schedMain Example B: VASP

digraph exampleStatic {
  //graph [label="NREL MatDB Data Flow", labelloc=t, fontsize=30];
  legendx [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="0" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
    <tr><td><font point-size="20"><b> Task Dependencies </b></font></td></tr>
    <tr><td><font point-size="12">
    All of the following tasks run in directory<br/>
    icsd_06845 or a subdirectory of it.<br/>
    However there could be many icsd_*<br/>
    directories specified in the initWork file,<br/>
    and all would run in parallel.
  rankdir = TB;
  node [color=blue, shape=box, fontsize=10];
  edge [fontsize=11];
  //URL="index.html";       // default for entire graph

  nonmagSetup [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <font point-size="12"><b><u> in dir icsd_06845
      </u></b></font> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Specified in initWork </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Starts immediately (no prereqs) </td></tr>
      <tr><td> <b> Sets up the next step by: </b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes nonmagSetup.postOkWork, which specifies in dir non-magnetic </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes non-magnetic/runVaspChain.preWork, which specifies prerequisite </td></tr>
      <tr><td> <b> Sets up the step after runVaspChain by: </b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes non-magnetic/runVaspChain.postOkWork, which specifies </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes magSetup.preWork, which specifies prerequisite runVaspChain </td></tr>

  nonmagVasp [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <font point-size="12"><b><u> in dir non-magnetic
      </u></b></font> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir relax_cellShape, runs VASP cell shape relaxation  </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir relax_ions, runs VASP cell ionic relaxation  </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir final, runs one final VASP </td></tr>

  magSetup [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <font point-size="12"><b><u> in dir icsd_06845
      </u></b></font> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Starts after non-mag runVaspChain </td></tr>
      <tr><td> <b> Sets up the next tasks by: </b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes magSetup.postOkWork, which specifies in all the mag dirs: ls-ferro, hs-ferro, and *anti-ferro* for larger structures </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes runVaspChain.preWork in all the mag dirs, which specifies prerequisite </td></tr>
      <tr><td> <b> Sets up the step after all the runVaspChains complete by: </b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes runVaspChain.postOkWork in all the mag dirs, which specifies </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes gwSetup.preWork, which specifies prerequisites runVaspChain in all the mag dirs </td></tr>

  magVasp [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <font point-size="12"><b><u> (multiple tasks, one in each of the mag dirs)
      </u></b></font> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir relax_cellShape, runs VASP cell shape relaxation  </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir relax_ions, runs VASP cell ionic relaxation  </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir final, runs one final VASP </td></tr>

  gwSetup [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <font point-size="12"><b><u> in dir icsd_06845
      </u></b></font> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Starts after all the mag runVaspChains </td></tr>
      <tr><td> <b> Sets up the next step by: </b> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes gwSetup.postOkWork, which specifies in dir gwdir </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left">  * Writes gwdir/runVaspChain.preWork, which specifies prerequisite </td></tr>

  gwVasp [shape=none, margin=0, label=<
    <table border="1" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
      <tr> <td align="center"> <font point-size="12"><b><u> in dir gwdir
      </u></b></font> </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir relax_cellShape, runs VASP cell shape relaxation  </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir relax_ions, runs VASP cell ionic relaxation  </td></tr>
      <tr> <td align="left"> * In subdir final, runs one final VASP </td></tr>

  legendx -> nonmagSetup [style=invis];
  nonmagSetup -> nonmagVasp
  nonmagVasp -> magSetup
  magSetup -> magVasp
  magVasp -> gwSetup
  gwSetup -> gwVasp

Demo mode

We will run this example twice - first in demo mode, without invoking VASP, and later with VASP. Here in demo mode we will make two abreviations:

  • Instead of using the HPC queueing system with qsub, we will execute scripts on the local host with bash.
  • Instead of calling VASP we will simply copy in the results of a previous VASP run. The results aren’t meaningful, but it allows us to demonstrate quickly the overall schedMain framework.

To run this example, pick a name of some directory for testing, say testb. Then:

cp -r schedMain/example.vasp testb
cd testb

# Set up dummy files to be used instead of calling VASP
cp -r demoFiles global/vaspDemo

Make sure your PYTHONPATH includes nrelmat/ For example:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:.../nrelmat

Finally, run the scheduler:

.../ -globalDir global -ancDir . -initWork initWork -delaySec 1 -redoAll n

The output format and task status values are documented in schedMain Example A: static files.

Real mode

Real mode means we will use the HPC queueing system and we will execute VASP. This will run much more slowly than our quick demo. First we need to inform the scheduler about the HPC queueing system and our VASP.

Set up the HPC queueing system

For example assume your system is named “myHpc”. In the file you will find a section like:

if hostType == 'peregrine': cmdLine = 'showq'

You need to add a similar section that specifies the command used on myHPC to show the queue; something like:

elif hostType == 'myHpc': cmdLine = 'showq'

In you also will find a section like:

if hostType == 'peregrine':
  if len(qtoks) == 9 and re.match('^\d+$', qtoks[0]):   # ignore headings
    (qjobId, quserId, qstate) = qtoks[0:3]
    if qstate in ['BatchHold', 'Hold', 'Idle', 'SystemHold', 'UserHold']:
      status = ST_WAIT
    elif qstate in ['Running']: status = ST_RUN
      print 'getPbsMap: unknown status: %s' % (qline,)
      status = ST_WAIT              # assume it's some variant of wait
    pbsMap[qjobId] = status

You need to add a similar section for myHPC. The new section must extract from the showq output the job ID and the job status, and must translate the status to one of the ST_* constants at the top of

Similarly, search for hostType and add sections appropriate for myHpc in the following files:

* example.vasp/global/cmd/
* example.vasp/global/cmd/
* example.vasp/global/cmd/
* example.vasp/global/cmd/

Set up VASP

In your home directory create a file named, and use an ascii text editor (vim, emacs, etc) to add content like the following:

# Add any setup you like, such as export PATH,
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.

# Start VASP

Make sure the file is executable:

chmod u+x

Delete the dummy VASP files we used in the demo above:

rm -r global/vaspDemo

Run schedMain

Finally we run the scheduler:

.../ -globalDir global -ancDir . -initWork initWork -delaySec 5 -redoAll n -hostType myHpc

This could run for a few minutes to a few days, depending on your HPC queues. Using -delaySec 5 instead of 1 makes the display less busy, but the job runs essentially as fast.

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