Configuring Pylada for CRYSTAL

Pylada calls CRYSTAL as an external program. By default, it expects to find the ‘crystal’, ‘Pcrystal’, and ‘MPPcrystal’ programs in your path. However, it is possible to configure this in your ~/.pylada file by modifying the global parameter crystal_program. For instance, one could add in ~/.pylada:

>>> crystal_program = "/path/to/crystal"

In this case, however, Pylada will not be able to differentiate between serial, parallel, and massively parallel version of CRYSTAL. This is affored by defining crystal_program as a callable. By default, it is the following:

As can be seen above, Pylada can automatically determine which version of CRYSTAL to call (and does so by default). In the above, self will be the functional making the call, or None, structure will be a crystal structure, or None, and comm will be a dictionary indicating how CRYSTAL will be run.

Similarly, a properties_program variable exists which should contain the path to the properties program. Finally, there is a crystal_inplace which controls whether CRYSTAL is launched directly within the output directory, or whithin a temporary directory. The latter case avoids clutter in the output directories since only a few files are copied back at the end of a run. If crystal_inplace is False, then the files are placed in a temporary directory. This temporary directory is itself located within PYLADA_TMPDIR (if the environment variable exists), or within PBS_TMPDIR (if that exists), or in the default temporary directory of the system. A special link workdir will be created within the output for the duration of the crystal run.

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Interface to CRYSTAL

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CRYSTAL’s approach to crystal structures

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