu newObj.finaldensity_g_cm3 = totMassGm / volCm3 if bugLev >= 5: print 'finalVolume_ang3: %s' % (newObj.finalvolume_ang3,) print 'volCm3: %g' % (volCm3,) print 'totMass: %g' % (totMass,) print 'totMassGm: %g' % (totMassGm,) print 'finalDensity_g_cm3: %g' % (newObj.finaldensity_g_cm3,) # reciprocal space volume, * (2*pi)**3 # As in PyLada. # Someday need new db col for recipvolume if getattr( curObj, 'finalbasismat', None) == None: recipvolume = None else: basisMat = volScale * np.array( curObj.finalbasismat) invMat = np.linalg.inv( basisMat) recipVolume = abs( np.linalg.det( invMat)) * (2 * np.pi)**3 if bugLev >= 5: print 'recipVolume: basisMat:\n%s' % (repr(basisMat),) print 'recipVolume: invMat:\n%s' % (repr(invMat),) print 'recipVolume: det:\n%s' % (repr(np.linalg.det( invMat)),) print 'recipVolume: %g' % (recipVolume,) # Calc pressure # xxx Caution: we do not include the non-diag terms in: # VASP: force.F: FORCE_AND_STRESS: line 1410: # PRESS=(TSIF(1,1)+TSIF(2,2)+TSIF(3,3))/3._q & # & -DYN%PSTRESS/(EVTOJ*1E22_q)*LATT_CUR%OMEGA if getattr( curObj, 'finalstressmat_kbar', None) == None: newObj.finalpressure_kbar = None else: newObj.finalpressure_kbar \ = np.array( curObj.finalstressmat_kbar).diagonal().sum() / 3.0 if bugLev >= 5: print 'getStressMat: finalPressure_kbar: %s' \ % (newObj.finalpressure_kbar,) #==================================================================== def addBandgap( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Uses eigenMat to set cbMinVals, cbMinIxs, cbMin, and similarly for Max, and bandgapDirects, bandgapIndirects, and bandgap. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addBandgap entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] if curObj.eigenmat == None: # Someday need new db cols: #newObj.cbminvals = None #newObj.cbminixs = None #newObj.vbmaxvals = None #newObj.vbmaxixs = None #newObj.bandgapdirects = None #newObj.bandgapindirects = None newObj.cbmin = None newObj.vbmax = None newObj.bandgapdirect = None newObj.bandgapindirect = None else: # Conduction band min # cbMinMat[isp][ikp] = min of eigvals > efermi0 # # Valence band max # vbMaxMat[isp][ikp] = max of eigvals <= efermi0 eigenMat = np.array( curObj.eigenmat) if bugLev >= 5: print 'addBandGap: eig shape: ', eigenMat.shape print 'addBandGap: numSpin: %d numKpoint: %d numBand: %d' \ % (curObj.numspin, curObj.numkpoint, curObj.numband,) numSpin = curObj.numspin numKpoint = curObj.numkpoint # Sometimes numBand == 128 but eigenMat.shape == [x,x,64] #xxx numBand = curObj.numband numBand = eigenMat.shape[2] # For each isp and kpoint, what is min eigvalue > efermi0 cbMinMat = np.empty( [numSpin, numKpoint], dtype=float) vbMaxMat = np.empty( [numSpin, numKpoint], dtype=float) cbMinMat.fill( np.inf) vbMaxMat.fill( -np.inf) # For each isp, what is min or max across all kpoints cbMinVals = np.empty( [numSpin], dtype=float) vbMaxVals = np.empty( [numSpin], dtype=float) cbMinVals.fill( np.inf) vbMaxVals.fill( -np.inf) # For each isp, which kpoint has the min or max cbMinIxs = np.empty( [numSpin], dtype=int) vbMaxIxs = np.empty( [numSpin], dtype=int) cbMinIxs.fill( -1) vbMaxIxs.fill( -1) for isp in range( numSpin): for ikp in range( numKpoint): for iband in range( numBand): val = eigenMat[isp][ikp][iband] algorithm = 'occupMat' if algorithm == 'fermi0': if val <= curObj.efermi0: if val > vbMaxMat[isp][ikp]: vbMaxMat[isp][ikp] = val if val > vbMaxVals[isp]: vbMaxVals[isp] = val vbMaxIxs[isp] = ikp else: # val > curObj.efermi0 if val < cbMinMat[isp][ikp]: cbMinMat[isp][ikp] = val if val < cbMinVals[isp]: cbMinVals[isp] = val cbMinIxs[isp] = ikp elif algorithm == 'occupMat': if numSpin == 1: occLo = 0.02 occHi = 1.98 elif numSpin == 2: occLo = 0.01 occHi = 0.99 else: throwerr('unknown numSpin') occ = curObj.occupmat[isp][ikp][iband] if occ >= occHi: if val > vbMaxMat[isp][ikp]: vbMaxMat[isp][ikp] = val if val > vbMaxVals[isp]: vbMaxVals[isp] = val vbMaxIxs[isp] = ikp if occ <= occLo: if val < cbMinMat[isp][ikp]: cbMinMat[isp][ikp] = val if val < cbMinVals[isp]: cbMinVals[isp] = val cbMinIxs[isp] = ikp else: throwerr('unknown algorithm') # Find bandgapDirects[isp] = min gap for the same kpoint # Find bandgapIndirects[isp] = min gap across kpoints bandgapDirects = numSpin * [np.inf] bandgapIndirects = numSpin * [np.inf] for isp in range( numSpin): for ikp in range( numKpoint): gap = max( 0, cbMinMat[isp][ikp] - vbMaxMat[isp][ikp]) if gap < bandgapDirects[isp]: bandgapDirects[isp] = gap bandgapIndirects[isp] = max( 0, cbMinVals[isp] - vbMaxVals[isp]) # Someday need new db cols: #newObj.cbminvals = cbMinVals #newObj.cbminixs = cbMinIxs #newObj.vbmaxvals = vbMaxVals #newObj.vbmaxixs = vbMaxIxs #newObj.bandgapdirects = bandgapDirects #newObj.bandgapindirects = bandgapIndirects newObj.cbmin = min( cbMinVals) newObj.vbmax = max( vbMaxVals) newObj.bandgapdirect = min( bandgapDirects) newObj.bandgapindirect = min( bandgapIndirects) # This is the PyLada version #newObj.cbmin = min( cbMinVals) #newObj.vbmax = max( vbMaxVals) #newObj.bandgap = newObj.cbmin - newObj.vbmax #if newObj.bandgap < 0: newObj.bandgap = 0 if bugLev >= 5: print '\naddBandGap: efermi0: %s' % (curObj.efermi0,) for isp in range( numSpin): print '\naddBandGap: start isp: %d' % (isp,) for ikp in range( numKpoint): vval = vbMaxMat[isp][ikp] cval = cbMinMat[isp][ikp] vmsg = '%8.4f' % (vval,) cmsg = '%8.4f' % (cval,) if ikp == vbMaxIxs[isp]: vmsg += ' ***' if ikp == cbMinIxs[isp]: cmsg += ' ***' print ' isp: %d ikp: %3d vbMaxMat: %-14s cbMinMat: %-14s' \ % ( isp, ikp, vmsg, cmsg,) print '' print 'addBandGap: vbMaxIxs: %s' % (vbMaxIxs,) print 'addBandGap: vbMaxVals: %s' % (vbMaxVals,) print 'addBandGap: cbMinIxs: %s' % (cbMinIxs,) print 'addBandGap: cbMinVals: %s' % (cbMinVals,) print 'addBandGap: bandgapDirects: %s' % (bandgapDirects,) print 'addBandGap: bandgapIndirects: %s' % (bandgapIndirects,) print 'addBandGap: newObj.cbmin: %s' % (newObj.cbmin,) print 'addBandGap: newObj.vbmax: %s' % (newObj.vbmax,) print 'addBandGap: newObj.bandgapdirect: %s' \ % (newObj.bandgapdirect,) print 'addBandGap: newObj.bandgapindirect: %s' \ % (newObj.bandgapindirect,) # Write plot data to tempplota%ispin for isp in range( numSpin): with open('tempplota%d' % (isp,), 'w') as fout: for ikp in range( numKpoint): print >> fout, '%g %g' % (vbMaxMat[isp,ikp], cbMinMat[isp,ikp],) # Write plot data to tempplotb%ispin for isp in range( numSpin): with open('tempplotb%d' % (isp,), 'w') as fout: for ikp in range( numKpoint): for iband in range( numBand): print >> fout, '%d %g' \ % (ikp, eigenMat[isp][ikp][iband],) #==================================================================== def addChemform( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Calculates the formula, sortedformula, and chemtext fields. Set attributes: formula: chemical formula, determined from typenames and typenums, and factoring by the greatest common divison. For example, ``'H2 O'``. sortedformula: like formula, but the elements are sorted alphabetically. For example, ``'H2 O'``. chemtext: Same as the formula, but every token is surrounded spaces and singletons have an explicit '1', for ease in parsing. For example, ``' H 2 O 1 '``. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addChemform entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] mident = curObj.mident tnames = curObj.typenames tnums = curObj.typenums if tnames != None and tnums != None: tlen = len( tnames) if len( tnums) != tlen: throwerr('tlen mismatch') # Replace tnums with tnums / gcd( tnums) if tlen == 1: tnums = [1] else: gcd = tnums[0] for jj in range(1,tlen): gcd = fractions.gcd( gcd, tnums[jj]) for jj in range(tlen): tnums[jj] /= gcd # For chemtext we insert an initial and final blank, # so every value is surrounded by spaces, # for easier handling in SQL. formula = '' chemtext = '' for ii in range(tlen): # Coordinate formula format with pyramid: vwQueryStd if len(formula) > 0: formula += ' ' formula += tnames[ii] if tnums[ii] != 1: formula += str(tnums[ii]) chemtext += ' %s %d' % (tnames[ii], tnums[ii],) chemtext += ' ' # Index sort for parallel arrays tnames, tnums, # so we can calc sortedformula. ixs = range(tlen) ixs.sort( lambda ia, ib: cmp( tnames[ia], tnames[ib])) sortedformula = '' for ii in range(tlen): # Coordinate formula format with pyramid: vwQueryStd if len(sortedformula) > 0: sortedformula += ' ' sortedformula += tnames[ixs[ii]] if tnums[ixs[ii]] != 1: sortedformula += str(tnums[ixs[ii]]) if bugLev >= 5: print ('addChemform: mident: %d tnames: %s tnums: %s' + ' formula: %s sortedformula: %s chemtext: %s') \ % (mident, tnames, tnums, repr( formula), repr( sortedformula), repr( chemtext),) newObj.formula = formula newObj.sortedformula = sortedformula newObj.chemtext = chemtext else: newObj.formula = None newObj.sortedformula = None newObj.chemtext = None #==================================================================== def addSpaceGroups( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Calculates the initial and final space groups, for all structures. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addSpaceGroups entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] mident = curObj.mident atomnames = curObj.atomnames initialbasismat = curObj.initialbasismat initialcartposmat = curObj.initialcartposmat finalbasismat = curObj.finalbasismat finalcartposmat = curObj.finalcartposmat if initialbasismat == None \ or initialcartposmat == None \ or finalbasismat == None \ or finalcartposmat == None \ or atomnames == None: initialSgName = None initialSgNum = None finalSgName = None finalSgNum = None else: (initialSgName, initialSgNum) = getSpaceGroup( initialbasismat, initialcartposmat, atomnames) (finalSgName, finalSgNum) = getSpaceGroup( finalbasismat, finalcartposmat, atomnames) newObj.initialspacegroupname = initialSgName newObj.initialspacegroupnum = initialSgNum newObj.finalspacegroupname = finalSgName newObj.finalspacegroupnum = finalSgNum #==================================================================== def getSpaceGroup( rowCellMat, cartPosMat, atomnames): # Create the ASE bulk look-alike object needed by spglib aseBulk = AseBulk( rowCellMat, cartPosMat, atomnames) # Call spglib scaleFactor = 1.0 symprec = 1.e-2 sgStg = spglib.get_spacegroup( aseBulk, symprec) # Parse the resulting string into name, number. mat = re.match(r'^(.+)\((\d+)\)$', sgStg) if mat == None: throwerr('unknown sgStg. mident: %d sgStg: %s' % (mident, sgStg,)) sgName = sgNum = int( # spglib returns bogus name when num is 0. if sgNum == 0: sgName = None return (sgName, sgNum) #==================================================================== # addMinenergy must be after addSpaceGroups
[docs]def addMinenergy( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Calculates the min energyperatom for each formula. minenergyid == the mident of the row having the min energyperatom for this formula. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addMinenergy entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) # Find the min energy for each group # having standard=fere and an ICSD SG, # and the same formula, same ICSD-SG, same PP, same author minMap = {} # (formula,finalspacegroupnum,etc) -> [minEnergy, mident] for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] mident = curObj.mident standards = curObj.meta_standards sgnum = newObj.finalspacegroupnum formula = curObj.formula pseudos = curObj.typepseudos lastName = curObj.meta_lastname firstName = curObj.meta_firstname if 'fere' in standards \ and None not in [sgnum, formula, pseudos, lastName, firstName]: keyStg = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' \ % (formula, sgnum, pseudos, lastName, firstName,) mident = curObj.mident energy = curObj.energyperatom pair = minMap.get( keyStg, None) if pair == None or energy < pair[0]: minMap[keyStg] = (energy, mident) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] mident = curObj.mident standards = curObj.meta_standards sgnum = newObj.finalspacegroupnum formula = curObj.formula pseudos = curObj.typepseudos lastName = curObj.meta_lastname firstName = curObj.meta_firstname # mident having the min energy for this formula minId = None if 'fere' in standards \ and None not in [sgnum, formula, pseudos, lastName, firstName]: keyStg = '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' \ % (formula, sgnum, pseudos, lastName, firstName,) pair = minMap[keyStg] # [minEnergy, minId] minId = pair[1] if bugLev >= 5: print 'addMinenergy: mident: %d formula: %s sgnum: %s minId: %d' \ % (mident, formula, sgnum, minId,) newObj.minenergyid = minId #====================================================================
[docs]def addEnthalpy( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Calculates the enthalpy of formation per atom, for all structures. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addEnthalpy entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] mident = curObj.mident formula = curObj.formula typenames = curObj.typenames typenums = curObj.typenums typepseudos = curObj.typepseudos netcharge = curObj.netcharge meta_standards = curObj.meta_standards energy = curObj.energyperatom enthalpy = None if 'fere' in meta_standards and netcharge == 0: enthalpy = calcEnthalpy( bugLev, mident, typenames, typenums, typepseudos, energy) if bugLev >= 5: print 'addEnthalpy: mident: %d formula: %s energy: %s enthalpy: %s' \ % (mident, formula, energy, enthalpy,) newObj.enthalpy = enthalpy #====================================================================
def addMagmom( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Calculates the magnetic moment for all structures. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addMagmom entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] mident = curObj.mident efermi0 = curObj.efermi0 eigenmat = np.array( curObj.eigenmat) magmom = None if efermi0 != None and eigenmat != None and eigenmat.shape[0] == 2: eig0 = eigenmat[0].flatten() eig1 = eigenmat[1].flatten() occ0 = len([x for x in eig0 if x <= efermi0]) occ1 = len([x for x in eig1 if x <= efermi0]) nkpts = eigenmat.shape[1] magmom = abs( occ0 - occ1) / float( nkpts) if bugLev >= 5: print ('addMagmom: mident: %d occ0: %d occ1: %d' \ + ' nkpts: %d magmom: %g') \ % ( mident, occ0, occ1, nkpts, magmom,) newObj.magneticmoment = magmom #==================================================================== def addDosMat( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Removes the dosmat value from entries where it doesn't belong. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addDosMat entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] dosmat = curObj.dosmat if 'post-dos' in curObj.meta_standards and dosmat != None: dosmat = np.array( dosmat) if curObj.numspin == 1: dosmat = dosmat[ :, :2] # just keep E, DOS elif curObj.numspin == 2: dosmat = dosmat[ :, :3] # just keep E, DOSup, DOSdown # xxx start here. We want: # dosmat[ :, 1] = dosmat[:,1] - newObj.vbmax # but each time we run aug, we decrement dosmat. # # xxx separate all destructive changes: dosmat, dielectric* else: dosmat = None newObj.dosmat = dosmat #==================================================================== def addDielectric( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Removes the dosmat value from entries where it doesn't belong. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addDielectric entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] if 'post-lopt' not in curObj.meta_standards: newObj.dielectricimag = None newObj.dielectricreal = None #==================================================================== def addFamily( bugLev, objPairs): # updates newObjs ''' Removes the dosmat value from entries where it doesn't belong. **Parameters**: * bugLev (int): Debug level; normally 0. * curObjs: current objects, one per DB row * newObjs: objects with new fields only, one per DB row ''' nrow = len( objPairs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'addFamily entry: nrow: %d' % (nrow,) shaMap = {} # curObj.hashstring -> pair [curObj, newObj] for iobj in range(nrow): pair = objPairs[iobj] shaMap[pair[0].hashstring] = pair # Set parentids for iobj in range(nrow): (curObj, newObj) = objPairs[iobj] # pair [curObj, newObj] parentids = None parStgs = curObj.meta_parents if parStgs != None: parentids = [shaMap[parStg][0].mident for parStg in parStgs] newObj.parentids = parentids # Set familyid = most distant ancestor for iobj in range(nrow): (curObjOrig, newObjOrig) = objPairs[iobj] # pair [curObj, newObj] # Run up the parent chain to the most distant ancestor (curObjAnc, newObjAnc) = (curObjOrig, newObjOrig) while curObjAnc.meta_parents != None: # Only use the first parent (curObjAnc, newObjAnc) = shaMap[ curObjAnc.meta_parents[0]] if curObjAnc != curObjOrig: newObjAnc.familyid = curObjAnc.mident # set ancestor's familyid newObjOrig.familyid = curObjAnc.mident # set our familyid #====================================================================
[docs]def calcEnthalpy( bugLev, mident, typenames, typenums, typepseudos, energy): ''' Calculates the enthalpy of formation per atom, for a single structure. **Parameters (using example magnetitie, Fe3 O4)**: * mident (int): The unique DB identifier. * typenames (str[]): List of unique type names, ex. ['Fe', 'O'] * typenums (int[]): Number of each unique type, ex. [3, 4] * typepseudos (str[]): Pseudopotential for each type, ['PAW_PBE Fe 06Sep2000', 'PAW_PBE O_s 07Sep2000'] * energy (float): final total energy without entropy, per atom in cell **Returns** * enthalpy (float): enthalpy of formation per atom See: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.115104 Correcting density functional theory for accurate predictions of compound enthalpies of formation: Fitted elemental-phase reference energies Vladan Stevanovic, Stephan Lany, Xiuwen Zhang, Alex Zunger page 11, Table V: mu^{FERE} Email from Stevanovic, Monday, August 12, 2013 5:45 PM For the enthalpy of formation calculations I will use the following example. So, if we have a ternary compound with the chemical formula A_mB_nX_l, where A, B and X represent the symbols of the elements forming the compound and if N=m+n+l the total number of atoms in the compound the enthalpy of formation can be calculated as: dHf (eV/atom) = [Etot(eV/atom) * N - (m*musMap['A'] + n*musMap['B'] + l*musMap['X'] ) ] / N where Etot(eV/atom) is the VASP total energy per atom which is currently listed in the database and musMap['A'], musMap['B'], and musMap['X'] you read from the attached dictionary. This is the same as: enthalpy = - sum_i( n_i * mus_i) / sum( n_i) where n_i = number of element i, and mus_i = mus value for element i. We use this calculation for ALL structures, not just ternaries. ''' musList = [ # Element Pseudopotential FERE value # ------- --------------- ---------- [ 'Ag', 'Ag', -0.82700958541595615, ], [ 'Al', 'Al', -3.02, ], [ 'As', 'As', -5.06, ], [ 'Au', 'Au', -2.2303410086960551, ], [ 'Ba', 'Ba_sv', -1.3944992462870172, ], [ 'Be', 'Be', -3.3972092621754264, ], [ 'Bi', 'Bi_d', -4.3853003286558812, ], [ 'Ca', 'Ca_pv', -1.64, ], [ 'Cd', 'Cd', -0.56, ], # but if LDAUTYPE=2 and U=5eV, use Cd: +0.19 # xxx [ 'Cl', 'Cl', -1.6262437135301639, ], [ 'Co', 'Co', -4.7543486260270402, ], [ 'Cr', 'Cr_pv', -7.2224146752384204, ], [ 'Cu', 'Cu', -1.9725806522979044, ], [ 'F', 'F', -1.7037867766570287, ], [ 'F', 'F_s', -1.68, ], [ 'Fe', 'Fe', -6.1521343161090325, ], [ 'Ga', 'Ga_d', -2.37, ], [ 'Ge', 'Ge_d', -4.137439286830797, ], [ 'Hf', 'Hf_pv', -7.397695761161847, ], [ 'Hg', 'Hg', -0.12361566177444684, ], [ 'In', 'In_d', -2.31, ], [ 'Ir', 'Ir', -5.964577394407752, ], [ 'K', 'K_sv', -0.80499202755075006, ], [ 'La', 'La', -3.6642174822805287, ], [ 'Li', 'Li_sv', -1.6529591953887741, ], [ 'Mg', 'Mg', -0.99, ], [ 'Mg', 'Mg_pv', -0.99, ], [ 'Mn', 'Mn', -6.9965778258511993, ], [ 'N', 'N', -8.51, ], [ 'N', 'N_s', -8.51, ], [ 'Na', 'Na_pv', -1.0640326227725869, ], [ 'Nb', 'Nb_pv', -6.6867516375690608, ], [ 'Ni', 'Ni', -3.5687859474688026, ], [ 'O', 'O_s', -4.76, ], [ 'O', 'O', -4.73, ], [ 'P', 'P', -5.64, ], [ 'Pd', 'Pd', -3.1174044624888873, ], [ 'Pt', 'Pt', -3.9527597082085424, ], [ 'Rb', 'Rb_sv', -0.6750560483522855, ], [ 'Rh', 'Rh', -4.7622899695820369, ], [ 'S', 'S', -4.00, ], [ 'Sb', 'Sb', -4.2862260747305099, ], [ 'Sc', 'Sc_sv', -4.6302422200922519, ], [ 'Se', 'Se', -3.55, ], [ 'Si', 'Si', -4.9927748122726356, ], [ 'Sn', 'Sn_d', -3.7894939351245469, ], [ 'Sr', 'Sr_sv', -1.1674559193419329, ], [ 'Ta', 'Ta_pv', -8.8184831379805324, ], [ 'Te', 'Te', -3.2503408197224912, ], [ 'Ti', 'Ti_pv', -5.5167842601434147, ], [ 'V', 'V_pv', -6.4219725884764864, ], [ 'Y', 'Y_sv', -4.812621315561298, ], [ 'Zn', 'Zn', -0.84, ], # but if LDAUTYPE=2 and U=6eV, use Zn: -0.51 # xxx [ 'Zr', 'Zr_sv', -5.8747056261113126, ], ] musMap = {} for ele in musList: musMap[ele[1]] = ele[2] if typenums == None or len(typenums) == 0: enthalpy = None else: totNum = sum( typenums) enthalpy = energy for ii in range(len(typepseudos)): pseudoStg = typepseudos[ii] # like 'PAW_PBE Ca_pv 06Sep2000' num = typenums[ii] toks = pseudoStg.strip().split() if len(toks) != 3: throwerr('bad pseudo. mident: %s names: %s nums: %s pseudos: %s' % (mident, typenames, typenums, typepseudos,)) pseudoName = toks[1] mufere = musMap.get( pseudoName, None) if bugLev >= 5: print 'calcEnthalpy: mident: %d pseudoStg: %s mufere: %s' \ % (mident, pseudoStg, mufere,) if mufere == None: print 'calcEnthalpy: warning: no pseudo "%s". mident: %s names: %s nums: %s pseudos: %s' \ % (pseudoName, mident, typenames, typenums, typepseudos,) enthalpy = None if enthalpy != None: enthalpy -= num * mufere / float(totNum) if bugLev >= 5: print 'calcEnthalpy: mident: %d enthalpy: %s' % (mident, enthalpy,) return enthalpy #====================================================================
[docs]def throwerr( msg): ''' Prints an error message and raises Exception. **Parameters**: * msg (str): Error message. **Returns** * (Never returns) **Raises** * Exception ''' print msg print >> sys.stderr, msg raise Exception( msg) #====================================================================
if __name__ == '__main__': main()