Source code for pylada.jobfolder
# This file is part of PyLaDa.
# Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
# PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
# large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
# crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
# is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
# PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
# the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa. If not, see
# <>.
""" Classes and functions pertaining to job-management.
The :py:mod:`pylada.jobfolder` provides tools for high-throughput calculations.
It is centered around an object - the job-folder - which organizes calculations
within a tree of folders, much as one would manually organize calculations
within a tree of directories. Each folder can be executable, e.g. there is
something to compute there, or non-executable. And each folder can further hold
any number of sub-folders. Furthermore, classes are provided which make it easy
to manipulate the parameters for the calculations in an executable folder, as
well as within all subfolders. Finally, a similar infrastructure is provided to
collect the computational results across all executable sub-folders.
.. seealso:: :ref:`jobfolder_ug`
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['JobFolder', 'walk_through', 'save', 'load', 'MassExtract',
'AbstractMassExtract', 'JobParams' ]
from .jobfolder import JobFolder
from .manipulator import JobParams
from .extract import AbstractMassExtract
from .massextract import MassExtract
[docs]def save(jobfolder, path='jobfolder.dict', overwrite=False, timeout=None):
""" Pickles a job-folder to file.
:param jobfolder:
A job-dictionary to pickle.
:type jobfolder: :py:class:`~jobfolder.JobFolder`
:param str path:
filename of file to which to save pickle. overwritten. If None then
saves to "pickled_jobfolder"
:param int timeout:
How long to wait when trying to acquire lock on file.
Defaults to forever.
:param bool overwrite:
if True, then overwrites file.
This method first acquire an exclusive lock on the file before writing
(see :py:meth:`pylada.misc.open_exclusive`). This way not two processes can
read/write to this file while using this function.
from os.path import exists
from pickle import dump
from ..misc import open_exclusive, RelativePath
from .. import is_interactive
path = RelativePath(path).path
if exists(path) and not overwrite:
if is_interactive:
print path, "exists. Please delete first if you want to save the job folder."
else: raise IOError('{0} already exists. By default, will not overwrite.'.format(path))
with open_exclusive(path, "wb", timeout=timeout) as file: dump(jobfolder, file)
if is_interactive: print "Saved job folder to {0}.".format(path)
[docs]def load(path='jobfolder.dict', timeout=None):
""" Unpickles a job-folder from file.
:param str path:
Filename of a pickled job-folder.
:param int timeout:
How long to wait when trying to acquire lock on file.
Defaults to forever.
:return: Returns a JobFolder object.
This method first acquire an exclusive lock on the file before reading.
This way not two processes can read/write to this file while using this
from os.path import exists
from pickle import load as load_pickle
from ..misc import open_exclusive, RelativePath
from .. import is_interactive
path = "job.dict" if path is None else RelativePath(path).path
if not exists(path): raise IOError("File " + path + " does not exist.")
with open_exclusive(path, "rb", timeout=timeout) as file: result = load_pickle(file)
if is_interactive: print "Loaded job list from {0}.".format(path)
return result