NREL MatDB SQL Database Overview

The SQL database consists of two tables, model and contrib. The column wrapId is used to link them.

The wrapId column

A wrapId uniquely identifies a single invocation of to upload a group of directories. A typical wrapId is:

The wrapId is broken into fields separated by “@”:

  • Date,
  • Time, where uuuuuu is microseconds padded to 6 characters
  • User name.
  • Top directory specified to wrapUpload, with “/” replaced by ”.”.

The model table

The model table has an auto-increment key, mident. The mident value is used as a unique indentifier for entries in the MatDB. The model table has about 60 columns, and the columns fall into a few main categories:

General metadata columns

Some example general metadata columns are:

Column SQL type Description
mident serial Unique auto-increment ID
wrapid text Upload identifier, link with contrib table
abspath text Absolute path to dir
relpath text Relative path below topDir

ICSD info columns

The ICSD info is present only on runs adhering to the ICSD file naming conventions. To extract ICSD info from the file names, file names must be like:

         ^^^^^^                 ^^^^^^^^      ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^
        icsdNum                 magType  magNum relaxType       relaxNum

Some example ICSD information columns are:

Column SQL type Description
icsdNum int ICSD number in CIF file
magType text type of magnetic moment hs-ferro, etc.
magNum int number of hs-anti-ferro or ls-anti-ferro
relaxType text Type of run: relax-cellshape, etc.
relaxNum int Folder num for relax runs

VASP input columns

Some example VASP input columns are:

Column SQL type Description
encut_ev double VASP ENCUT parameter from INCAR
ibrion int VASP IBRION parameter from INCAR
isif int VASP ISIF parameter from INCAR

VASP output columns

The majority of the columns in the model table are VASP output values. Some example VASP output columns are:

Column SQL type Description
typeNames text[] [‘Mo’, ‘S’]
typeNums int[] [2, 4]
finalBasisMat double precision[][]  
finalRecipBasisMat double precision[][]  
finalForceMat_ev_ang double precision[][] eV/angstrom
finalStressMat_kbar double precision[][] kbar
finalPressure_kbar double precision kbar
eigenMat double precision[][]  
energyNoEntrp double precision eV
energyPerAtom double precision eV

Author metadata columns

The author metadata columns derive from the metadata files specified by the researcher. Some example author metadata columns are:

Column SQL type Description
hashstring text sha512 of our vasprun.xml
meta_parents text[] sha512 of parent vasprun.xml, or null
meta_firstName text metadata: first name
meta_lastName text metadata: last name
meta_publications text[] metadata: publication DOI or placeholder
meta_standards text[] metadata: controlled vocab keywords
meta_keywords text[] metadata: uncontrolled vocab keywords
meta_notes text metadata: notes

The contrib table

The contrib table is brief, consisting of ...

Column SQL type Description
wrapid text wrapId for this upload, link with model table
curdate timestamp date, time of this wrapId
userid text user id doing the upload
hostname text hostname of the upload
topDir text top level dir of the upload
numkeptdir int num of subdirs uploaded
reldirs text[] list of relative subdirs