# This file is part of PyLaDa.
# Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
# PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
# large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
# crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
# is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
# PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
# the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" Relaxation Methods
An accurately strain-relaxed VASP calculation requires multiple restarts.
The reasons for this lies in that the plane-wave basis is determined at the
start of any particular VASP run. Hence, the basis is incorrect if the
cell-shape changes during the run. The same can be said of real-space
pseudo-potential grids when relaxing ionic positions.
This module contains methods to chain together VASP calculations until a
fully relaxed structure is obtained.
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['relax', 'iter_relax', 'Relax', 'epitaxial', 'iter_epitaxial', 'RelaxExtract']
from ..tools.makeclass import makeclass, makefunc
from .functional import Vasp
from .extract import Extract, MassExtract
from pylada.misc import bugLev
[docs]def iter_relax( vasp, structure, outdir=None, first_trial=None,
maxcalls=10, keepsteps=True, nofail=False,
convergence=None, minrelsteps=-1, **kwargs ):
""" Iterator over calls to VASP during relaxation.
This generator iterates over successive VASP calculations until a fully
relaxed structure is obtained. Its last calculation is *static*, ensuring
that the final electronic structure accurately represents the relaxed
The full process is to first relax the cell-shape (and internal degrees of
freedom upon request) until convergence is achieved, as determined by the
difference in total energies (see the keyword argument ``convergence``)
within the current VASP run. Subsequent runs keep the cell-shape constant
while allowing ionic degrees of freedom to relax, until the same
convergence criteria is achieved. Finally, a static calculation is
It is possible to bypass cell-shape relaxations and perform only
:param vasp:
:py:class:`Vasp <pylada.vasp.functional.Vasp>` object with which to
perform the relaxation.
:param structure:
:py:class:`Structure <pylada.crystal.Structure>` object for which to
perform the relaxation.
:param outdir:
Directory where to perform the calculations. Defaults to current
working directory. The actual calculations are stored within the
*relax* subdirectory.
:param dict first_trial:
Holds parameters which are used only for the very first VASP
calculation. It can be used to accelerate the first step of the
relaxation if starting far from the optimum. Defaults to empty
:param int maxcalls:
Maximum number of calls to VASP before aborting. Defaults to 10.
:param bool keepsteps:
If true, intermediate steps are kept. If False, intermediate steps are
:param bool nofail:
If True, will not fail if convergence is not achieved. Just keeps going.
Defaults to False.
:param convergence:
Convergence criteria. If ``minrelsteps`` is positive, it is only
checked after ``minrelsteps`` have been performed. Convergence is
checked according to last VASP run, not from one VASP run to another.
Eg. If a positive real number, convergence is achieved when the
difference between the last two total-energies of the current run fall
below that real number (times structure size), not when the total
energies of the last two runs fall below that number. Faster, but
possibly less safe.
* None: defaults to ``vasp.ediff * 1e1``
* positive real number: energy convergence criteria in eV per atom.
* negative real number: force convergence criteria in eV/angstrom.
* callable: Takes an extraction object as input. Should return True if
convergence is achieved and False otherwise.
:param int minrelsteps:
Fine tunes how convergence criteria is applied.
* positive: at least ``minrelsteps`` calls to VASP are performed before
checking for convergence. If ``relaxation`` contains "cellshape",
then these calls occur during cellshape relaxation. If it does not,
then the calls occur during the ionic relaxations. The calls do count
towards ``maxcalls``.
* negative (default): argument is ignored.
:param kwargs:
Other parameters are applied to the input
:py:class:`~pylada.vasp.functional.Vasp` object.
:return: At each step, yields an extraction object if the relevant VASP
calculation already exists. Otherwise, it yields a
:py:class:`~pylada.process.program.ProgramProcess` object
detailing the call to the external VASP program.
from re import sub
from copy import deepcopy
from os import getcwd
from os.path import join
from shutil import rmtree
from ..misc import RelativePath
from ..error import ExternalRunFailed
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. type(vasp): %s" % (type(vasp),)
# Shows type: pylada.tools.SuperCall
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. === start vasp:\n%s' % (vasp,)
print '===== end vasp'
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. structure:\n%s' % (structure,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: type(structure): %s' % (type(structure),)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. outdir: %s' % (outdir,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. first_trial: %s' % (first_trial,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. maxcalls: %s' % (maxcalls,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. keepsteps: %s' % (keepsteps,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. nofail: %s' % (nofail,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. convergence: %s' % (convergence,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. minrelsteps: %s' % (minrelsteps,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. kwargs: %s' % (kwargs,)
for item in vasp.__dict__.items():
print ' vasp/relax: iter_relax: entry. vasp item: %s' % (item,)
# Shows __dict__ containing
# key: '_class', value = <class 'pylada.vasp.relax.Relax'>
# key: '_object', value = generated source code from inputCif.py, like:
# from pylada.vasp.relax import Relax
# from quantities.quantity import Quantity
# relax = Relax()
# relax.addgrid = True
# relax.ediff = 6e-05
# relax.encut = 340.0
# relax.first_trial = {'kpoints': '\n0\nAuto\n10', 'encut': 0.9}
# relax.ibrion = 2
# ...
# relax.species = {'Ni': Specie(...), ...}
# make this function stateless.
vasp = deepcopy(vasp)
relaxed_structure = structure.copy()
if first_trial is None: first_trial = {}
outdir = getcwd() if outdir is None else RelativePath(outdir).path
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: final outdir: %s\n" % (outdir,)
# .../mos2_024000/mos2_024000.cif/non-magnetic
# convergence criteria and behavior.
is_converged = _get_is_converged(
vasp, relaxed_structure, convergence=convergence,
minrelsteps=minrelsteps, **kwargs)
# number of restarts.
nb_steps, output = 0, None
# sets parameter dictionary for first trial.
if first_trial is not None:
params = kwargs.copy()
else: params = kwargs
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: kwargs: %s\n" % (kwargs,)
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: params: %s\n" % (params,)
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: vasp.relaxation: %s\n" % (vasp.relaxation,)
# params: {'comm': {'placement': '', 'ppn': 4, 'n': 8}}
# defaults to vasp.relaxation
relaxation = kwargs.pop('relaxation', vasp.relaxation)
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relaxation a: %s type: %s\n" \
% (relaxation, type(relaxation),)
# Shows string: cellshape ionic volume
# could be that relaxation comes from vasp.relaxation which is a tuple.
if isinstance(relaxation, tuple):
vasp = deepcopy(vasp)
vasp.relaxation = relaxation
relaxation = relaxation[0]
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relaxation b: %s type: %s\n" \
% (relaxation, type(relaxation),)
# Shows: cellshape ionic volume, type: str
# cellshape ionic volume
# performs cellshape relaxation calculations.
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: beg cellshape. nb_steps: %d maxcalls: %d" \
% (nb_steps, maxcalls,)
while (maxcalls <= 0 or nb_steps < maxcalls) and relaxation.find("cellshape") != -1:
if bugLev >= 5:
# Once per output dir like .../relax_cellshape/0, 1, 2, ...
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax cellshape loop head'
print ' params: %s' % (params,)
# Invokes vasp/functional.Vasp.__init__
# and vasp/functional: iter, which calls bringup,
# which calls write_incar, write_kpoints, etc.
fulldir = join(outdir, join("relax_cellshape", str(nb_steps)))
for u in vasp.iter\
outdir = fulldir,
restart = output,
relaxation = relaxation,
if bugLev >= 5:
# For each iteration of the outer while loop, shows one pair:
# <pylada.process.program.ProgramProcess object at 0x1569f50>
# Extract("/.../non-magnetic/relax_cellshape/0, 1, 2, ...")
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: cellshape: fulldir: %s yield u: %s" \
% (fulldir, u,)
yield u
output = vasp.Extract(join(outdir, join("relax_cellshape", str(nb_steps))))
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax cellshape output: %s" % (output,)
if not output.success: ExternalRunFailed("VASP calculations did not complete.")
relaxed_structure = output.structure
nb_steps += 1
if bugLev >= 5:
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax cellshape nb_steps: %s' % (nb_steps,)
print ' first_trial: %s' % (first_trial,)
if nb_steps == 1 and len(first_trial) != 0: params = kwargs; continue
# check for convergence.
isConv = is_converged(output)
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax cellshape isConv: %s" % (isConv,)
if isConv: break;
# Does not perform ionic calculation if convergence not reached.
if nofail == False and is_converged(output) == False:
raise ExternalRunFailed("Could not converge cell-shape in {0} iterations.".format(maxcalls))
# performs ionic calculation.
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: beg ionic. nb_steps: %d maxcalls: %d" \
% (nb_steps, maxcalls,)
while (maxcalls <= 0 or nb_steps < maxcalls + 1) and relaxation.find("ionic") != -1:
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax ionic loop head"
fulldir = join(outdir, join("relax_ions", str(nb_steps)))
for u in vasp.iter\
outdir = fulldir,
relaxation = "ionic",
restart = output,
if bugLev >= 5:
# Shows a pair:
# <pylada.process.program.ProgramProcess object at 0x2651fd0>
# Extract(".../non-magnetic/relax_ions/3")
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: ions fulldir: %s yield u: %s" \
% (fulldir, u,)
yield u
output = vasp.Extract(join(outdir, join("relax_ions", str(nb_steps))))
if bugLev >= 5:
# Shows: Extract(".../non-magnetic/relax_ions/3")
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax ionic output: %s" % (output,)
if not output.success: ExternalRunFailed("VASP calculations did not complete.")
relaxed_structure = output.structure
nb_steps += 1
if bugLev >= 5:
# Shows 4 (3 for cellshape, 1 for ionic)
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax ionic nb_steps: %s" % (nb_steps,)
if nb_steps == 1 and len(first_trial) != 0: params = kwargs; continue
# check for convergence.
isConv = is_converged(output)
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax ionic isConv: %s" % (isConv,)
if isConv: break;
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx start here
# xxx set INCAR parameters by:
# vasp._input['xxxxxfoobar'] = 'xxxxxFOOBAREDxxxxx'
# Similarly, in the files test/highthroughput/input*.py,
# one can use the same assignment.
# gwmod: same while loop as above, but with relaxation="gwcalc"
# performs gwcalc calculation, at most once
if bugLev >= 5:
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: before gwcalc. nb_steps: %d' % (nb_steps,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: before gwcalc. maxcalls: %d' % (maxcalls,)
print 'vasp/relax: iter_relax: before gwcalc. relaxation: %s' \
% (relaxation,)
if (maxcalls <= 0 or nb_steps < maxcalls + 2) \
and relaxation.find("relgw") != -1:
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax gwcalc start"
fulldir = join(outdir, join("relax_gwcalc", str(nb_steps)))
for u in vasp.iter\
outdir = fulldir,
relaxation = "relgw",
restart = output,
if bugLev >= 5:
# Shows a pair:
# <pylada.process.program.ProgramProcess object at 0x2651fd0>
# Extract(".../non-magnetic/relax_gwcalc/3")
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: gwcalc fulldir: %s yield u: %s" \
% (fulldir, u,)
yield u
output = vasp.Extract(join(outdir, join("relax_gwcalc", str(nb_steps))))
if bugLev >= 5:
# Shows: Extract(".../non-magnetic/relax_gwcalc/3")
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax gwcalc output: %s" % (output,)
if not output.success: ExternalRunFailed("VASP calculations did not complete.")
relaxed_structure = output.structure
nb_steps += 1
if bugLev >= 5:
# Shows 4 (3 for cellshape, 1 for gwcalc)
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: relax gwcalc nb_steps: %s" % (nb_steps,)
# Does not perform static calculation if convergence not reached.
if nofail == False and is_converged(output) == False:
raise ExternalRunFailed("Could not converge ions in {0} iterations.".format(maxcalls))
# performs final calculation outside relaxation directory.
# xxx skip if gwmod:
# gwmod: if relaxation.find("relgw") == -1 ...
for u in vasp.iter\
relaxed_structure, \
outdir = outdir,\
relaxation = "static",\
restart = output, \
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: static yield u: %s" % (u,)
yield u
output = vasp.Extract(outdir)
if bugLev >= 5:
print "vasp/relax: iter_relax: static output: %s" % (output,)
if not output.success: ExternalRunFailed(
"VASP calculations did not complete.")
# nomodoutcar
# Caution: this edits OUTCAR, overwrites OUTCAR, rewrites OUTCAR.
# replace initial structure with that with which this function was called.
#with output.__outcar__() as file:
# filename = file.name
# string = sub( '#+ INITIAL STRUCTURE #+\n((.|\n)*)\n#+ END INITIAL STRUCTURE #+',
# """################ INITIAL STRUCTURE ################\n"""\
# """from {0.__class__.__module__} import {0.__class__.__name__}\n"""\
# """structure = {1}\n"""\
# """################ END INITIAL STRUCTURE ################\n"""\
# .format(structure, repr(structure).replace('\n', '\n ')),
# file.read() )
#with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(string)
#if bugLev >= 1:
# print 'vasp/relax iter_relax static: cwd: ', getcwd()
# print 'vasp.iter_relax: filename: \"%s\"' % (filename,)
# print 'vasp/relax iter_relax static: write initial structure:\n%s' \
# % (structure,)
# print 'vasp.iter_relax: initial structure written'
# print 'vasp.iter_relax: ===== string start ====='
# print string
# print 'vasp.iter_relax: ===== string end ====='
if output.success and (not keepsteps):
rmtree(join(outdir, "cellshape"))
rmtree(join(outdir, "ions"))
# yields final extraction object.
yield iter_relax.Extract(outdir)
iter_relax.Extract = RelaxExtract
""" Extraction method for relaxation runs. """
relax = makefunc('relax', iter_relax, module='pylada.vasp.relax')
Relax = makeclass( 'Relax', Vasp, iter_relax, None, module='pylada.vasp.relax',
doc = 'Functional form of the :py:class:`pylada.vasp.relax.iter_relax` method.' )
if bugLev >= 5:
print " vasp/relax: relax: ", relax
print " vasp/relax: Relax: ", Relax
def _get_is_converged(vasp, structure, convergence=None, minrelsteps=-1, **kwargs):
""" Returns convergence function. """
from ..error import ExternalRunFailed
# tries and devine the convergence criteria from the input.
if convergence is None: convergence = 1e1 * vasp.ediff
elif hasattr(convergence, "__call__"): pass
elif convergence > 0: convergence *= float(len(structure))
if convergence > 0 and convergence < vasp.ediff:
raise ValueError("Energy convergence criteria ediffg({0}) is smaller than ediff({1})."\
.format(vasp.ediffg, vasp.ediff))
# creates a convergence function.
if hasattr(convergence, "__call__"):
def is_converged(extractor):
if extractor is None: return True
if not extractor.success: raise ExternalRunFailed("VASP calculation did not succeed.")
i = int(extractor.directory.split('/')[-1]) + 1
if minrelsteps > 0 and minrelsteps > i: return False
return convergence(extractor)
elif convergence > 0e0:
def is_converged(extractor):
if extractor is None: return True
if not extractor.success: raise ExternalRunFailed("VASP calculation did not succeed.")
i = int(extractor.directory.split('/')[-1]) + 1
if minrelsteps > 0 and minrelsteps > i: return False
if extractor.total_energies.shape[0] < 2: return True
return abs(extractor.total_energies[-2] - extractor.total_energies[-1:]) < convergence
def is_converged(extractor):
from numpy import max, abs, all
if extractor is None: return True
if not extractor.success: raise ExternalRunFailed("VASP calculation did not succeed.")
i = int(extractor.directory.split('/')[-1]) + 1
if minrelsteps > 0 and minrelsteps > i: return False
return all(max(abs(extractor.forces)) < abs(convergence))
return is_converged
[docs]def iter_epitaxial(vasp, structure, outdir=None, direction=[0,0,1], epiconv = 1e-4,
initstep=0.05, **kwargs):
""" Performs epitaxial relaxation in given direction.
This generator iterates over successive VASP calculations until an
epitaxially relaxed structure is obtained. The external (cell)
coordinates of the structure can only relax in the growth/epitaxial
direction. Internal coordinates (ions), however, are allowed to relax in
whatever direction.
Since VASP does not intrinsically allow for such a relaxation, it is
performed by chaining different vasp calculations together. The
minimization procedure itself is the secant method, enhanced by the
knowledge of the stress tensor. The last calculation is static, for
maximum accuracy.
:param vasp:
:py:class:`Vasp <pylada.vasp.functional.Vasp>` functional with wich to
perform the relaxation.
:param structure:
:py:class:`Structure <pylada.crystal.Structure>` for which to perform the
:param str outdir:
Directory where to perform calculations. If None, defaults to current
working directory. The intermediate calculations are stored in the
relax_ions subdirectory.
:param direction:
Epitaxial direction. Defaults to [0, 0, 1].
:param float epiconv:
Convergence criteria of the total energy.
:return: At each step, yields an extraction object if the relevant VASP
calculation already exists. Otherwise, it yields a
:py:class:`~pylada.process.program.ProgramProcess` object
detailing the call to the external VASP program.
from os import getcwd
from os.path import join
from copy import deepcopy
from re import sub
from numpy.linalg import norm
from numpy import array, dot
direction = array(direction, dtype='float64') / norm(direction)
if outdir is None: outdir = getcwd()
# creates relaxation functional.
vasp = deepcopy(vasp)
kwargs.pop('relaxation', None)
vasp.relaxation = 'ionic'
vasp.encut = 1.4
if 'encut' in kwargs: vasp.encut = kwargs.pop('encut')
if 'ediff' in kwargs: vasp.ediff = kwargs.pop('ediff')
if vasp.ediff < epiconv: vasp.ediff = epiconv * 1e-2
kwargs['istruc'] = 'input'
kwargs['relaxation'] = 2
allcalcs = []
def change_structure(x):
""" Creates new structure with input change in c. """
from numpy import outer
newstruct = structure.copy()
strain = outer(direction, direction) * x
newstruct.cell += dot(strain, structure.cell)
for atom in newstruct: atom.pos += dot(strain, atom.pos)
return newstruct
def component(stress):
""" Returns relevant stress component. """
return dot(dot(direction, stress), direction)
# Tries and find a bracket for minimum.
# To do this, we start from current structure, look at stress in relevant
# direction for the direction in which to search, and expand/contract in that direction.
xstart = 0.0
for u in vasp.iter( change_structure(xstart),
outdir = join(outdir, join("relax_ions", "{0:0<12.10}".format(xstart))),
restart = None if len(allcalcs) == 0 else allcalcs[-1],
**kwargs ): yield u
estart = vasp.Extract(join(join(outdir, 'relax_ions'), '{0:0<12.10}'.format(xstart)))
# then checks stress for actual direction to look at.
stress_direction = 1.0 if component(allcalcs[-1].stress) > 0e0 else -1.0
xend = initstep if stress_direction > 0e0 else -initstep
# compute xend value.
for u in vasp.iter( change_structure(xend),
outdir = join(outdir, join("relax_ions", "{0:0<12.10}".format(xend))),
restart = None if len(allcalcs) == 0 else allcalcs[-1],
**kwargs ): yield u
eend = vasp.Extract(join(join(outdir, 'relax_ions'), '{0:0<12.10}'.format(xend)))
# make sure xend is on other side of stress tensor sign.
while stress_direction * component( allcalcs[-1].stress ) > 0e0:
xstart, estart = xend, eend
xend += initstep if stress_direction > 0e0 else -initstep
for u in vasp.iter( change_structure(xend),
outdir = join(outdir, join("relax_ions", "{0:0<12.10}".format(xend))),
restart = None if len(allcalcs) == 0 else allcalcs[-1],
**kwargs ): yield u
eend = vasp.Extract(join(join(outdir, 'relax_ions'), '{0:0<12.10}'.format(xend)))
# now we have a bracket. We start bisecting it.
while abs(estart.total_energy - eend.total_energy) > epiconv * float(len(structure)):
xmid = 0.5 * (xend + xstart)
for u in vasp.iter( change_structure(xmid),
outdir = join(outdir, join("relax_ions", "{0:0<12.10}".format(xmid))),
restart = None if len(allcalcs) == 0 else allcalcs[-1],
**kwargs ): yield u
emid = vasp.Extract(join(join(outdir, 'relax_ions'), '{0:0<12.10}'.format(xmid)))
if stress_direction * component(emid.stress) > 0: xstart, estart = xmid, emid
else: xend, eend = xmid, emid
# last two calculation: relax mid-point of xstart, xend, then perform static.
efinal = eend if estart.total_energy > eend.total_energy else estart
kwargs['relaxation'] = 'static'
for u in vasp.iter(efinal.structure, outdir=outdir, restart=efinal, **kwargs): yield u
final = vasp.Extract(outdir)
# replace initial structure with that with which this function was called.
# Caution: this edits OUTCAR, overwrites OUTCAR, rewrites OUTCAR.
with final.__outcar__() as file:
filename = file.name
string = sub( '#+ INITIAL STRUCTURE #+\n((.|\n)*)\n#+ END INITIAL STRUCTURE #+',
"""################ INITIAL STRUCTURE ################\n"""\
"""from {0.__class__.__module__} import {0.__class__.__name__}\n"""\
"""structure = {1}\n"""\
"""################ END INITIAL STRUCTURE ################\n"""\
.format(structure, repr(structure).replace('\n', '\n ')),
file.read() )
with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(string)
if bugLev >= 5:
print 'vasp/relax iter_epitaxial static: cwd: ', getcwd()
print 'vasp.iter_epitaxial: filename: \"%s\"' % (filename,)
print 'vasp/relax iter_epitaxial static: write initial structure:\n%s' \
% (structure,)
print 'vasp.iter_epitaxial: initial structure written'
print 'vasp/relax iter_epitaxial static: cwd: ', getcwd()
print 'vasp/relax iter_epitaxial static: write initial structure:\n%s' \
% (structure,)
# yields final extraction object.
yield iter_epitaxial.Extract(outdir)
iter_epitaxial.Extract = RelaxExtract
""" Extraction method for epitaxial relaxation runs. """
Epitaxial = makeclass( 'Epitaxial', Vasp, iter_epitaxial, None, module='pylada.vasp.relax',
doc='Functional form of the :py:class:`pylada.vasp.relax.iter_epitaxial` method.' )
epitaxial = makefunc('epitaxial', iter_epitaxial, module='pylada.vasp.relax')