Source code for pylada.process.jobfolder

#  This file is part of PyLaDa.
#  Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
#  PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
#  large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
#  crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
#  is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
#  PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
#  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
#  your option) any later version.
#  PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
#  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General
#  Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa.  If not, see
#  <>.

from .process import Process
[docs]class JobFolderProcess(Process): """ Executes folder in child processes. Expects a jobfolder on input. Executable job-folders are launched in parallel, with up to :py:attr:`~JobFolderProcess.nbpools` running instances. Each instance is allocated an equal number of processors. If a folder does not execute correctly, then the failure code or exception is stored in :py:attr:`errors` until all folders have been executed. Only then is a :py:exc:`~pylada.process.Fail` exception raised. .. note:: The executable folders are determined when the process is first created. To modify :py:attr:`jobfolder`, one should call :py:meth:`update`. .. seealso:: :py:class:`~pylada.process.pool.PoolProcess` """
[docs] def __init__( self, jobfolder, outdir, maxtrials=1, nbpools=1, keepalive=False, **kwargs ): """ Initializes a process. :param jobfolder: Jobfolder for which executable folders should be launched. The name of the folders to launch are determined which :py:meth:`__init__` is acalled. If ``jobfolder`` changes, then one should call :py:meth:`update`. :type jobfolder: :py:class:`~pylada.jobfolder.jobfolder.JobFolder` :param str outdir: Path where the python child process should be executed. :param int nbpools: Maximum number of executable folders to run in parallel. The processors will splitted into *n* of approximately equal length, where *n* is ``nbpool`` or the remaining number of executable jobs, which ever is smallest. :param bool keepalive: Whether to relinquish communicator once jobs are completed. If True, the communicator is not relinquished. The jobfolder can be :py:meth:`updated <update>` and new jobs started. To finally relinquish the communicator, :py:attr:`keepalive` should be set to False. Both :py:meth:`kill` and :py:meth:`terminate` ignore this attribute and relinquish the communicator. However, since both side effects, this may not be the best way to do so. :param int maxtrials: Maximum number of times to try re-launching each process upon failure. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to the functionals in the executable folders. These arguments will be applied indiscriminately to all folders. """ from ..misc import RelativePath super(JobFolderProcess, self).__init__(maxtrials) self.jobfolder = jobfolder """ Jobfolder for which executable folders should be launched. The name of the folders to launch are determined which :py:meth:`__init__` is acalled. If ``jobfolder`` changes, then one should call :py:meth:`update`. """ self.outdir = RelativePath(outdir).path """ Execution directory of the folder. """ self.process = [] """ List of currently running processes. Each item consists of an index into the job-folder, an instance derived from :py:class:`~pylada.process.process.Process`, e.g. :py:class:``, and a communicator used by that process. """ self.nbpools = nbpools """ Number of executable folders to launch in parallel. The processors will splitted into *n* of approximately equal length, where *n* is ``nbpool`` or the remaining number of executable jobs, which ever is smallest. """ self._finished = set() """ Set of finished runs. """ self._torun = set() """ List of jobs to run. """ for name, job in self.jobfolder.iteritems(): if not job.is_tagged: self._torun.add(name) self.errors = {} """ Map between name of failed jobs and exception. """ self.keepalive = keepalive """ Whether to relinquish communicator once jobs are completed. If True, the communicator is not relinquished. The jobfolder can be :py:meth:`updated <update>` and new jobs started. To finally relinquish the communicator, :py:attr:`keepalive` should be set to False. Both :py:meth:`kill` and :py:meth:`terminate` ignore this attribute and relinquish the communicator. However, since both side effects, this may not be the best way to do so. """ self.params = kwargs.copy() """ Keyword arguments to the functionals in the executable folders. These arguments will be applied indiscriminately to all folders. """
[docs] def nbjobsleft(self): """ Number of jobs left. """ return len(self._torun)
[docs] def poll(self): """ Polls current job. """ from . import NotStarted from . import Fail if self.nbjobsleft == 0 and super(JobFolderProcess, self).poll(): return True if not hasattr(self, '_comm'): raise NotStarted("Process was never started.") # weed out successfull and failed jobs. finished = [] for i, (name, process) in enumerate(list(self.process)): try: if process.poll() == True: self._finished.add(name) finished.append(i) except Exception as e: self.errors[name] = e finished.append(i) for i in sorted(finished)[::-1]: name, process = self.process.pop(i) process._cleanup() # returns True if nothing left to do. if len(self.process) == 0 and len(self._torun) == 0: self._cleanup() if len(self.errors) == 0: return True else: raise Fail(str(self.errors)) # adds new jobs. self._next() return False
def _next(self): """ Adds more processes. This is the subroutine to overload in a derived class which would implement some sort of scheduling. """ from os.path import join from ..error import IndexError from .call import CallProcess from .iterator import IteratorProcess # nothing else to do. if len(self._torun) == 0: return # cannot add more processes. if len(self.process) >= self.nbpools: return # no more machines to allocate... if self._comm['n'] == 0: return # split processes into local comms. Make sure we don't oversuscribe. njobs = min(self._comm['n'], self.nbpools - len(self.process)) local_comms = self._comm.split(njobs) try: # Loop until all requisite number of processes is created, # or until run out of jobs, or until run out of comms. while len(self.process) < self.nbpools \ and len(self._torun) > 0 \ and len(local_comms) > 0: name = self._torun.pop() # checks folder is still valid. if name not in self.jobfolder: raise IndexError("Job-folder {0} no longuer exists.".format(name)) jobfolder = self.jobfolder[name] if not jobfolder.is_executable: raise IndexError("Job-folder {0} is no longuer executable.".format(name)) # creates parameter dictionary. params = jobfolder.params.copy() params.update(self.params) params['maxtrials'] = self.maxtrials # chooses between an iterator process and a call process. if hasattr(jobfolder.functional, 'iter'): process = IteratorProcess( jobfolder.functional, join(self.outdir, name), **params ) else: process = CallProcess(self.functional, join(self.outdir, name), **params) # appends process and starts it. self.process.append((name, process)) try: process.start(local_comms.pop()) except Exception as e: self.errors[name] = e name, process = self.process.pop(-1) process._cleanup() raise except: self.terminate() raise finally: for comm in local_comms: comm.cleanup()
[docs] def kill(self): """ Kills all currently running processes. Relinquishes communicator, even if :py:attr:`~JobProcessFolder.keepalive` is True. """ for name, process in self.process: process.kill() self.keepalive, oldkeepalive = False, self.keepalive try: self._cleanup() except: self.keepalive = oldkeepalive raise
[docs] def terminate(self): """ Kills all currently running processes. Relinquishes communicator, even if :py:attr:`~JobProcessFolder.keepalive` is True. """ for name, process in self.process: process.terminate() self.keepalive, oldkeepalive = False, self.keepalive try: self._cleanup() except: self.keepalive = oldkeepalive raise
[docs] def done(self): """ True if job already finished. """ return self.started and len(self.process) == 0
[docs] def nbrunning_processes(self): """ Number of running processes. For simple processes, this will be one or zero. For multitasking processes this may be something more. """ return 0 if (not self.started) or len(self.process) == 0 else 1
[docs] def wait(self, sleep=1): """ Waits for all job-folders to execute and finish. """ from time import sleep as ossleep from . import NotStarted if self.nbjobsleft == 0 and super(JobFolderProcess, self).wait(): return True if not hasattr(self, '_comm'): raise NotStarted("Process was never started.") while self.poll() == False: ossleep(sleep) return False
[docs] def _cleanup(self): """ Cleans up after currently running processes. """ try: for name, process in self.process: try: process._cleanup() except: pass finally: self.process = [] if hasattr(self, '_comm') and self.keepalive == False: try: self._comm.cleanup() finally: del self._comm
[docs] def start(self, comm): """ Start executing job-folders. """ if super(JobFolderProcess, self).start(comm): return True self._next() return False
[docs] def update(self, jobfolder, deleteold=False): """ Updates list of jobs. Adds jobfolders which are not in ``self.jobfolder`` but in the input. Updates jobs which are in ``self.jobfolder`` and input if not currently running. Does nothing if are job is currently running. If ``deleteold`` is True, then removed finished jobs from job-folder. """ running = set([n for n in self.process]) for name, value in jobfolder.root.iteritems(): if value.is_tagged: continue if name in running: continue elif name not in self.jobfolder.root: newjob = self.jobfolder.root / name newjob.functional = value.functional newjob.params.update(value.params) for key, value in value.__dict__.iteritems(): if key in ['children', 'params', '_functional', 'parent']: continue setattr(self, key, value) self._torun.add(name) elif name not in self._finished: self.jobfolder.root[name] = value for name in self.jobfolder.root.iterkeys(): if name in self._finished and deleteold: del self.jobfolder.root[name]