Source code for pylada.jobfolder.jobfolder

#  This file is part of PyLaDa.
#  Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
#  PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
#  large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
#  crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
#  is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
#  PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
#  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
#  your option) any later version.
#  PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
#  the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General
#  Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa.  If not, see
#  <>.

""" Submodule declaring the folder folders class. """
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class JobFolder(object): """ High-throughput folder class. Means to organize any calculations in folders and subfolders. A folder is executable is the ``functional`` attribute is not ``None``. The attribute should be set to a pickleable calleable. The parameters for the calls should be inserted in the ``params`` attribute. Sub-folders can be added using the :py:meth:`__div__` and :py:meth:`__setitem__` methods. The latter offers the ability to access and set subfolders at any point within the tree of folders from any subfolder. The executable subfolders can also be iterated in a manner similar to a job-dictionary. Finally, a folder can be executed `via` the :py:meth:`compute` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(JobFolder, self).__init__() # List of subfolders (as in subdirectories). super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__("children", {}) # This particular folder. super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__("params", {}) # This particular folder is not set. super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__("_functional", None) # Parent folder. super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__("parent", None)
@property def functional(self): """ Returns current functional. The functional is implemented as a property to make sure that it is either None or a pickleable callable. The functional is **deepcopied** from the input. In other words, this functional stored in the folderdictionary is no longuer the one given on input -- it is not a reference to the input. This parameter can never be truly deleted. >>> del folder.functional is equivalent to: >>> folder.functional = None .. note:: To store a reference to a global functional, one could do ``folder._functional = functional`` instead. However, modifying the input functional will affect the stored functional and vice-versa. """ return self._functional @functional.setter def functional(self, value): from pickle import dumps, loads # ascertains pickle-ability, copies functional from pylada.misc import bugLev if value is not None and not hasattr(value, "__call__"): raise ValueError("folder.functional should be either None(no job) or a callable.") # ascertains pickle-ability try: string = dumps(value) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( "Could not pickle functional. Caught Error:\n{0}".format(e)) if bugLev >= 1: print 'jobfolder.functional.setter for name: ', try: self._functional = loads(string) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Could not reload pickled functional. Caught Error:\n{0}".format(e)) @functional.deleter
[docs] def functional(self): self._functional = None
[docs] def name(self): """ Returns the name of this dictionary as an absolute path. """ if self.parent is None: return "/" string = None for key, item in self.parent.children.iteritems(): if id(item) == id(self): string = + key break if string is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not determine the name of the dictionary.") return string + '/'
[docs] def is_executable(self): """ True if functional is not None. """ return self.functional is not None
[docs] def untagged_folders(self): """ Returns a string with only untagged folders. """ result = "Folders: \n" for name, folder in self.iteritems(): if not folder.is_tagged: result += " " + name + "\n" return result
[docs] def is_tagged(self): """ True if current folder is tagged. In practice, this is used to turn a folder *on* (untagged) or *off* (tagged). The meaning of *tagged* is not enforced, so it could be used for other purposes. """ return hasattr(self, "_tagged")
[docs] def nbfolders(self): """ Returns the number of folders in sub-tree. """ return len([0 for j, o in self.iteritems()])
[docs] def root(self): """ Returns root dictionary. """ result = self while result.parent is not None: result = result.parent return result
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Returns folder description from the dictionary. If the folder does not exist, will create it. """ from re import split from os.path import normpath index = normpath(index) if index == "" or index is None or index == ".": return self if index[0] == "/": return self.root[index[1:]] result = self names = split(r"(?<!\\)/", index) for i, name in enumerate(names): if name == "..": if result.parent is None: raise KeyError("Cannot go below root level.") result = result.parent elif name in result.children: result = result.children[name] else: raise KeyError("folder " + index + " does not exist.") return result
def __delitem__(self, index): """ Returns folder description from the dictionary. If the folder does not exist, will create it. """ from os.path import normpath, relpath index = normpath(index) try: deletee = self.__getitem__(index) # checks if exists. except KeyError: raise if isinstance(deletee, JobFolder): if id(self) == id(deletee): raise KeyError("Will not commit suicide.") parent = self.parent while parent is not None: if id(parent) == id(deletee): raise KeyError("Will not go Oedipus on you.") parent = parent.parent parent = self[index+"/.."] name = relpath(index, index+"/..") if name in parent.children: if id(self) == id(parent.children[name]): raise KeyError("Will not delete self.") return parent.children.pop(name) raise KeyError("folder " + index + " does not exist.")
[docs] def __setitem__(self, name, value): """ Sets folder/subfolder description in the dictionary. If the folder does not exist, will create it. A deepcopy_ of value is inserted, rather than a simple shallow ref. .. _deepcopy: """ from copy import deepcopy from os.path import normpath, dirname, basename index = normpath(name) parentpath, childpath = dirname(index), basename(index) if len(parentpath) != 0: if parentpath not in self: raise KeyError('Could not find parent folder {0}.'.format(parentpath)) mother = self[parentpath] parent = self.parent while parent is not None: if parent is mother: raise KeyError('Will not set parent folder of current folder.') if len(childpath) == 0 or childpath == '.': raise KeyError('Will not set current directory.') if childpath == '..': raise KeyError('Will not set parent directory.') parent = self if len(parentpath) == 0 else self[parentpath] parent.children[childpath] = deepcopy(value) parent.children[childpath].parent = parent
[docs] def __div__(self, name): """ Adds a folderdictionary to the tree. Any *path* can be given as input. This is akin to doing `mkdir -p`. The newly created folder folders is returned. """ from re import split from os.path import normpath index = normpath(name) if index in ["", ".", None]: return self if index[0] == "/": # could create infinit loop. result = self while result.parent is not None: result = result.parent return result / index[1:] names = split(r"(?<!\\)/", index) result = self for name in names: if name == "..": if result.parent is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot descend below root.') result = result.parent continue elif name not in result.children: result.children[name] = JobFolder() result.children[name].parent = result result = result.children[name] return result
[docs] def subfolders(self): """ Sorted keys of the folders directly under this one. """ return sorted(self.children.iterkeys())
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs): """ Executes the functional in this particular folder. If this particular folder of the folder folders is not executable (e.g. ``self.functional is None``), then ``None`` is returned. If, on the other hand, this folder contains a real functional, then the latter is called taking the parameters stored in the folder as keyword arguments. Futhermore, additional keyword arguments passed to this method are passed on the functional, possibly overriding those stored in the folder. The return from the functional is returned by this method: In practice the call is as follows: >>> return self.functional(**self.params.copy().update(kwargs)) """ from pylada.misc import bugLev if not self.is_executable: return None params = self.params.copy() params.update(kwargs) if bugLev >= 1: print 'jobfolder.compute: self: ', self print 'jobfolder.compute: kwargs: ', kwargs print 'jobfolder.compute: params: ', params print 'jobfolder.compute: ===== start self.functional =====' print self.functional print 'jobfolder.compute: ===== end self.functional =====' print 'jobfolder.compute: type(self.functional): ', type(self.functional) print 'jobfolder.compute: before call' # This calls the dynamically compiled code # created by tools/makeclass: create_call_from_iter res = self.functional.__call__(**params) if bugLev >= 1: print 'jobfolder.compute: after call' return res
[docs] def update(self, other, merge=False): """ Updates folder and tree with other. :param other: :py:class:`JobFolder` dictionary from which to update. :param bool merge: If false (default), then actual folders in ``other`` completely overwrite actual folders in ``self``. If False, then ``params`` in ``self`` is updated with ``params`` in ``other`` if either one is an executable folder. If ``other`` is an executable folder, then ``functional`` in ``self`` is overwritten. If ``other`` is not an executable folder, then ``functional`` in ``self`` is not replaced. Updates the dictionaries of parameters and sub-folders. Actual folders in ``other`` (eg with ``self.is_executable==True``) will completely overwrite those in ``self``. if items in ``other`` are found in ``self``, unless merge is set to true. This function is recurrent: subfolders are also updated. """ for key, value in other.children.iteritems(): if key in self: self[key].update(value) else: self[key] = value if not merge: if not other.is_executable: return self.params = other.params self.functional = other.functional else: if not (self.is_executable or other.is_executable): return self.params.update(other.params) if other.functional is not None: self.functional = other.functional
def __str__(self): result = "Folders: \n" for name in self.iterkeys(): result += " " + name + "\n" return result
[docs] def tag(self): """ Tags this folder. """ if self.is_executable: super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__("_tagged", True)
[docs] def untag(self): """ Untags this folder. """ if hasattr(self, "_tagged"): self.__delattr__("_tagged")
def __delattr__(self, name): """ Deletes folder attribute. """ if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__.pop(name) if name in self.params: return self.params.pop(name) raise AttributeError("Unknown folder attribute " + name + ".")
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """ Returns folder parameter. Folder parameters stored in :py:attr:`Jobdict.params` can also be accessed via the ``.`` operator. """ if name in self.params: return self.params[name] raise AttributeError("Unknown folder attribute " + name + ".")
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Sets folder parameter. Folder parameters stored in :py:attr:`Jobdict.params` can also be accessed via the ``.`` operator. """ from pickle import dumps if name in self.params: try: dumps(value) except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Could not pickle folder-parameter. Caught error:\n{0}".format(e)) else: self.params[name] = value else: super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def __dir__(self): from itertools import chain result = chain([u for u in self.__dict__ if u[0] != '_'], \ [u for u in dir(self.__class__) if u[0] != '_'], \ [u for u in self.params.iterkeys() if u[0] != '_']) return list(set(result)) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() params = d.pop("params") return d, params def __setstate__(self, args): super(JobFolder, self).__setattr__("params", args[1]) d = self.__dict__.update(args[0])
[docs] def iteritems(self, prefix=''): """ Iterates over executable sub-folders. Iterates over all executable subfolders. A subfolder is executable if it holds a functional to execute. :param str prefix: Prefix to add to the name of this folder. Convenient when iterating over a folder folders with the intention of executing the folders it contains. :return: yields (directory, folder): - name of this folder, prefixed with ``prefix``. - folder is an executable :py:class:`Folderdict`. """ from os.path import join # Yield this folder if it exists. if self.is_executable: yield prefix, self # Walk throught children folderdict. for name in self.subfolders(): for u in self[name].iteritems(join(prefix, name)): yield u
def iterleaves(self): """ Iterates over end of sub-trees. """ # Yield this folder if it exists. if len(self.children) == 0: yield # Walk throught children folderdict. for name in self.children: for u in self[name].iterleaves(): yield u
[docs] def itervalues(self): """ Iterates over all executable sub-folders. """ for name, folder in self.iteritems(): yield folder
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """ Iterates over names of all executable subfolders. """ for name, folder in self.iteritems(): yield name
[docs] def values(self): """ List of all executable sub-folders. """ return [u for u in self.itervalues()]
[docs] def keys(self): """ List of names of all executable sub-folders. """ return [u for u in self.iterkeys()]
[docs] def items(self): """ List of all folders. """ return [u for u in self.iteritems()]
__iter__ = iterkeys """ Iterator over keys. """
[docs] def __contains__(self, index): """ Returns true if index a branch in the folder folders. """ from re import split from os.path import normpath index = normpath(index) if index == '/': return True if index[0] == '/': return index[1:] in self.root names = split(r"(?<!\\)/", index) if len(names) == 0: return False if len(names) == 1: return names[0] in self.children if names[0] not in self.children: return False new_index = normpath(index[len(names[0])+1:]) if len(new_index) == 0: return True return new_index in self[names[0]]
def __copy__(self): """ Performs a shallow copy of this folder folders. Shallow copies are made of all internal dictionaries children and params. However, functional and params values should the same object as self. The sub-branches of the returned dictionary are shallow copies of the sub-branches of self. In other words, the functional and refences in params dictionary are in common between result and self, but nothing else. The returned dictionary does not have a parent! """ from copy import copy result = JobFolder() result._functional = self._functional result.params = self.params.copy() result.parent = None for name, value in self.children.items(): result.children[name] = copy(value) result.children[name].parent = result attrs = self.__dict__.copy() attrs.pop('params') attrs.pop('parent') attrs.pop('children') attrs.pop('_functional') result.__dict__.update(attrs) return result