schedMain Example A: static files

digraph exampleStatic {
  //graph [label="NREL MatDB Data Flow", labelloc=t, fontsize=30];
  legendx [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
    <tr><td><font point-size="20"> Task Dependencies </font></td></tr>
  rankdir = TB;
  node [color=blue, shape=box, fontsize=10];
  edge [fontsize=11];
  //URL="index.html";       // default for entire graph

  alpha0 [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <b><u> in aaDir </u></b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Specified in initWork </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Starts immediately (no prereqs) </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * At end writes file aaDir/alpha.status.ok </td></tr>

  beta0 [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center">  <b><u> in bbDir0 </u></b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Specified in aaDir/alpha.postOkWork </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Starts after ends </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * At end writes file bbDir0/beta.status.ok </td></tr>

  beta1 [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <b><u> in bbDir1 </u></b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Specified in aaDir/alpha.postOkWork </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Starts after ends </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * At end writes file bbDir1/beta.status.ok </td></tr>

  beta2 [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <b><u> in bbDir2 </u></b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Specified in aaDir/alpha.postOkWork </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Starts after ends </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * At end writes file bbDir2/beta.status.ok </td></tr>

  gamma0 [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <b><u> in ccDir </u></b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Specified in aaDir/alpha.postOkWork </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * Starts after all 3 end </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * At end writes file ccDir/gamma.status.ok </td></tr>

  legendx -> alpha0 [style=invis];
  alpha0 -> beta0
  alpha0 -> beta1
  alpha0 -> beta2
  beta0 -> gamma0
  beta1 -> gamma0
  beta2 -> gamma0

To run this example, pick a name of some directory for testing, say testa. Then:

cp -r schedMain/example.static testa
cd testa

.../ -globalDir global -ancDir . -initWork initWork -delaySec 1 -redoAll n

The command line parameters are:

-bugLev <string> Debug level. Typically 0, 1, or 5.
-hostType <string> System type: hostLocal or peregrine or ...
-globalDir <string> Dir containing global info, including subdir cmd
-ancDir <string> An ancestor dir of all dirs to be processed
-initWork <string> File containing the initial work list
-delaySec <string> Schedule loop delay, seconds
-redoAll <bool> n/y: on restart, redo all even if prior run was ok
-useReadOnly <bool> n/y: only print status; do not start tasks

The possible task status values are:

init The task is on the work list but not yet started. Either it was just added to the work list, and soon will start, or it has unsatisfied prerequisites.

submit The task has been submitted to the HPC via qsub, msub, or similar, but has not yet been recognized by the HPC.

wait The task has been submitted to the HPC via qsub, msub, or similar, but has not yet started.

start The task has started

ok The task finished successfully and wrote the file taskName.status.ok.

error The task finished but with an error. Generally the error message is in file taskName.status.error.

In this example you should see output like the following. The “#” notes are mine, after the fact:

# This is the initial work list.  Here schedMain has
# just read the file initWork.

task counts:   init:1
  execName              jobId     new  status  npre  taskDir
  --------              -----     ---  ------  ----  -------              None      new  init    *  0  aaDir

scheduleTasks: start task:         taskDir: aaDir

# After completes, the work list is as follows.
# SchedMain noticed the file alpha.status.ok, read alpha.postOkWork,
# and added the new tasks to the work list.
# The "npre" column is the number of unsatisfied prerequisites.
# Here gamma cannot start until the 3 betas complete.
# The "*" indicates that task is ready to start.

task counts:   init:4  ok:1
  execName              jobId     new  status  npre  taskDir
  --------              -----     ---  ------  ----  -------              None      new  ok         0  aaDir               None      new  init    *  0  bbDir0               None      new  init    *  0  bbDir1               None      new  init    *  0  bbDir2              None      new  init       3  ccDir

# Schedmain starts all the ready tasks -- the three betas.
# Gamma cannot start yet since its prerequisites, in gamma.preWork,
# are the betas.

scheduleTasks: start task:          taskDir: bbDir0
scheduleTasks: start task:          taskDir: bbDir1
scheduleTasks: start task:          taskDir: bbDir2

# As soon as the betas start they finish,
# and finally gamma's pre-requisites are satisfied.

scheduleTasks: start task:         taskDir: ccDir

# All done.
# If schedMain ends and some tasks have "init" status,
# most likely it's because their prerequistites aren't
# satisfied -- perhaps some prior task failed.

task counts:   ok:5
  execName              jobId     new  status  npre  taskDir
  --------              -----     ---  ------  ----  -------              None      new  ok         0  aaDir               None      new  ok         0  bbDir0               None      new  ok         0  bbDir1               None      new  ok         0  bbDir2              None      new  ok         0  ccDir

The “new” notation means that the task actually ran. If you start the scheduler again in this directory, with the same command as above, you will see:

task counts:   ok:5
  execName              jobId     new  status  npre  taskDir
  --------              -----     ---  ------  ----  -------              None           ok         0  aaDir               None           ok         0  bbDir0               None           ok         0  bbDir1               None           ok         0  bbDir2              None           ok         0  ccDir

Notice the lack of “new” flags. The scheduler found the x.status.ok file for each of the tasks and concluded the task did not need to be rerun.

If you want to force the scheduler to rerun all tasks even if they completed OK, specify the command line flag -redoAll y.

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schedMain Example B: VASP

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