Test driver. Extracts info from VASP OUTCAR, INCAR, and POSCAR files. See doc for badparms.
A container for the results of scanOutcar. The results are saved as attributes of the object.
Specifies regex, numMin, etc, for one scalar to be found in OUTCAR.
Extracts info from OUTCAR, INCAR, and POSCAR files. Typical usage:
resObj = ResClass()
ScanOutcar( bugLev, inDir, resObj)
print 'ediff: %g' % (resObj.ediff,)
Extracts info from a VASP INCAR file, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts info from a VASP POSCAR file, setting resObj attributes. No longer used.
Extracts energyNoEntrps, efermi0 from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts basis matrices from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts typeNums (ions per type) from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts initial position matrices from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts final positions and forces from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts final stress matrix from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts masses and valences from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts pseudopotential names from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts magnetic moments from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts kpoints, weights, mults from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Extracts eigenvalues and occupancies from OUTCAR, setting resObj attributes.
Finds a list of line numbers in OUTCAR matching pats. Each line num is the start of a group of lines that consecutively match the patterns in pats.
Parses an array line:
0.0004124 2.1551750 2.1553184 -0.2320833 0.2320088 0.2320195
2.1551376 0.0004322 2.1552987 0.2320129 -0.2320836 0.2320237
2.1548955 2.1549131 0.0006743 0.2320650 0.2320652 -0.2320942
Returns an np.ndarray.