Test driver: Extracts info from a VASP vasprun.xml file.
Command line parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
-bugLev | integer | Debug level. Normally 0. |
-inFile | string | Input file |
-maxLev | int | max xml print level |
Extracts info from the vasprun.xml file from a VASP run, using the Python xml.etree.cElementTree API.
Recursively prints an XML tree, given an xml.etree.cElementTree node.
Splits text into tokens, and converts each token to dtype.
Called by getVec, getRawArray.
Gets text at the specified XML path, splits, and converts tokens dtype.
Gets text at the specified XML path, insures there’s just 1, and returns it.
Gets text at the specified XML path, and converts it to dtype.
Gets text at the specified XML path, and converts to a 2D numpy array of dtype.
The text must be organized as one text element per row.
Converts an XML <array> element in vasprun.xml to a map with an array.
See getArrayByNode() for details.
Converts an XML <array> element in vasprun.xml to a map with an array.
Calls getArraySub to extract each field. The output Python map has the following structure:
key | value |
_dimLens | numpy vec of dimension lengths. len( dimLens) == n == numDimensions. |
_dimNames | numpy vec of dimension names. len( dimLens) == n == numDimensions. |
_fieldNames | numpy vec of field names in the parallel arrays. len( fieldNames) == numVariables. |
_fieldTypes | numpy vec of field types in the parallel arrays. len( fieldTypes) == numVariables. The types are: ‘i’: int, ‘f’: float, ‘s’: str |
<fieldName> | numpy n-dimensional array of the field <fieldName> |
<fieldName> | numpy n-dimensional array of the field <fieldName> |
<fieldName> | numpy n-dimensional array of the field <fieldName> |
... |
Example XML for a 1-dimensional array with 2 fields:
<array name="atoms" >
<dimension dim="1">ion</dimension>
<field type="string">element</field>
<field type="int">atomtype</field>
<rc><c>C </c><c> 1</c></rc>
<rc><c>Fe</c><c> 2</c></rc>
<rc><c>Fe</c><c> 2</c></rc>
<rc><c>Fe</c><c> 2</c></rc>
<rc><c>Fe</c><c> 2</c></rc>
Example resulting map:
_dimLens: [5]
_dimNames: ['ion']
_fieldNames: ['element' 'atomtype']
_fieldTypes: ['s' 'i']
element: ['C' 'Fe' 'Fe' 'Fe' 'Fe']
atomtype: [1 2 2 2 2]
Multiple dimension arrays also are supported.
The vasprun.xml handling of dimensions is unusual. What they claim is dim="1" actually is the least significant dimension and varies fastest, both in the XML data and in our resulting Python array.
So the XML <dimension dim="1">band</dimension> becomes the last dimension in the resulting Python array.
Example XML for a 3 dimensional array with 2 fields:
<dimension dim="1">band</dimension>
<dimension dim="2">kpoint</dimension>
<dimension dim="3">spin</dimension>
<set comment="spin 1">
<set comment="kpoint 1">
<r> -6.5058 1.0000 </r>
<r> 0.2537 1.0000 </r>
<r> 0.7101 1.0000 </r>
<r> 8.1390 0.0000 </r>
<set comment="kpoint 2">
<r> -6.3718 1.0000 </r>
<r> -0.0841 1.0000 </r>
<r> 0.7508 1.0000 </r>
<set comment="kpoint 101">
<r> -5.8567 1.0000 </r>
<r> -0.0854 1.0000 </r>
<r> 0.9602 1.0000 </r>
<r> 7.7174 0.0000 </r>
<r> 7.8556 0.0000 </r>
Example resulting map:
_dimLens: [ 1 101 22]
_dimNames: ['spin' 'kpoint' 'band']
_fieldNames: ['eigene' 'occ']
_fieldTypes: ['f' 'f']
eigene: [[[-6.5058 0.2537 0.7101 ..., 7.6096 7.8817 8.139 ]
[-6.3718 -0.0841 0.7508 ..., 7.481 7.8491 7.9595]
[-6.1332 -0.611 1.0672 ..., 7.0857 7.8655 7.9314]
[-5.8462 0.3687 0.9498 ..., 7.1721 7.4739 7.6631]
[-5.8016 0.5503 0.5886 ..., 7.4113 7.5794 7.7332]
[-5.8567 -0.0854 0.9602 ..., 7.2729 7.7174 7.8556]]]
occ: [[[ 1. 1. 1. ..., 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 1. 1. 1. ..., 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 1. 1. 1. ..., 1. 0. 0. ]
[ 1. 1. 1. ..., 1. 0. 0. ]
[ 1. 1. 1. ..., 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 1. 1. 1. ..., 0.9751 0. 0. ]]]
Decodes the XML for one field (one variable) for an <array>.
Called by getArrayByNode. See getArrayByNode() for details.
Returns the max abs diff between two 2D numpy matrices.
Returns the max abs diffs between adjacent pairs of a list of 2D numpy matrices.