Reading from pre-existing VASP files ==================================== There is a fairly good equivalence between the INCAR_ file and the python functional. It is possible to re-create the python from an INCAR_: >>> from pylada.vasp import read_incar >>> functional = read_incar() By default, :py:func:`pylada.vasp.read_incar` will read from 'INCAR' in the current directory. However, it is also possible to pass as argument the path to a file situated somewhere else. Similarly, one can read a POSCAR_ file and create a :py:class:`pylada.crystal.Structure` instance from it: >>> from pylada.crystal import read >>> structure = read.poscar(types=['Al', 'Mg', 'O']) :py:func:`` will read both VASP_ 4 and 5 POSCAR_ formats. However, in the former case, it is important to include the species in the POSCAR_, since those are actually missing from the file. If the POSCAR_ file contains dynamic attributes, that information is stored in each atom within an explicitly created ``freeze`` attribute. .. warning:: The INCAR_ file does not contain all the information necessary to recreate a run. For instance, :py:attr:`~pylada.vasp.functional.Vasp.kpoints` is not set correctly at this point. Nor can it re-create a functional with "enhanced" parameters such as :py:attr:`~pylada.vasp.functional.Vasp.ediff_per_specie`. Hence, re-creating a functional from an INCAR of a previous Pylada run will not necessarily yield the exact same functional as that which created it in the first place. However, it will yield the exact same INCAR_ file.