Setting up Pylada

Pylada accepts a range of python configuration files:

  1. Files located in the ‘’config’’ sub-directory where Pylada is installed
  2. Files located in one of the directories specified by PYLADA_CONFIG_DIR
  3. In the user configuration file ‘’~/.pylada’‘

Every python file in these locations, regardless of its name, is executed and whatever is declared within is placed directly at the root of the pylada package. For example if you define my_var = 7 in ‘’~/.pylada’‘, then when you import pylada, pylada.my_var will be defined and equal 7. The files are read in the order given above. Within a given directory, files are read alphabetically. Later files will override previous files, e.g. ‘’~/.pylada’’ will override any configuration done previously.

Within an IPython session, or during an actual calculation, the configuration variables all reside at the root of the pylada package.

For example, the following files, located in the ‘’config’’ subdirectory of the source tree, are examples of different configurations:

  • PBSpro + intel mpi
  • SLURM + openmpi

These files define variables, for example, such as ‘pbs_string’, (a template string to be used in constructing submissions to the PBS batch queueing system (see below, Setting up Pylada with PBS/Slurm)) that are then available in the pylada global namespace (e.g., just pylada.pbs_string(), not pylada.config.pbs_string() or anything else).


The variables defined in these configurations files are critical for the proper functioning of pylada, especially its ability to interact with your batch queueing system. There are defaults for all these variables, but if your jobs are not running, it is likely that one of these variables/functions needs to be specifically customized for your system. See below (Setting up Pylada with PBS/Slurm) for details of the relevant variables.

A strategy for debugging your pylada setup Let pylada generate the input files for you via, e.g. launch scattered(). When your run fails, you will be left with a script that was submitted to your queueing system. This script contains commands to run your job. From an interactive node, run and edit the commands in this script directly until they work. Now submit the script. Submit and edit the script until it works. Finally, edit the pylada variables described here until they generate the script that works. Pylada’s default parameters provie a template that you probably will need to adjust to suit your particular system.

Setting up IPython

IPython is Pylada’s main interface. In practice Pylada defines an extension to IPython. The extension can be automatically loaded when starting IPython by adding

c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = [ "pylada" ]

to the ipython configuration file (generally, “$HOME/.config/ipython/profile_default/”).

Another option is to load the extension dynamically for each ipython session:

>>> load_ext pylada

Please see IPython high-throughput interface for usage of the IPython interface.

Running external programs

It is unlikely that users will need to do anything here. However, it is possible to customize how external programs are launched by Pylada by redifining pylada.launch_program(). The default function launches external programs using python’s Popen function

Running MPI calculations

Pylada can run external MPI software, such as VASP. Such software must generally be started through a call to a specific MPI program. It is done in practice via the configuration variable mpirun_exe. It can be set as:

# openmpi and friends
mpirun_exe = "mpirun -n {n} {placement} {program}"
# Crays
mpirun_exe = "aprun -n {n} {placement} {program}"

mpirun_exe is a format string. It can take any number of arguments. However, two are required: “n”, which is the number of processes, and “program”, which is the commandline for the program to launch. The latter will be manufactured by Pylada internally. It is a placeholder at this point. The other reserved keyword is “ppn”, the number of processes per node. It should only be used for that purpose. “placement” is useful when running MPI codes side-by-side. Please see below for extra setup steps required in that case.

The keywords in pylada.mpirun_exe should be defined in pylada.default_comm. This is a dictionary which holds default values for the different keywords. The dictionary may hold more keywords than are present in pylada.mpirun_exe. The converse is not true (all keys in pylada.mpirun_exe must be defined). It could be, for instance:

default_comm = {'n': 2, 'ppn': 4, 'placement': ''}

For instructions on the advanced feature of running multiple mpi jobs side by side, please see Running different MPI calculations side-by-side

Setting up Pylada with PBS/Slurm

A resource manager, such as pbs or slurm, takes care of allocating supercomputing ressources for submitted jobs. Pylada interfaces with these via a few global data variables:

  • qsub_exe
  • pbs_string
  • default_pbs
  • queues
  • accounts
  • debug_queue

pylada.qsub defines the executable to submit jobs.

# openpbs
qsub_exe = "qsub"
# slurn
qsub_exe = "sbatch"

The scripts themselves are defined via the format string pylada.pbs_string:

>>> pbs_string =  "#! /bin/bash/\n"\
...               "#SBATCH --account={account}\n"\
...               "#SBATCH --time={walltime}\n"\
...               "#SBATCH -N={nnodes}\n"\
...               "#SBATCH -e={err}\n"\
...               "#SBATCH -o={out}\n"\
...               "#SBATCH -J={name}\n"\
...               "#SBATCH -D={directory}\n\n"\
...               "python {scriptcommand}\n"

Again, there are few reserved keywords which Pylada will use to fill in the string.

  • account: defines the relevant account to which the calculation is submitted.
  • queue: defines the relevant queue to which the calculation is submitted.
  • walltime: maximum time for which the calculation will run
  • n: Number of processes to run the job on.
  • ppn: Number of processes per node.
  • nnodes: number of nodes the calculation will run. This is generally computed from “ppn” and “n”.
  • err: Standard error file. Generated by Pylada.
  • out: Standard output file. Generated by Pylada.
  • name: Name of the job. Generated by Pylada.
  • directory: Directory where the job is launched. Generated by Pylada.
  • scriptcommand: Script to launch. Generated by Pylada.


It has been observed on some systems (openmpi on CentOS) that the ppn flag is critical, for example, pylada.pbs_string needs to include the line

#PBS -l nodes={nnodes}:ppn={ppn}

Discovering this problem involved understanding the role of figure_out_machines, described briefly in Running different MPI calculations side-by-side.

Most of the keywords are automatically generated by Pylada. It is for the user to provide a script where the requisite number of keywords make sense for any particular resource manager.

Default keyword values should be stored in the dictionary pylada.default_pbs.

The different queues (accounts) accessible to the users can be listed in pylada.queues (pylada.accounts). These will be made available to the users via %launch. If “queue” is not relevant to a particular supercomputer, pylada.queues can be set to the empty tuple.

The debug/interactive queue can be made more easily accessible via pylada.debug_queue:

pylada.debug_queue = 'queue', 'debug'

The first item of the tuple is the keyword that should be set to access the relevant resource. The second is the relevant value. These will differ from supercomputer to supercomputer. In practice, the first is generally “queue” or “account”, and the second is something like “debug”.

It is also possible to define pbs_string as a callable which takes keyword arguments and return a string. For instance, PBSpro does not accept names longuer that fifteen characters. That’s just to high-tech for an expensive propietary software:

default_pbs = { 'walltime': "00:55:00", 'nnodes': 1, 'ppn': 32,
                'account': 'eO5', 'header': "", 'footer': "" }

def pbs_string(**kwargs):
  if 'name' in kwargs:
    kwargs['name'] = kwargs['name'][:min(len(kwargs['name']), 15)]
  return "#! /bin/bash --login\n"                                      \
         "#PBS -e \"{err}\"\n"                                         \
         "#PBS -o \"{out}\"\n"                                         \
         "#PBS -N {name}\n"                                            \
         "#PBS -l mppwidth={n}\n"                                      \
         "#PBS -l mppnppn={ppn}\n"                                     \
         "#PBS -l walltime={walltime}\n"                               \
         "#PBS -A {account}\n"                                         \
         "#PBS -V \n\n"                                                \
         "export PYLADA_TMPDIR=/work/e05/e05/`whoami`/pylada_tmp\n"    \
         "if [ ! -e $PYLADA_TMPDIR ] ; then\n"                         \
         "  mkdir -p $PYLADA_TMPDIR\n"                                 \
         "fi\n"                                                        \
         "cd {directory}\n"                                            \
         "{header}\n"                                                  \
         "python {scriptcommand}\n"                                    \

Setting up Pylada to call VASP

There are only two variable specific to vasp calculations:

  • is_vasp_4 defines whether the installed vasp program is version 4.6 or 5.0 and higher. In practice, this determines which POSCAR format to use, and whether or not some input options are available.

  • vasp_program defines the vasp executable. In general, it will be a string with path to the executable. It can also be a callable which takes the functional as input:

    def vasp_program(self):
      """ Figures out the vasp executable.
          It is expected that two vasp executable exist, a *normal* vasp,
          and a one compiled for non-collinear calculations.
      lsorbit = getattr(self, 'lsorbit', False) == True
      return "vasp-4.6-nc" if lsorbit  else "vasp-4.6"


Pylada should be Set up properly to run mpi calculations.


Please follow the links for their description. Questions regarding how to compile should be addressed to the relevant authorities.