Result mass extraction

Classes to manipulate output from job-folder calculations.

class pylada.jobfolder.massextract.MassExtract(path=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pylada.jobfolder.extract.AbstractMassExtract

Collects extraction properties from different folders.

Collects extractors across executable folders. The results are presented as attributes of an instance of MassExtract, and arranged as directory where the key is the name of the job and the value obtained from an instance of that job’s Extract. This class is set-up to fail silently, and hence is of limited use for diagnosis.

For properties to be forwarded, the functional should have an Extract attribute which takes a directory path as argument.


Returns a new object with further exclusions.

Parameters:excludes (str or list of str or None) – Pattern or patterns to exclude from output.

The goal of this function is to work as an anti operator [], i.e. by excluding from the output anything that matches the patterns, rather including only those which match the pattern. This is strickly equivalent to:

>>> other = massextract.copy(excludes=excludes)
>>> other.excludes.extend(massextract.excludes)

and then doing calculations with other. The advantage is that it can all be done on one line.

If the excludes argument is None or an empty list, then the returned object will not exlude anything.


Pattern or List of patterns to ignore. or None.

unix_re determines whether these are unix-command-line like patterns or true python regex.


Iterates through all extraction objects and names.


Iterates over output/input files.

This is rerouted to all extraction objects.


Iterates through all extraction objects and names.


Iterates through all extraction objects.


Iterates through all extraction objects.


Root of the job-folder wrapped by this instance.


Iterates through all extraction objects.


Root of the directory tree where computational results can be found.


Returns a shallow copy.

Parameters:kwargs – Any keyword attribute will modify the corresponding attribute of the copy.

Uncache values.


Iterates through all extraction objects.

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Result mass extraction

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Extract base classes

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