Source code for

#  This file is part of PyLaDa.
#  Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
#  PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
#  large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
#  crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
#  is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
#  PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
#  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
#  your option) any later version.
#  PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
#  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General
#  Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa.  If not, see
#  <>.

""" Methods to read structures from file. """
[docs]def poscar(path="POSCAR", types=None): """ Tries to read a VASP POSCAR file. :param path: Path to the POSCAR file. Can also be an object with file-like behavior. :type path: str or file object :param types: Species in the POSCAR. :type types: None or sequence of str :return: `pylada.crystal.Structure` instance. """ import re from os.path import join, exists, isdir from copy import deepcopy from numpy import array, dot, transpose from numpy.linalg import det from quantities import angstrom from . import Structure # if types is not none, converts to a list of strings. if types is not None: if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] # can't see another way of doing this... elif not hasattr(types, "__iter__"): types = [str(types)] # single lone vasp.specie.Specie else: types = [str(s) for s in types] if path is None: path = "POSCAR" if not hasattr(path, 'read'): assert exists(path), IOError("Could not find path %s." % (path)) if isdir(path): assert exists(join(path, "POSCAR")), IOError("Could not find POSCAR in %s." % (path)) path = join(path, "POSCAR") result = Structure() poscar = path if hasattr(path, "read") else open(path, 'r') try: # gets name of structure = poscar.readline().strip() if len( > 0: if[0] == "#": =[1:].strip() # reads scale scale = float(poscar.readline().split()[0]) # gets cell vectors. cell = [] for i in range(3): line = poscar.readline() assert len(line.split()) >= 3,\ RuntimeError("Could not read column vector from poscar: %s." % (line)) cell.append( [float(f) for f in line.split()[:3]] ) result.cell = transpose(array(cell)) vol = det(cell) if scale < 1.E-8 : scale = abs(scale/vol) **(1.0/3) result.scale = scale * angstrom # checks for vasp 5 input. is_vasp_5 = True line = poscar.readline().split() for i in line: if not re.match(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", i): is_vasp_5 = False break if is_vasp_5: text_types = deepcopy(line) if types is not None and not set(text_types).issubset(set(types)): raise RuntimeError( "Unknown species in poscar: {0} not in {1}."\ .format(text_types, types) ) types = text_types line = poscar.readline().split() assert types is not None, RuntimeError("No atomic species given in POSCAR or input.") # checks/reads for number of each specie assert len(types) >= len(line), RuntimeError("Too many atomic species in POSCAR.") nb_atoms = [int(u) for u in line] # Check whether selective dynamics, cartesian, or direct. first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0] selective_dynamics = False if first_char == 's': selective_dynamics = True first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0] # Checks whether cartesian or direct. is_direct = first_char not in ['c', 'k'] # reads atoms. for n, specie in zip(nb_atoms, types): for i in range(n): line = poscar.readline().split() pos = array([float(u) for u in line[:3]], dtype="float64") if is_direct: pos = dot(result.cell, pos) result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=specie) if selective_dynamics: for which, freeze in zip(line[3:], ['x', 'y', 'z']): if which.lower()[0] == 't': result[-1].freeze = getattr(result[-1], 'freeze', '') + freeze finally: poscar.close() return result
[docs]def castep(file): """ Tries to read a castep structure file. """ from numpy import array, dot from ..periodic_table import find as find_specie from ..error import IOError, NotImplementedError, input as InputError from ..misc import RelativePath from . import Structure if isinstance(file, str): if file.find('\n') == -1: with open(RelativePath(file).path, 'r') as file: return castep(file) else: file = file.splitlines() file = [l for l in file] def parse_input(input): """ Retrieves blocks from CASTEP input file. """ current_block = None result = {} for line in file: if '#' in line: line = line[:line.find('#')] if current_block is not None: if line.split()[0].lower() == '%endblock': current_block = None continue result[current_block] += line elif len(line.split()) == 0: continue elif len(line.split()[0]) == 0: continue elif line.split()[0].lower() == '%block': name = line.split()[1].lower().replace('.', '').replace('_', '') if name in result: raise InputError('Found two {0} blocks in input.'.format(name)) result[name] = "" current_block = name else: name = line.split()[0].lower().replace('.', '').replace('_', '') if name[-1] in ['=' or ':']: name = name[:-1] if name in result: raise InputError('Found two {0} tags in input.'.format(name)) data = line.split()[1:] if len(data) == 0: result[name] = None; continue if data[0] in [':', '=']: data = data[1:] result[name] = ' '.join(data) return result def parse_units(line): from quantities import a0, meter, centimeter, millimeter, angstrom, emass, \ amu, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, \ picosecond, femtosecond, elementary_charge, coulomb,\ hartree, eV, meV, Ry, joule, cal, erg, hertz, \ megahertz, gigahertz, tera, kelvin, newton, dyne, \ h_bar, UnitQuantity, pascal, megapascal, gigapascal,\ bar, atm, milli, mol auv = UnitQuantity('auv', a0*Ry/h_bar) # velocity units = { 'a0': a0, 'bohr': a0, 'm': meter, 'cm': centimeter, 'mm': millimeter, 'ang': angstrom, 'me': emass, 'amu': amu, 's': second, 'ms': millisecond, 'mus': microsecond, 'ns': nanosecond, 'ps': picosecond, 'fs': femtosecond, 'e': elementary_charge, 'c': coulomb, 'hartree': hartree, 'ha': hartree, 'mha': 1e-3*hartree, 'ev': eV, 'mev': meV, 'ry': Ry, 'mry': 1e-3*Ry, 'kj': 1e3*joule, 'mol': mol, 'kcal': 1e3*cal, 'j': joule, 'erg': erg, 'hz': hertz, 'mhz': megahertz, 'ghz': gigahertz, 'thz': tera*hertz, 'k': kelvin, 'n': newton, 'dyne': dyne, 'auv': auv, 'pa': pascal, 'mpa': megapascal, 'gpa': gigapascal, 'atm': atm, 'bar': bar, 'atm': atm, 'mbar': milli*bar } line = line.replace('cm-1', '1/cm') return eval(line, units) input = parse_input(file) if 'latticecart' in input: data = input['latticecart'].splitlines() if len(data) == 4: units = parse_units(data[0]) data = data[1:] else: units = 1 cell = array([l.split() for l in data], dtype='float64') elif 'latticeabc' in input: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot read lattice in ABC format yet.') else: raise InputError('Could not find lattice block in input.') # create structure result = Structure(cell, scale=units) # now look for position block. units = None if 'positionsfrac' in input: posdata, isfrac = input['positionsfrac'].splitlines(), True elif 'positionsabs' in input: posdata, isfrac = input['positionsabs'].splitlines(), False try: units = parse_units(posdata[0]) except: units = None else: posdata = posdata[1:] else: raise InputError('Could not find position block in input.') # and parse it for line in posdata: line = line.split() if len(line) < 2: raise IOError( 'Wrong file format: line with less ' \ 'than two items in positions block.') pos = array(line[1:4], dtype='float64') if isfrac: pos = dot(result.cell, pos) try: dummy = int(line[0]) except: type = line[0] else: type = find_specie(atomic_number=dummy).symbol result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=type) if len(line) == 5: result[-1].magmom = float(line[4]) return result
def crystal(file='fort.34'): """ Reads CRYSTAL's external format. """ from numpy import array, abs, zeros, any, dot from numpy.linalg import inv from ..crystal import which_site from ..misc import RelativePath from ..error import IOError from ..periodic_table import find as find_specie from . import Structure if isinstance(file, str): if file.find('\n') == -1: with open(RelativePath(file).path, 'r') as file: return crystal(file) else: file = file.splitlines().__iter__() # read first line try: line = except StopIteration: raise IOError('Premature end of stream.') else: dimensionality, centering, type = [int(u) for u in line.split()[:3]] # read cell try: cell = array( [[:3] for i in xrange(3)], dtype='float64' ).T except StopIteration: raise IOError('Premature end of stream.') result = Structure( cell=cell, centering=centering, dimensionality=dimensionality, type=type, scale=1e0 ) # read symmetry operators result.spacegroup = [] try: N = int( except StopIteration: raise IOError('Premature end of stream.') for i in xrange(N): try: op = array( [[:3] for j in xrange(4)], dtype='float64' ) except StopIteration: raise IOError('Premature end of stream.') else: op[:3] = op[:3].copy().T result.spacegroup.append(op) result.spacegroup = array(result.spacegroup) # read atoms. try: N = int( except StopIteration: raise IOError('Premature end of stream.') for i in xrange(N): try: line = except StopIteration: raise IOError('Premature end of stream.') else: type, pos = int(line[0]), array(line[1:4], dtype='float64') if type < 100: type = find_specie(atomic_number=type).symbol result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=type, asymmetric=True) # Adds symmetrically equivalent structures. identity = zeros((4, 3), dtype='float64') for i in xrange(3): identity[i, i] == 1 symops = [u for u in result.spacegroup if any(abs(u - identity) > 1e-8)] invcell = inv(result.cell) for atom in [u for u in result]: for op in symops: pos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3] if which_site(pos, result, invcell=invcell) == -1: result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=atom.type, asymmetric=False) return result def icsd_cif_a( filename): """ Reads lattice from the ICSD \*cif files. It will not work in the case of other \*cif. It is likely to produce wrong output if the site occupations are fractional. If the occupation is > 0.5 it will treat it as 1 and in the case occupation < 0.5 it will treat it as 0 and it will accept all occupation = 0.5 as 1 and create a mess! """ import re from os.path import basename from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import array, transpose from numpy import pi, sin, cos, sqrt, dot from pylada.misc import bugLev lines = open(filename,'r').readlines() if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: filename: ", filename sym_big = 0 sym_end = 0 pos_big = 0 pos_end = 0 for l in lines: x = l.split() if len(x)>0: # CELL if x[0] == '_cell_length_a': if '(' in x[-1]: index = x[-1].index('(') else: index = len(x[-1]) a = float(x[-1][:index]) if x[0] == '_cell_length_b': if '(' in x[-1]: index = x[-1].index('(') else: index = len(x[-1]) b = float(x[-1][:index]) if x[0] == '_cell_length_c': if '(' in x[-1]: index = x[-1].index('(') else: index = len(x[-1]) c = float(x[-1][:index]) if x[0] == '_cell_angle_alpha': if '(' in x[-1]: index = x[-1].index('(') else: index = len(x[-1]) alpha = float(x[-1][:index]) if x[0] == '_cell_angle_beta': if '(' in x[-1]: index = x[-1].index('(') else: index = len(x[-1]) beta = float(x[-1][:index]) if x[0] == '_cell_angle_gamma': if '(' in x[-1]: index = x[-1].index('(') else: index = len(x[-1]) gamma = float(x[-1][:index]) # SYMMETRY OPERATIONS if len(x)>0 and x[0] == '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz': sym_big = lines.index(l) if len(x)>0 and x[0] == '_atom_type_symbol': sym_end = lines.index(l) # WYCKOFF POSITIONS if len(x)>0 and x[0] == '_atom_site_attached_hydrogens': pos_big = lines.index(l) if len(x)>0 and x[0] == '_atom_site_B_iso_or_equiv': pos_big = lines.index(l) if len(x)>0 and x[0] == '_atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv': pos_big = lines.index(l) if len(x)>0 and x[0] == '_atom_site_0_iso_or_equiv': pos_big = lines.index(l) #if pos_end == 0 and l in ['\n', '\r\n'] and lines.index(l) > pos_big: if pos_end == 0 and pos_big > 0 \ and (l in ['\n', '\r\n'] or l.startswith('#')) \ and lines.index(l) > pos_big: pos_end = lines.index(l) # _symmetry_equiv_pos_* lines are like: # 1 'x, x-y, -z+1/2' if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: sym_big: ", sym_big print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: sym_end: ", sym_end symm_ops = [ '(' + x.split()[1][1:] + x.split()[2] + x.split()[3][:-1] + ')'\ for x in lines[sym_big+1:sym_end-1] ] if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: symm_ops a: ", symm_ops # ['(x,x-y,-z+1/2)', '(-x+y,y,-z+1/2)', ...] # Insert decimal points after integers symm_ops = [re.sub(r'(\d+)', r'\1.', x) for x in symm_ops] if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: symm_ops b: ", symm_ops # ['(x,x-y,-z+1./2.)', '(-x+y,y,-z+1./2.)', ...] # _atom_site_* lines are like: # Mo1 Mo4+ 2 c 0.3333 0.6667 0.25 1. 0 if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: pos_big: ", pos_big print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: pos_end: ", pos_end wyckoff = [ [x.split()[0],[x.split()[4],x.split()[5],x.split()[6]],x.split()[7]]\ for x in lines[pos_big+1:pos_end] ] if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: wyckoff a: ", wyckoff # [['Mo1', ['0.3333', '0.6667', '0.25'], '1.'], ['S1', ['0.3333', '0.6667', '0.621(4)'], '1.']] wyckoff = [w for w in wyckoff if int(float(w[-1][:4])+0.5) != 0] if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: wyckoff b: ", wyckoff # [['Mo1', ['0.3333', '0.6667', '0.25'], '1.'], ['S1', ['0.3333', '0.6667', '0.621(4)'], '1.']] ############## Setting up a good wyckoff list for w in wyckoff: # Strip trailing numerals from w[0] == 'Mo1' pom = 0 for i in range(len(w[0])): try: int(w[0][i]) if pom ==0: pom=i except: pass w[0] = w[0][:pom] # Strip trailing standard uncertainty, if any, from w[1], ..., w[3] for i in range(3): if '(' in w[1][i]: index = w[1][i].index('(') else: index = len(w[1][i]) w[1][i] = float(w[1][i][:index]) # Delete w[4] del w[-1] ########################################## # List of unique symbols ["Mo", "S"] symbols = list(set([w[0] for w in wyckoff])) if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: symbols: ", symbols # List of position vectors for each symbol positions = [[] for i in range(len(symbols))] for w in wyckoff: symbol = w[0] x,y,z = w[1][0],w[1][1],w[1][2] if bugLev >= 5: print " symbol: ", symbol, " x: ", x, " y: ", y, " z: ", z for i in range(len(symm_ops)): # Set pom = new position based on symmetry transform pom = list(eval(symm_ops[i])) if bugLev >= 5: print " i: ", i, " pom a: ", pom # [0.3333, -0.3334, 0.25] # Move positions to range [0,1]: for j in range(len(pom)): if pom[j] < 0.: pom[j] = pom[j]+1. if pom[j] >= 0.999: pom[j] = pom[j]-1. if bugLev >= 5: print " i: ", i, " pom b: ", pom # [0.3333, 0.6666, 0.25] # If pom is not in positions[symbol], append pom if not any(norm(array(u)-array(pom)) < 0.01 for u in positions[symbols.index(symbol)]): ix = symbols.index(symbol) positions[ix].append(pom) if bugLev >= 5: print " new positions for ", symbol, ": ", positions[ix] ################ CELL #################### a1 = a*array([1.,0.,0.]) a2 = b*array([cos(gamma*pi/180.),sin(gamma*pi/180.),0.]) c1 = c*cos(beta*pi/180.) c2 = c/sin(gamma*pi/180.)*(-cos(beta*pi/180.)*cos(gamma*pi/180.) + cos(alpha*pi/180.)) a3 = array([c1, c2, sqrt(c**2-(c1**2+c2**2))]) cell = array([a1,a2,a3]) if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: a1: ", a1 print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: a2: ", a2 print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: a3: ", a3 # a1: [ 3.15 0. 0. ] # a2: [-1.575 2.72798002 0. ] # a3: [ 7.53157781e-16 1.30450754e-15 1.23000000e+01] ########################################## from pylada.crystal import Structure, primitive if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: cell: ", cell # [[ 3.15000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00] # [ -1.57500000e+00 2.72798002e+00 0.00000000e+00] # [ 7.53157781e-16 1.30450754e-15 1.23000000e+01]] structure = Structure( transpose( cell), scale = 1, name = basename( filename)) for i in range(len(symbols)): if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: i: ", i, \ " symbol: ", symbols[i], \ " len position: ", len(positions[i]) # crystal/read: i: 0 symbol: Mo len position: 2 for j in range(len(positions[i])): atpos = dot( transpose(cell), positions[i][j]) if bugLev >= 5: print " j: ", j, " pos: ", positions[i][j] print " atpos: ", atpos # j: 0 pos: [0.3333, 0.6666000000000001, 0.25] # atpos: [ 6.32378655e-16 1.81847148e+00 3.07500000e+00] structure.add_atom( atpos[0], atpos[1], atpos[2], symbols[i]) if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: structure:\n", structure prim = primitive( structure) if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_a: primitive structure:\n", prim return prim #OLD # lattice = Lattice() # lattice.scale = 1.0 # = basename(filename) # lattice.set_cell = transpose(cell) # # for i in range(len(symbols)): # for j in range(len(positions[i])): # lattice.add_site = dot(transpose(cell),positions[i][j]), symbols[i] # # lattice.make_primitive() # # return lattice def icsd_cif_b( filename): from os.path import basename from numpy import dot, transpose from pylada.crystal import Structure, primitive from pylada.misc import bugLev from . import readCif rdr = readCif.CifReader( 0, filename) # buglevel = 0 vaspMap = rdr.getVaspMap() cellBasis = vaspMap['cellBasis'] structure = Structure( transpose( cellBasis), scale = 1, name = basename( filename)) usyms = vaspMap['uniqueSyms'] posVecs = vaspMap['posVecs'] # multiplicities = num atoms of each type. mults = [len(x) for x in posVecs] if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: len(usyms): %d usyms: %s" \ % (len( usyms), usyms,) print " crystal/read: len(posVecs): %d" % (len(posVecs),) print " crystal/read: len(mults): %d mults: %s" \ % (len( mults), mults,) # For each unique type of atom ... for ii in range( len( usyms)): if bugLev >= 5: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_b: ii: ", ii, \ " usym: ", usyms[ii], \ " mult: ", mults[ii], \ " posVecs: ", posVecs[ii] # crystal/read: i: 0 symbol: Mo len position: 2 # For each atom of that type ... for jj in range( mults[ii]): atpos = dot( transpose( cellBasis), posVecs[ii][jj]) if bugLev >= 5: print " jj: ", jj, " pos: ", posVecs[ii][jj] print " atpos: ", atpos # j: 0 pos: [0.3333, 0.6666000000000001, 0.25] # atpos: [ 6.32378655e-16 1.81847148e+00 3.07500000e+00] structure.add_atom( atpos[0], atpos[1], atpos[2], usyms[ii]) if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_b: structure:\n", structure prim = primitive( structure) if bugLev >= 2: print " crystal/read: icsd_cif_b: primitive structure:\n", prim return prim