IPython is an ingenious combination of a bash-like terminal with a python shell. It can be used for both bash related affairs such as copying files around creating directories, and for actual python programming. In fact, the two can be combined to create a truly powerfull shell.
Pylada puts this tool to good use by providing a command-line approach to manipulate job-folders, launch actual calculations, and collect the result. When used in conjunction with python plotting libraries, e.g. matplotlib, it can provide rapid turnaround from conceptualization to result analysis.
You may want to browse through the description of job-folders before reading this section.
If you have not set-up Pylada to run multiple mpi programs in parallel yet, please add the one liner:
do_multiple_mpi_programs = False
in your ~/.pylada file. Don’t forget to remove it when time comes to run Pylada for real.
Pylada’s IPython interface revolves around job-folders. In order to explore its features, we first need to create job-folders, preferably some which do not involve heavy calculations. Please copy the following to a file in the directory from which IPython is launched. In the following, it will be refered to as “dummy.py”.
# This file is part of PyLaDa.
# Copyright (C) 2013 National Renewable Energy Lab
# PyLaDa is a high throughput computational platform for Physics. It aims to make it easier to submit
# large numbers of jobs on supercomputers. It provides a python interface to physical input, such as
# crystal structures, as well as to a number of DFT (VASP, CRYSTAL) and atomic potential programs. It
# is able to organise and launch computational jobs on PBS and SLURM.
# PyLaDa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# PyLaDa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
# the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyLaDa. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
def Extract(outdir=None):
""" An extraction function for a dummy functional """
from os.path import exists
from os import getcwd
from collections import namedtuple
from pickle import load
from pylada.misc import Changedir
Extract = namedtuple('Extract', ['success', 'directory', 'energy', 'structure', 'value', 'functional'])
if not exists(outdir): return Extract(False, outdir, None, None, None, None)
with Changedir(outdir) as pwd:
if not exists('OUTCAR'): return Extract(False, outdir, None, None, None, None)
with open('OUTCAR', 'r') as file:
structure, energy, value, functional = load(file)
return Extract(True, outdir, energy, structure, value, functional)
def functional(structure, outdir=None, value=False, **kwargs):
""" A dummy functional """
from copy import deepcopy
from pickle import dump
from random import random
from pylada.misc import Changedir
structure = deepcopy(structure)
structure.value = value
with Changedir(outdir) as pwd:
with open('OUTCAR', 'w') as file: dump((random(), structure, value, functional), file)
return Extract(outdir)
return structure
functional.Extract = Extract
def create_jobs():
""" Simple job-folders. """
from pylada.jobfolder import JobFolder
from pylada.crystal.binary import zinc_blende
root = JobFolder()
for name, value, species in zip( ['diamond', 'diamond/alloy', 'GaAs'],
[0, 1, 2],
[('Si', 'Si'), ('Si', 'Ge'), ('Ga', 'As')] ):
job = root / name
job.functional = functional
job.params['value'] = value
job.params['structure'] = zinc_blende()
for atom, specie in zip(job.structure, species): atom.type = specie
return root
The above defines three functions: a dummy functional, an extraction function capable of retrieving the results of the functional from disk, and a function to create a simple job-folder. In real life, the functional could be a Vasp object. The extraction function would then be Extract. And the folder-creation function would depend on the actual research project.
The job-folder could be created as described here. However, it is easier – and safer – to create a script where a job-folder creation function resides. If you have performed the step described above, and assuming that the resulting file is called dummy.py, then a simple job-folder can be created from the ipython interface with:
>>> import dummy
>>> rootfolder = dummy.create_jobs()
We need do import here because the functional is defined in the script itself. However, when using a functional defined somewhere else – such as any Pylada functional – it is easier for debugging purposes to do:
>>> run -i dummy.py
Each time the line above is called, the script is executed anew. When doing import, it is executed only the first time.
At this point we have job-folder stored in memory in a python variable. If you were to exit ipython, the job-folder would be lost for ever and ever.
>>> %savefolder dummy.dict rootfolder
The next time ipython is entered, the job-folder can be loaded from disk with:
>>> %explore dummy.dict
Once a folder has been explored from disk, savefolder can be called without arguments.
The percent(%) sign indicates that these commands are ipython magic-functions. The percent can be obviated using %automagic. To get more information about what Pylada magic functions do, call them with “–help”.
The current job-folder and the current job-folder path are stored in pylada.interactive.jobfolder and pylada.interactive.jobfolder_path. In practice, accessing those directly is rarely needed.
The executable content of the current job-folder (the one loaded via %explore) can be examined with:
>>> %listfolders all
This prints out the executable jobs. It can also be used to examine the content of specific subfolders.
>>> %listfolders diamond/*
The syntax is the same as for the bash command-line. When given an argument other than “all”, %listfolders list all subfolders, even those which are not executable. In practice, it works like “ls -d”.
It is always possible to change the executable data of a job-folder, whether the functional or its parameters. To do this, we must first navigate to the specific subfolder of interest, and then use the command %showme.
>>> %goto diamond
>>> %showme functional
The command will launch an editor with the functional. Anything can be done at this point. Once you’re satisfied with then changes, save and close the file. The file is then executed, and whatever functional is at the end of the script will come and replace the functional in this subfolder. The functional is still required to be an pickleable calleable. If any error is encountered, during the execution of the script, then the original functional remains.
Check the ipython documentation to select your favorite editor. Alternatively, set the EDITOR environment variable in your shell.
The parameters of the script can be edited the same way:
>>> %showme structure
This time, a scripts pops up with code defining the structure. Finally, parameters can be added or removed by doing:
>>> %showme params
The complete dictionary, called params, appears for editing. Whatever params contains at the end of script will become the parameters passed on to the functional when the job is eventually launched.
Not all python objects can be translated back into python code. If giberrish pops up, then please turn to the next section.
It is likely that a whole group of calculations will share parameters in common, and that these parameters need be the same. It is possible to examine and modify any computational parameter for any number of jobs simultaneously:
>>> jobparams.structure.name
'/GaAs/': 'Zinc-Blende',
'/diamond/': 'Zinc-Blende',
'/diamond/alloy/': 'Zinc-Blende',
>>> jobparams.structure.name = 'hello'
>>> jobparams.structure.name
'/GaAs/': 'hello',
'/diamond/': 'hello',
'/diamond/alloy/': 'hello',
Note that there is no “%” sign in front of jobparams. Two things are happening here. First, we can see that all jobs which contain structure.name are displayed. Secondly, we see that parameters can be strung together: structure is an actual parameter for a calculation. However, we are accessing and setting here an attribute which is owned by structure. The functional and its attributes (and their attributes, and so on) can be accessed in the same way. If a specific parameter does not exist for any specific job-folder, then that job-folder is ignored.
It is only possible to modify attributes, as opposed to add new attributes. (Actually, the cake is lie. Experts hackers may want to check-out JobParams.only_existing and pylada.jobparams_only_existing.)
Finally, it is possible to focus on a specific sub-set of jobfolders. By default the syntax is that of a unix-shell. However, the syntax can be switched to regular exppressions via the Pylada parameter pylada.unix_re. Only the former syntax is illustrated here:
>>> jobparams['*/alloy'].structure.name
Note that in the last example, the name is returned directly, as opposed to a dictionary as in previous examples. Indeed, there is only one job-folder which corresponds to “*/alloy”. In that case, the object is returned as is, rather than wrapped in a dictionary. This behavior can be turned on and off using the parameters jobparams_naked_end and JobParams.naked_end. The unix shell-like syntax can be either absolute paths, when preceded with ‘/’, or relative. In that last case, they are relative to the current position in the job-folder, as changed by %goto.
In most cases (see below) the return from using jobparams.something is a kind of dictionary. It can be iterated over like any other dictionary:
>>> for key, value in jobparams['diamond/*'].structure.name.iteritems():
... print key, value
/diamond/ hello
/diamond/alloy/ hello
The other available iteration methods are iterkeys(), keys(), itervalues(), values(), items().
Using jobparams, it is possible to turn job-folders on and off:
>>> jobparams['diamond/alloy'].onoff = 'off'
>>> jobparams.onoff
'/GaAs/': 'on',
'/diamond/': 'on',
'/diamond/alloy/': 'off',
When “off”, a job-folder is ignored by jobparams (and collect, described below). Furthermore, it will not be executed. The only way to access it again is to turn it back on. Groups of calculations can be turned on and off using the unix shell-like syntax previously.
Once job-folders are ready, it takes all of one line to launch the calculations:
>>> %launch scattered
This will create one pbs/slurm job per executable job-folder. A number of options are possible to select the number of processors, the account or queue, the walltime, etc. To examine them, do %launch scattered --help. Most default values should be contained in pylada.default_pbs. The number of processors is by default equal to the even number closest to the number of atoms in the structure (apparently, this is a recommended VASP default). The number of processes can be given both as an integer, or as function which takes a job-folder as the only argument, and returns an integer.
There is currently only one other way of launching job-folders, %launch interactive. This will execute on job after another wherever the IPython instance is launched. For practical purposes, this is likely the best way to launch the job-folder created earlier! Once that is done, you will find new directories with names similar to those of the job-folders. Try navigating with %goto, you will find that both directories and job-folders are changed simultaneously.
For %launch scattered to work, it is first necessary to setup Pylada to work with the ressource manager and with MPI.
The first thing one wants to know from calculations is whether they ran:
>>> collect.success
'/GaAs/': True,
'/diamond/': True,
'/diamond/alloy/': True,
Our dummy functional is too simple to fail... However, if you delete any given calculation directory, and try it again, you will find some false results. Beware that some collected results are cached so they can be retrieved faster the second time around, so redoing %explore some.dict might be necessary.
Success means that the calculations ran to completion. It does not mean that they are not garbage.
Results from the calculation can be retrieved in much the same way as parameters were examined. This time, however, we use an object called collect (still without preceding “%” sign). Assuming the job-folders created earlier were launched, the random energies created by our fake functional could be retrieved as in:
>>> collect.energy
'/GaAs/': 0.8231,
'/diamond/': 0.5452,
'/diamond/alloy/': 0.0312,
What exactly can be collected this way will depend on the actual calculation. The easiest way to examine what’s available it to hit collect.[TAB]. The collected results can be iterated over, focussed to a few relevant calculations, exactly as was done with jobparams. The advantage is that further job-folders can be easyly constructed which take the calculations a bit further. For instance, we have created job-folders which minimize spin-polarized crystal structures. Then a second-wave of job-folders would be created from the resulting relaxed crystal structures to examine different possible magnetic orders.
On other nice feature is to use collect in conjunction with matplotlib to plot results, as described here. In practive, collect interfaces with a lot more properties than just the energy, as displayed here.