Source code for pylada

""" Root of all pylada python packages and modules. 

    Configuration variables exist here. However, they are added within separate
    files. Which files will depend upon the user.

       - Files located in the config sub-directory where pylada is installed
       - Files located in one of the directories specified by :envvar:`PYLADA_CONFIG_DIR`
       - In the user configuration file ~/.pylada

    The files are read in that order. Within a given directory, files are read
    alphabetically. Later files can override previous files. Finally, all and
    any variable which are declared within these files will end up at the root
    of :py:mod:`pylada`. Be nice, don't pollute yourself.

    .. envvar:: PYLADA_CONFIG_DIR

       Environment variable specifying the path(s) to the configuration directories.
    For which variables can be set (and, if relevant, which file) see pylada.config.
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ["error", 'math', 'opt', 'crystal', 'ce', 'vasp', 'enum']
import error
import physics 

version_info = (5, 0)
""" Tuple containing version info. """
version = "{0[0]}.{0[1]}".format(version_info)
""" String containing version info. """

# reads stuff from global configuration files.
# doing it in a function makes it easier to keep the pylada namespace clean.
def _config_files(dointeractive=False):
  from os.path import exists, expanduser, expandvars, dirname, join
  from glob import iglob
  from os import environ

  # pattern to distinguish files to run only in interactive mode.
  # these files are loaded by the pylada-ipython extension itself.
  pattern = "*.py" if not dointeractive else "ipy_*.py"
  # dictionary with stuff we want defined when reading config files.
  global_dict = {"pyladamodules": __all__}
  local_dict = {}
  # first configuration files installed with pylada.
  for filename in iglob(join(join(dirname(__file__), "config"), pattern)):
    if dointeractive == False and filename[:4] == 'ipy_': continue
    execfile(filename, global_dict, local_dict)

  # then configuration files installed in a global config directory.
  if "PYLADA_CONFIG_DIR" in environ: 
    for directory in environ["PYLADA_CONFIG_DIR"].split(':'):
      for filename in iglob(join(directory, pattern)):
        if dointeractive == False and filename[:4] == 'ipy_': continue
        execfile(filename, global_dict, local_dict)

  # then user configuration file.
  if exists(expandvars(expanduser('~/.pylada'))):
    execfile(expandvars(expanduser('~/.pylada')), global_dict, local_dict)
  return local_dict

# does actual config call.
locals().update((k, v) for k, v in _config_files().iteritems() if k[0] != '_')