A meta-functional: Strain relaxationΒΆ

Relaxing structures generally takes a few actual VASP calculations, since the FFT and pseudo-potential grids are not adapted to changing cell parameters and ionic positions. It’s brain-dead work best handled automatically. Pylada currently provides two relaxation methods: relax.Relax and relax.Epitaxial. The former handles general relaxation, including cellshape, volume, and ionic positions, while the latter performs relaxation on a virtual substrate (e.g. for coherent Germanium on a (001)@Si substrate, only the out-of-plane parameter should be relaxed, while the in-plane are fixed to Si). The following only describes the first case.

>>> # create the functional
>>> from pylada.vasp import Relax
>>> functional = Relax(relaxation='cellshape volume ions', maxcalls=10, keepsteps=True)
>>> functional(structure)

The above creates the functional and launches the calculations. It will first proceed by relaxing everything, e.g. both cell-shape and ions, if cell-shape and ionic relaxation are requested. Once convergence is achived, it locks the cell-shape and relaxes the ions only. Finally, it performs a final static calculation for maximum accuracy.

The functional is derived from Vasp. In practice, this means that whatever works for Vasp works for Relax. However, it does accept a few extra attributes, described below:

A dictionary with parameters which are used only for the very first VASP calculation. It can be used to accelerate the first step of the relaxation if starting far from the optimum. For instance, it could be {'encut': 0.8} to first converge the structure with a smaller cutoff. Defaults to empty dictionary.
An interger which denotes the maximum number of calls to VASP before aborting. Defaults to 10.
If True, intermediate steps are kept. If False, intermediate steps are erased.
Degrees of freedom to relax. It should be either “cellshape” or “ionic” or both. Same as for Vasp.
If True, will not fail if convergence is not achieved. Just keeps going. Defaults to False.

Convergence criteria. If minrelsteps is positive, it is only checked after minrelsteps have been performed. Convergence is checked according to last VASP run, not from one VASP run to another. Eg. If a positive real number, convergence is achieved when the difference between the last two total-energies of the current run fall below that real number (times structure size), not when the total energies of the last two runs fall below that number. Faster, but possibly less safe.

  • None: defaults to vasp.ediff * 1e1
  • positive real number: energy convergence criteria in eV per atom.
  • negative real number: force convergence criteria in eV/angstrom.
  • callable: Takes an extraction object as input. Should return True if convergence is achieved and False otherwise.


Fine tunes how convergence criteria is applied.

  • positive: at least minrelsteps calls to VASP are performed before checking for convergence. If relaxation contains “cellshape”, then these calls occur during cellshape relaxation. If it does not, then the calls occur during the ionic relaxations. The calls do count towards maxcalls.
  • negative (default): argument is ignored.


There is also a function relax.relax(), which does the exact same thing as the class. Whether to use one or the other is a matter of taste. And there’s also a generator relax.iter_relax() over actual calls to the VASP binary. Internally, it allows Pylada to launch different relaxations from different calculations side by side. In practice, both relax.relax() and relax.Relax make calls to relax.iter_relax().

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Example: Epitaxial relaxation method

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