Source code for pylada.jobfolder.forwarding_dict

#  This file is part of PyLaDa.
#  Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
#  PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
#  large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
#  crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
#  is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
#  PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
#  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
#  your option) any later version.
#  PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
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#  Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa.  If not, see
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""" Special dictioanry class to forward attributes indefinitely. """
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['ForwardingDict']
from collections import MutableMapping

[docs]class ForwardingDict(MutableMapping): """ An *ordered* dictionary which forwards attributes. Overloads the ``.`` operator to access items for which the particular attribute exists. The return is another instance of :py:class:`ForwaringDict`. In this manner, attributes can chained with calls to the``.`` operator. The values of forwarded attributes can also be changed. """
[docs] def __init__( self, ordered=True, readonly=None, naked_end=None, only_existing=None, _attr_list=None, dictionary=None): """ Initializes a ForwardingDict instance. :param bool readonly: Whether or not the items in the dictionary can be modified. If None, defaults to :py:data:`pylada.jobparams_read_only`. :param bool naked_end: When only one item exists with the last forwarded attribute, whether it should be returned itself, or whether a :py:class:`ForwardingDict` should still be returned. Former is easier when examining objects interactively, latter is better in scripts. If None, defaults to :py:data:`pylada.jobparams_naked_end`. :param bool only_existing: When setting attributes, whether to allow creation of new attributes for items which do not posses it. If None, defaults to :py:data:`pylada.jobparams_only_existing` :param _attr_list: A list of strings making up the attributes to unroll. Private. :param dict dictionary: Initializes items from items in dictionary. """ from .. import jobparams_naked_end, jobparams_only_existing, jobparams_readonly super(ForwardingDict, self).__init__() self.__dict__['readonly'] = jobparams_readonly if readonly is None else readonly """ Whether items can be modified in parallel using attribute syntax. """ self.__dict__['naked_end'] = jobparams_naked_end if naked_end is None else naked_end """ Whether last item is returned as is or wrapped in ForwardingDict. """ self.__dict__['only_existing'] = jobparams_only_existing if only_existing is None else only_existing """ Whether attributes can be added or only modified. """ self.__dict__['_attr_list'] = [] if _attr_list is None else _attr_list """ List of attributes of attributes, from oldest parent to youngest grandkid. """ self.__dict__['dictionary'] = {} if dictionary is None else dictionary """" The dictionary for which to unroll attributes. """
[docs] def parent(self): """ Returns a ForwardingDict with parent items of self, eg unrolled once. """ return self.copy(_attr_list=self._attr_list[:-1])
[docs] def root(self): """ Returns a ForwardingDict with root grandparent. """ return self.copy(_attr_list=[])
@property def _attributes(self): """ Returns attributes special to this ForwardingDict. """ from functools import reduce from itertools import chain result = set() attrs = len(self._attr_list) > 0 for value in self.dictionary.itervalues(): if attrs: value = reduce(getattr, chain([value], self._attr_list)) result |= set(dir(value)) return result
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """ Returns a Forwarding dict with next requested attribute. """ from functools import reduce from itertools import chain if name not in self._attributes: raise AttributeError( "Attribute {0} not found in {1} instance."\ .format(name, self.__class__.__name__) ) attrs = len(self._attr_list) > 0 result = self.copy(append=name) for key, value in self.dictionary.iteritems(): if attrs: value = reduce(getattr, chain([value], self._attr_list)) if not hasattr(value, name): del result[key] if self.naked_end and len(result.dictionary) == 1: return result[result.keys()[0]] if len(result.dictionary) == 0: raise AttributeError( "Attribute {0} not found in {1} instance."\ .format(name, self.__class__.__name__) ) return result
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Forwards attribute setting. """ from functools import reduce from itertools import chain # First checks for attribute in ForwardingDict instance. try: super(ForwardingDict, self).__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: pass else: super(ForwardingDict, self).__setattr__(name, value); return # checks this dictionary is writable. if self.readonly: raise RuntimeError("ForwardingDict instance is read-only.") # Case with no attributes to unroll. found = False attrs = len(self._attr_list) > 0 for item in self.dictionary.values(): if attrs: # unroll attribute list. try: item = reduce(getattr, chain([item], self._attr_list)) except AttributeError: continue if hasattr(item, name) or not self.only_existing: found = True setattr(item, name, value) if not found: raise AttributeError( "Attribute {0} not found in {1} instance."\ .format(name, self.__class__.__name__) )
def __delattr__(self, name): """ Deletes an attribute or forwarded attribute. """ from functools import reduce from itertools import chain try: super(ForwardingDict, self).__delattr__(name) except AttributeError: pass else: return if self.readonly: raise RuntimeError("ForwardingDict instance is read-only.") found = False attrs = len(self._attr_list) > 0 for item in self.dictionary.values(): if attrs: try: item = reduce(getattr, chain([item], self._attr_list)) except AttributeError: continue if hasattr(item, name): delattr(item, name) found = True if not found: raise AttributeError( "Attribute {0} not found in {1} instance."\ .format(name, self.__class__.__name__) ) def __dir__(self): from itertools import chain results = chain( [u for u in self.__dict__ if u[0] != '_'], \ [u for u in dir(self.__class__) if u[0] != '_'], \ self._attributes ) return list(set(results))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): from functools import reduce from itertools import chain if len(self._attr_list) == 0: return self.dictionary[key] return reduce(getattr, chain([self.dictionary[key]], self._attr_list))
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Add/modify item to dictionary. Items can be truly added only to root dictionary. """ from functools import reduce from itertools import chain # root dictioanary. if len(self._attr_list) == 0: self.dictionary[key] = value; return # checks this is writable. if self.readonly: raise RuntimeError("This ForwardingDict is readonly.") if key not in self.dictionary: raise KeyError( "{0} is not in the ForwaringDict. Items "\ "cannot be added to a non-root ForwardingDict.".format(key)) # non-root dict: must set innermost attribute. o = self.dictionary[key] if len(self._attr_list) > 1: try: o = reduce(getattr, chain([o], self._attr_list[:-1])) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Could not unroll list of attributes for object in {0}: {1}."\ .format(key, self._attr_list) ) if self.only_existing and not hasattr(o, self._attr_list[-1]): raise KeyError( "{0} cannot be set with current attribute list.\n{1}\n"\ .format(key, self._attr_list) ) setattr(o, self._attr_list[-1], value)
def __delitem__(self, key): """ Removes item from dictionary. """ o = self.dictionary[key] del self.dictionary[key] return o def __len__(self): return len(self.dictionary) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.dictionary def __iter__(self): return self.dictionary.__iter__()
[docs] def keys(self): return self.dictionary.keys()
def __copy__(self): """ Returns a shallow copy of this object. """ result = self.__class__() result.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) result.dictionary = self.dictionary.copy() return result
[docs] def copy(self, append=None, dict=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a shallow copy of this object. :param str append : str or None Append value to a deepcopy of a list of attributes. Ignored if None. :param kwargs : dict Any other attribute to set in the ForwardingDict instance. Note that only attributes of the ForwardingDict instance are set/modified. This is not propagated to the object the dict holds. """ from copy import copy, deepcopy result = copy(self) if append is not None and "_attr_list" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "Cannot copy attribute _attr_list as "\ "a keyword and as ``append`` simultaneously." ) if 'dictionary' in kwargs: result.dictionary = kwargs.pop('dictionary').copy() for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): super(ForwardingDict, result).__setattr__(key, value) if append is not None: result._attr_list = deepcopy(self._attr_list) result._attr_list.append(append) return result
def __str__(self): """ Prints dictionary of unrolled values. """ if len(self) == 0: return '{}' if len(self) == 1: return "{{'{0}': {1}}}".format(self.keys()[0], repr(self.values()[0])) string = "{\n" m = max(len(k) for k in self.keys()) for k, v in self.iteritems(): string += " '{0}': {2}{1},\n".format(k, repr(v), "".join(" " for i in range(m-len(k)))) return string + "}" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __setstate__(self, state): """ Reloads the state from a pickle. This is defined explicitely since otherwise, the call would go through __getattr__ and start an infinite loop. """