Source code for pylada.dftcrystal

""" Python wrapper for the CRYSTAL dft code. """
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = [ 'Extract', 'AffineTransform', 'DisplaceAtoms', 'InsertAtoms',
            'ModifySymmetry', 'RemoveAtoms', 'Slabcut', 'read',
            'Slabinfo','Crystal', 'Molecule', 'Slab', 'Functional', 'Shell',
            'read_gaussian_basisset', 'MassExtract', 'read_input', 'exec_input',
            'Elastic', 'External', 'Supercell', 'Supercon', 'KeepSymm', 'BreakSym',
            'BohrUnits', 'AngstromUnits', 'Fractional' ]

from .basis import Shell
from .functional import Functional
from .extract import Extract, MassExtract
from .geometry import AffineTransform, DisplaceAtoms, InsertAtoms,              \
                      ModifySymmetry, RemoveAtoms, Slabcut, Slabinfo, Slab,     \
                      Elastic, Supercell, Supercon, BreakSym, KeepSymm,         \
                      BohrUnits, AngstromUnits, Fractional
from .crystal import Crystal
from .external import External
from .molecule import Molecule
registered = { 'atomrot':    AffineTransform,
               'atomdisp':   DisplaceAtoms,
               'atominse':   InsertAtoms,
               'modisymm':   ModifySymmetry,
               'atomremo':   RemoveAtoms,
               'slabcut':    Slabcut,
               'slab':       Slab,
               'slabinfo':   Slabinfo,
               'elastic':    Elastic,
               'supercel':   Supercell,
               'supercon':   Supercon,
               'crystal':    Crystal,
               'external':   External,
               'molecule':   Molecule,
               'breaksym':   BreakSym,
               'keepsymm':   KeepSymm,
               'bohr':       BohrUnits,
               'angstrom':   AngstromUnits,
               'fraction':   Fractional }
""" Keywords used in creating the geometry. """

[docs]def read(path): """ Reads CRYSTAL input from file Reads a file and finds the CRYSTAL_ input within. It then parses the file and creates a :py:class:`~functional.Functional` and :py:class:`~molecule.Molecule` (or derived) object. :param path: Can be one of the following: - a file object obtained from open_ - a string without '\\n' in which case it should be a path - a string with '\\n', in whcih case it should be the input itself - an iterator over the lines of an input file :returns: A two-tuple containing the structure and the functional :rtype: (:py:class:`~molecule.Molecule`, :py:class:`~functional.Functional`) .. _CRYSTAL: .. _open: """ from .parse import parse b = parse(path) key = b.keys()[0] func = Functional() crys = Crystal() func.read_input(b) crys.read_input(b[key]['CRYSTAL']) = key if func.optgeom.enabled and len(crys) > 0 \ and crys[-1].keyword.lower() in ['breaksym', 'keepsymm']: crys.pop(-1) return crys, func
[docs]def read_gaussian_basisset(path): """ Reads a GAUSSIAN94 basis set This is meant to read input files from the `basis set exchange website`__ in the GAUSSIAN94_ format. :param path: Can be one of the following: - a file object obtained from open_ - a string without '\\n' in which case it should be a path - a string with '\\n', in whcih case it should be the input itself - an iterator over the lines of an input file .. __: .. _GAUSSIAN94: .. _open: """ from ..error import GrepError from ..misc import RelativePath if isinstance(path, str): if path.find('\n') == -1: with open(RelativePath(path).path) as file: return read_gaussian_basisset(file) else: return read_gaussian_basisset(path.split('\n').__iter__()) for line in path: if set(['*']) == set(line.rstrip().lstrip()): break # read specie type try: line = except StopIteration: raise GrepError('Unexpected end of file') specie = line[0] result = {specie: []} try: while True: line = if len(line) != 3: line = if len(line) != 2: break specie = line[0] result[specie] = [] continue type, n, scale = line[0].lower(), int(line[1]), float(line[2]) shell = Shell(type) for i in xrange(n): shell.append(* result[specie].append(shell) except StopIteration: pass return result
def read_input(filepath="", namespace=None): """ Specialized read_input function for dftcrystal. :Parameters: filepath : str A path to the input file. namespace : dict Additional names to include in the local namespace when evaluating the input file. It add a few names to the input-file's namespace. """ from ..misc import read_input # names we need to create input. input_dict = {} for k in __all__: if k != 'read_input' and k != 'exec_input': input_dict[k] = globals()[k] if namespace is not None: input_dict.update(namespace) return read_input(filepath, input_dict) def exec_input( script, global_dict=None, local_dict=None, paths=None, name=None ): """ Specialized exec_input function for vasp. """ from ..misc import exec_input # names we need to create input. if global_dict is None: global_dict = {} for k in __all__: if k != 'read_input' and k != 'exec_input': global_dict[k] = globals()[k] return exec_input(script, global_dict, local_dict, paths, name) from pylada import is_interactive if is_interactive: from .interactive import * del is_interactive