Source code for pylada.jobfolder.extract

#  This file is part of PyLaDa.
#  Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
#  PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
#  large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
#  crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
#  is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
#  PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
#  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
#  your option) any later version.
#  PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
#  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General
#  Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa.  If not, see
#  <>.

""" Classes to manipulate output from job folders. """
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['AbstractMassExtract']

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class AbstractMassExtract(object): """ Collects extraction methods from different job-folders. Wraps around a root job folder and provides means to access it (or something related to it). In practice, a derived class will hold a list of *somethings* which does something good for a particular folder. This is a base class, concerned mostly with providing a rich mapping and attribute access interface. It allows the user to focus on a small set of executable folders `via` the mapping (``[]``) methods, e.g. a view of the folders. The attributes of the wrapped *somethings* of the current view are retrieved into a :py:class:`forwarding dict <pylada.jobfolder.forwardingdict.ForwardingDict`. The :py:meth:`__iter_alljobs__` method should be implemented within derived classes. It should yield for each executable folder a tuple consisting of the name of that folder and the relevant *something*. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self, path=None, view=None, excludes=None, dynamic=False, ordered=True, naked_end=None, unix_re=True): """ Initializes extraction object. :param str path: Root directory for which to investigate all subdirectories. If None, uses current working directory. :param str view: Pattern which the job names must match to be included in the extraction. Ignored if None. :para excludes: List of patterns which the job names must *not* match to be included in the extraction. Ignored if None. :param bool dynamic: If true, chooses a slower but more dynamic caching method. Only usefull for ipython shell. :param bool ordered: If true, uses OrderedDict rather than conventional dict. :param bool naked_end: True if should return value rather than dict when only one item. :param bool unix_re: Converts regex patterns from unix-like expression. """ from .. import jobparams_naked_end, unix_re from ..misc import RelativePath from .ordered_dict import OrderedDict super(AbstractMassExtract, self).__init__() # this fools the derived classes' __setattr__ self.__dict__.update({'dicttype': dict, 'view': '/', 'naked_end': naked_end, 'unix_re': unix_re, '_excludes': excludes, '_cached_extractors': None, 'dynamic': dynamic }) self.naked_end = jobparams_naked_end if naked_end is None else naked_end """ If True and dict to return contains only one item, returns value itself. """ self.unix_re = unix_re """ If True, then all regex matching is done using unix-command-line patterns. """ self.excludes = excludes """ Patterns to exclude. """ self._cached_extractors = None """ List of extration objects. """ self.dynamic = dynamic """ If True chooses a slower but more dynamic caching method. """ self.dicttype = OrderedDict if ordered else dict """ Type of dictionary to use. """ if path is None: self.__dict__['_rootpath'] = None else: self.__dict__['_rootpath']= RelativePath(path, hook=self.uncache)
@property def rootpath(self): """ Root of the directory-tree to trawl for OUTCARs. """ return self._rootpath.path if self._rootpath is not None else None @rootpath.setter
[docs] def rootpath(self, value): from ..misc import RelativePath if self._rootpath is None: self._rootpath = RelativePath(path=value, hook=self.uncache) else: self._rootpath.path = value
[docs] def uncache(self): """ Uncache values. """ self._cached_extractors = None
@property def excludes(self): """ Pattern or List of patterns to ignore. or None. :py:attr:`unix_re` determines whether these are unix-command-line like patterns or true python regex. """ try: return self._excludes except AttributeError: return None @excludes.setter
[docs] def excludes(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): self._excludes = [value] else: self._excludes = value
[docs] def avoid(self, excludes): """ Returns a new object with further exclusions. :param excludes: Pattern or patterns to exclude from output. :type excludes: str or list of str or None The goal of this function is to work as an *anti* operator [], i.e. by excluding from the output anything that matches the patterns, rather including only those which match the pattern. This is strickly equivalent to: >>> other = massextract.copy(excludes=excludes) >>> other.excludes.extend(massextract.excludes) and then doing calculations with ``other``. The advantage is that it can all be done on one line. If the ``excludes`` argument is None or an empty list, then the returned object will not exlude anything. """ if excludes is None or len(excludes) == 0: return self.shallow_copy(excludes=None) result = self.shallow_copy(excludes=excludes) if self.excludes is not None: result.excludes.extend(self.excludes) return result
[docs] def iteritems(self): """ Iterates through all extraction objects and names. """ for name, job in self._regex_extractors(): yield name, job
[docs] def items(self): """ Iterates through all extraction objects and names. """ return [(name, job) for name, job in self.iteritems()]
[docs] def itervalues(self): """ Iterates through all extraction objects. """ for name, job in self._regex_extractors(): yield job
[docs] def values(self): """ Iterates through all extraction objects. """ return [job for job in self.itervalues()]
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """ Iterates through all extraction objects. """ for name, job in self._regex_extractors(): yield name
[docs] def keys(self): """ Iterates through all extraction objects. """ return [name for name in self.iterkeys()]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterates through all job names. """ for name, job in self.iteritems(): yield name
def __len__(self): """ Returns length of output dictionary. """ return len(self.keys())
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): """ Returns True if key is valid and not empty. """ from re import compile rekey = compile(key) for key in self.iterkeys(): if rekey.match(key): return True return False
def _regex_pattern(self, pattern, flags=0): """ Returns a regular expression. """ from re import compile from ..misc import translate_to_regex if self.unix_re: pattern = translate_to_regex(pattern) if len(pattern) == 0: return compile("", flags) if pattern[-1] in ('/', '\Z', '$'): return compile(pattern, flags) return compile(pattern + r"(?=/|\Z)(?ms)", flags) @abstractmethod def __iter_alljobs__(self): """ Generator to go through all relevant jobs. :return: (name, extractor), where name is the name of the job, and extractor an extraction object. """ pass @property def _extractors(self): """ Goes through all jobs and collects Extract if available. """ if self.dynamic: if self._cached_extractors is None: self._cached_extractors = self.dicttype() result = self.dicttype() for name, extract in self.__iter_alljobs__(): if name not in self._cached_extractors: self._cached_extractors[name] = extract result[name] = self._cached_extractors[name] return result else: if self._cached_extractors is not None: return self._cached_extractors result = self.dicttype() for name, extract in self.__iter_alljobs__(): result[name] = extract self._cached_extractors = result return result def _regex_extractors(self): """ Loops through jobs in this view. """ if self.excludes is not None: excludes = [self._regex_pattern(u) for u in self.excludes] if self.view == "/": for key, value in self._extractors.iteritems(): if self.excludes is not None \ and any(u.match(key) is not None for u in excludes): continue yield key, value return regex = self._regex_pattern(self.view) for key, value in self._extractors.iteritems(): if regex.match(key) is None: continue if self.excludes is not None \ and any(u.match(key) is not None for u in excludes): continue yield key, value @property def _attributes(self): """ Returns __dir__ special to the extraction itself. """ results = set([]) for key, value in self.iteritems(): results |= set([u for u in dir(value) if u[0] != '_']) return results def __dir__(self): from itertools import chain results = chain( [u for u in self.__dict__ if u[0] != '_'], \ [u for u in dir(self.__class__) if u[0] != '_'], \ self._attributes ) return list(set(results)) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Returns extracted values. """ from .forwarding_dict import ForwardingDict assert name in self._attributes, AttributeError("Unknown attribute {0}.".format(name)) result = self.dicttype() for key, value in self.iteritems(): try: result[key] = getattr(value, name) except: result.pop(key, None) if self.naked_end and len(result) == 1: return result[result.keys()[0]] return ForwardingDict(dictionary=result, naked_end=self.naked_end)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, name): """ Returns a view of the current job-dictionary. .. note:: normpath_ returns a valid path when descending below root, e.g.``normpath('/../../other') == '/other'), so there won't be any errors on that account. .. _normpath: """ from os.path import normpath, join if name[0] != '/': name = join(self.view, name) if self.unix_re: name = normpath(name) return self.shallow_copy(view=name)
def __delitem__(self, name): """ Removes items from the collection path. This basically adds to the excludes attributes. """ if self.excludes is None: self._excludes = [name] elif name not in self.excludes: self.excludes.append(name) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() return d def __setstate__(self, arg): self.__dict__.update(arg)
[docs] def shallow_copy(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a shallow copy. :param kwargs: Any keyword attribute will modify the corresponding attribute of the copy. """ from copy import copy result = copy(self) for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(result, key, value) return result
[docs] def iterfiles(self, **kwargs): """ Iterates over output/input files. This is rerouted to all extraction objects. """ for job in self.itervalues(): if hasattr(job, 'iterfiles'): for file in job.iterfiles(**kwargs): yield file
def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() if d["_rootpath"] is not None: d["_rootpath"].hook = None return d def __setstate__(self, arg): self.__dict__.update(arg) if self._rootpath is not None: self._rootpath.hook = self.uncache