.. _vasp_running_ug: Executing a VASP calculation ============================ This is simply the case of calling VASP_ with a structure as input: >>> vasp(structure, outdir='mycalc') This will execute VASP_ with the current parameters, in the mycalc directory, as an mpi process defined by :py:data:`~pylada.mpirun_exe` and :py:data:`pylada.default_comm`. The directory can be given using the usual unix short-cuts and/or shell environment variables. To specify how the mpi process should go, add a dictionary called ``comm``: >>> vasp(structure, outdir='~/$WORKDIR/mycalc', comm={'n': 8, 'ppn': 2}) Exactly what this dictionary should contain depends on the specific supercomputer. The call is formatted by the user-defined :py:data:`~pylada.mpirun_exe`. If the ``comm`` argument is *not* provided, it defaults to ``None`` and a serial calculation is performed. Finally, vasp parameters can be modified on a one-off basis: >>> vasp(structure, outdir='~/mycalc', ispin=1) .. note:: Pylada will *not* overwrite a *successfull* calculation (unless specifically requested to do so with ``overwrite=True`` in the call), not even one performed without the use of Pylada.