Source code for pylada.dftcrystal.basis

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['BasisSet', 'Shell']
from collections import MutableMapping
from quantities import UnitQuantity, angstrom
from .input import AttrBlock
from import VariableListKeyword, BaseKeyword

crystal_bohr = UnitQuantity('crystal_bohr', 0.5291772083*angstrom, symbol='bohr')
""" Bohr radius as defined by CRYSTAL. """
crystal_invbohr2 = UnitQuantity( 'crystal_invbohr2',
                                 1e0/crystal_bohr/crystal_bohr, symbol='bohr^-2' )

def specie_name(specie):
  """ Translate from CRYSTAL to sensible specie name. 

      CRYSTAL uses a fairly obscure numbering system to map species to
      basis-sets. This function translates that mapping into a more explicit
      naming scheme.
  from ..periodic_table import find as find_specie
  try: n = int(specie)
  except: pass
  else: specie = n
  if isinstance(specie, str): 
    specie = specie.rstrip().lstrip()
    try: n = find_specie(name=specie)
    except: pass
    else: specie = n.symbol
  elif specie < 100:
    try: n = find_specie(atomic_number=specie)
    except: pass
    else: specie = n.symbol
  return specie

[docs]class Shell(object): """ Defines a general gaussian basis set for a specific orbital shell. This class encodes a set of basis functions as follows. .. code-block:: python Shell('s', a0=[16120.0, 0.001959], a1=[ 2426.0, 0.01493], a2=[ 553.9, 0.07285], a3=[ 156.3, 0.2461], a4=[ 50.07, 0.4859], a5=[ 17.02, 0.325], charge=0.0) :param str type: The first argument can be 's', 'p', 'd', or 'sp' and defines the channel for the set of orbitals. :param float charge: Number of electrons assigned to this orbital at the start of the calculation. It should not be greater than the number of electrons that particular orbital channel can accomodate. For 's' it defaults to 2.0, for 'p' to 6, for 'd' to 10, and for 'sp' to 8. :param a0: First set of paramaters. For 's', 'p', 'd' channels, this should be a sequence of two floats, where the first float is the exponent of the gaussian and the second the contraction coefficient. In the case of 'sp' orbitals, it should be a sequence of three floats, where the first is the common exponent, and the second and third are the contraction coefficients for 's' and 'p' orbitals respectively. :param aN: N-th set of orbital parameters. """ def __init__(self, type='s', charge=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a gaussian basis set. :params str type: Denotes the orbital type of this shell. :param float charge: Denotes the formal electronic charge on this shell. Defaults(None) to a full shell. """ from operator import itemgetter super(Shell, self).__init__() self.type = type """ Orbital type of this shell """ self.charge = charge """ Nominal charge of the shell """ self.functions = [] """ Radial functions description """ # collect basis function keywords. keys = [] for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if key[0] != 'a': raise ValueError( 'Unexpected keyword {0!r} in Shell.__init__(...)' \ .format(key) ) try: int(key[1:]) except: raise ValueError( 'Unexpected keyword {0!r} in Shell.__init__(...)' \ .format(key) ) try: value = list(value) except: raise ValueError( 'Unexpected keyword value for {0!r} ' \ 'in Shell.__init__(...): {1!r}'.format(key, value) ) if len(value) != (3 if self.type == 'sp' else 2): raise ValueError( 'Unexpected sequence length for {0!r} ' \ 'in Shell.__init__(...): {1!r}'.format(key, value) ) keys.append((key, int(key[1:]), value)) for key, i, value in sorted(keys, key=itemgetter(1)): self.append(*value) @property def type(self): """ Orbital shell of this function. """ return self._type @type.setter
[docs] def type(self, value): from ..error import ValueError if isinstance(value, int): if value == 0: value = 's' elif value == 1: value = 'sp' elif value == 2: value = 'p' elif value == 3: value = 'd' elif value == 4: value = 'f' else: value = int(value) elif value not in ['s', 'p', 'd', 'f', 'sp']: try: value = int(value) except: raise ValueError('Wrong input to type ({0}).'.format(value)) else: self.type = value return self._type = value
[docs] def type_as_int(self): """ Orbital type as CRYSTAL input. """ if self._type == 's': return 0 elif self._type == 'sp': return 1 elif self._type == 'p': return 2 elif self._type == 'd': return 3 elif self._type == 'f': return 4
@property def charge(self): """ Formal electronic charge attributed to this shell. """ return self._charge @charge.setter
[docs] def charge(self, value): if value is None or value < 0: if self._type == 's': value = 2 elif self._type == 'sp': value = 8 elif self._type == 'p': value = 6 elif self._type == 'd': value = 10 elif self._type == 'f': value = 18 self._charge = float(value)
[docs] def append(self, alpha, coef1, coef2=None): """ Appends a gaussian to the basis set. """ from ..error import input, TypeError if len(self.functions) >= 10: raise input('Cannot input further coefficients.') if self._type == 'd' and len(self.functions) >= 6: raise input('Cannot input further coefficients.') if hasattr(alpha, 'rescale'): alpha = alpha.rescale(crystal_invbohr2) else: alpha = float(alpha) * crystal_invbohr2 if self._type == 'sp': if coef2 is None: raise TypeError('Expected second coeff for sp contraction.') self.functions.append([alpha, float(coef1), float(coef2)]) else: if coef2 is not None: raise TypeError('Cannot use second coeff for in non-sp contraction.') self.functions.append([alpha, float(coef1)]) return self
@property def raw(self): """ Prints CRYSTAL input. """ result = '0 {0.type_as_int} {1} {0.charge} 1\n' \ .format(self, len(self.functions)) for function in self.functions: alpha, coef1 = function[0], function[1] if hasattr(alpha, 'rescale'): alpha = float(alpha.rescale(crystal_invbohr2).magnitude) if len(function) == 2: result += '{0:<20.12f} {1: 20.12f}\n'.format(alpha, coef1) else: result += '{0:<20.12f} {1:> 20.12f} {2[2]:> 20.12f}\n' \ .format(alpha, coef1, function) return result @raw.setter
[docs] def raw(self, value): """ Reads input lines. """ lines = value.split('\n') dummy, self.type, n, self.charge, dummy = lines.pop(0).split() self.functions = [] for i in xrange(int(n)): line = lines.pop(0).split() self.append(*line[:3 if self._type == 'sp' else 2])
def __repr__(self, indent=''): """ Represention of this instance. """ args = ['{0.type!r}'.format(self)] if self.charge != {'s': 2, 'p': 6, 'sp': 8, 'd': 10, 'f': 18}[self.type]: args.append('{0.charge!r}'.format(self)) for i, function in enumerate(self.functions): alpha, coef1 = function[0], function[1] if hasattr(alpha, 'rescale'): alpha = float(alpha.rescale(crystal_invbohr2).magnitude) vals = [alpha, coef1] if len(function) == 3: vals.append(function[2]) args.append('a{0}={1!r}'.format(i, vals)) return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format(self, ', '.join(args)) def __len__(self): return len(self.functions)
class Ghosts(VariableListKeyword): """ Removes atoms but keeps basis functions. This keyword should be in the basis subsection of the input. In practice, it can be set as follows:: functional.basis.ghosts = [1, 3, 5], False The second item means that symmetries are *kept*. This results in the following crystal input: | KEEPSYMM | GHOSTS | 3 | 1 3 5 The first item in the tuple is a sequence of atomic lables (e.g. integers). The second is whether or not to break symmetries. It is True by default. In the above, symmetries are kept. Hence atoms equivalent those explicitely given are also removed. The two attributes can also be obtained and set using :py:attr:`~Ghosts.value` and :py:attr:`~Ghosts.breaksym': >>> functional.basis.ghosts.breaksym True >>> functional.basis.ghosts.value [1, 3, 5], """ type = int """ Type of the labels. """ keyword = 'ghosts' """ CRYSTAL keyword """ def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs): """ Creates Ghost keyword. :param [int] value: List of atom lables referencing atoms from which to make ghosts. :param bool keepsym: Whether to keep symmetries or not. Defaults to True. If symmetries are kept, then all symmetrically equivalent atoms are ghosted. :param bool breaksym: Whether to break symmetries or not. Defaults to False. Only one of breaksymm needs be specified. If both are, then they should be consistent. """ super(Ghosts, self).__init__(value=value) self.breaksym = kwargs.get('breaksym', not kwargs.get('keepsym', True)) """ Whether or not to break symmetries. Defaults to False. If symmetries are not broken, then all equivalent atoms are removed. """ @property def keepsym(self): """ Not an alias for breaksym. """ return not self.breaksym @keepsym.setter def keepsym(self, value): self.breaksym = not value def __repr__(self): """ Dumps representation to string. """ args = [] if self.value is not None: args.append(repr(self.value)) if self.breaksym == True: args.append("breaksym=True") return "{0.__class__.__name__}(".format(self) + ', '.join(args) + ')' def output_map(self, **kwargs): """ Prints CRYSTAL input """ from import Tree if self.value is None: return None if len(self.value) == 0: return None if kwargs.get('breaksym', True) != self.breaksym: results = Tree() results['keepsymm' if self.keepsym else 'breaksym'] = True results[self.keyword] = self.raw return results return {self.keyword: self.raw} def read_input(self, value, owner=None, **kwargs): """ Reads from input. """ self.raw = value self.breaksym = kwargs.get('breaksym', False) def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): return self def __set__(self, instance, value): """ Setting Ghosts made easy. """ if hasattr(value, '__iter__'): self.value = list(value) return elif value is True or value is False: self.breaksym = value elif hasattr(value, '__len__'): if len(value) == 2 and value[1] is True or value[1] is False: self.value, self.breaksym = value else: self.value = value else: raise ValueError( 'Ghosts expects a value of the form ' \ '``[integers], True or False``.') class Chemod(BaseKeyword, MutableMapping): keyword = 'chemod' def __init__(self, **kwargs): MutableMapping.__init__(self) self.modifications = {} """ Holds chemical modifications. """ self.breaksym = kwargs.get('breaksym', not kwargs.get('keepsymm', False)) """ Whether to break symmetries or not. """ @property def keepsymm(self): """ Alias to not breaksym. """ return self.breaksym == False @keepsymm.setter def keepsym(self, value): self.breaksym = value == False def __getitem__(self, index): return self.modifications[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.modifications[index] = value def __delitem__(self, index): self.modifications.__delitem__(index) def __len__(self): return len(self.modifications) def __iter__(self): return self.modifications.__iter__() def __contains__(self, name): return self.modifications.__contains__(name) def _symequivs(self, structure): """ Symetrically equivalent sites. """ from numpy import dot from numpy.linalg import inv from ..crystal import which_site from ..error import internal result = {} sites = structure.eval() symops = structure.symmetry_operators invcell = inv(sites.cell) # loop over atoms of interest for label in self.modifications: atom = sites[label-1] if atom.label != label: raise ValueError( 'Incorrect atomic label for chemod ({0}).' \ .format(label) ) intermediate = result.get(label, set([label])) # look for symmetrically equivalents. for op in symops: newpos = dot(op[:3], atom.pos) + op[3] index = which_site(newpos, sites, invcell) if index == -1: print op print sites.cell print dot(invcell, newpos), dot(invcell, atom.pos) raise internal("Symmetry mapped position not in lattice") if index + 1 == label: continue intermediate.add(sites[index].label) # equivalent atoms share equivalency set. for index in intermediate: result[index] = intermediate return result def modisymm(self, structure): """ Symmetry modifications, if any. """ from numpy import allclose from .geometry import ModifySymmetry if len(self.modifications) == 0: return None if self.keepsym: return None result = [] equivs = self._symequivs(structure) for label, shell in self.modifications.iteritems(): if any(label in u for u in result): continue indices, split = [shell], {0: [label]} for item in equivs[label]: if item not in self.modifications: if None in split: split[None].append(item) else: split[None] = [item] continue oshell = self.modifications[item] found = False for i, cmp in enumerate(indices): if allclose(cmp, oshell, atol=1e-8): found = True; break if not found: indices.append(shell) split[len(indices)-1] = [item] elif item not in split[i]: split[i].append(item) result.extend(split.values()) return ModifySymmetry(*result) def __get__(self, owner, instance=None): return self def __set__(self, owner, value): if value is None: self.modifications = {}; return self.modifications = value def output_map(self, crystal=None, structure=None, **kwargs): if len(self.modifications) == 0: return None from operator import itemgetter from numpy import allclose from import Tree equivs = self._symequivs(structure) if self.keepsym: shells = self.modifications.copy() # Adds equivalent shells for label, shell in self.modifications.iteritems(): for equiv in equivs[label]: if equiv == label: continue elif equiv in shells: if not allclose(shell, shells[equiv], atol=1e-8): raise ValueError( 'Found equivalent atoms ({0}, {1}) ' \ 'with different input shells.' \ .format(label, equiv) ) else: shells[equiv] = shell shells[equiv] = shell else: shells = self.modifications raw = "{0}\n".format(len(shells)) for key, value in sorted(shells.items(), key=itemgetter(0)): raw += "{0} {1}\n".format(key, " ".join(str(u) for u in value)) if kwargs.get('breaksym', True) != self.breaksym: results = Tree() results['keepsymm' if self.keepsym else 'breaksym'] = True results[self.keyword] = raw return results return {self.keyword: raw} def read_input(self, tree, owner=None, **kwargs): from numpy import array from ..error import ValueError if not hasattr(tree, 'prefix'): raise ValueError('Unexpected empty node.') self.breaksym = kwargs.get('breaksym', True) lines = tree.value.splitlines() N = int(lines[0].rstrip().lstrip()) # breaksym is always false if reading from input. self.breaksym = False self.modifications = {} for line in self.lines[1:N+1]: line = line.split() self.modifications[int(line[0])] = array(line[1:], dtype='float64') def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None): """ Dumps object to string, prettily. """ result = {} if defaults is None: result['{0}.breaksym'.format(name)] = repr(self.breaksym) elif self.breaksym == False: result['{0}.breaksym'.format(name)] = repr(True) for key, value in self.modifications.iteritems(): result['{0}[{1}]'.format(name,key)] = repr(value) return result
[docs]class BasisSet(AttrBlock): """ Basis set block. Sub-block defining the basis set of the CRYSTAL_ calculation. In practice, it is composed of a dictionary which holds the description of each specie-dependent sets of guassians, and of keyword parameters, such as :py:attr:`ghosts`. Currently, only the general basis sets have been implemented, via the :py:class:`Shell`. The input looks as follows: .. code-block:: python functional.basis['Si'] = [ Shell('s', a0=[16120.0, 0.001959], a1=[ 2426.0, 0.01493], a2=[ 553.9, 0.07285], a3=[ 156.3, 0.2461], a4=[ 50.07, 0.4859], a5=[ 17.02, 0.325]), Shell('sp', a0=[292.7, -0.002781, 0.004438], a1=[ 69.87, -0.03571, 0.03267], a2=[ 22.34, -0.115, 0.1347], a3=[ 8.15, 0.09356, 0.3287], a4=[ 3.135, 0.603, 0.4496]), Shell('sp', 4.0, a0=[1.22, 1.0, 1.0]), Shell('sp', 0.0, a0=[0.55, 1.0, 1.0]), Shell('sp', 0.0, a0=[0.27, 1.0, 1.0]) ] functional.basis.atomsymm = True There are few moving parts to the code above. *Indexing*: The basis set of each atomic function can be accessed *equivalently* via its atomic symbol ('Si'), its name ('Silicon', first letter capitalized), or its atomic number. To create basis-sets with numbers greater than 100, then one should use the integer format only (e.g. 201, 301, ...) In practice, the indexing codes for same information as the first record of a basis set description. *List of orbitals*: Each item of the list is a single set of orbitals. At present, only the general basis set has been implemented. The full description is given in :py:class:`Shell`. *Usage and keywords*:Unlike CRYSTAL_, any number of species can be defined. Which should actually enter the input is determined at run-time. This makes it somewhat easier to define functionals for a whole set of calculations. Finally, other parameters from the basis-block are defined simply as attributes (see last line of code above). As with other input-blocks, additional keywords can be defined via :py:meth:`add_keyword`. """ __ui_name__ = 'basis' """ Name used when printing user-friendly repr. """ def __init__(self): """ Creates basis set block. """ from .input import BoolKeyword super(BasisSet, self).__init__() self._functions = {} """ Dictionary holding basis functions. """ self.atomsymm = BoolKeyword() """ Prints point symmetry for each atomic position. """ self.symmops = BoolKeyword() """ Prints point symmetry operators/ """ self.charged = BoolKeyword() """ Allows charged system. """ self.noprint = BoolKeyword() """ Disable basis set printing. """ self.paramprt = BoolKeyword() """ Print code dimensions parameters. """ self.ghosts = Ghosts() """ Removes atoms but keeps basis functions. This keyword should be in the basis subsection of the input. In practice, it can be set as follows: >>> functional.basis.ghosts = [1, 3, 5], False The second item means that symmetries are *kept*. This results in the following crystal input: | KEEPSYMM | GHOSTS | 3 | 1 3 5 The first item in the tuple is a sequence of atomic lables (e.g. integers). The second is whether or not to break symmetries. It is True by default. In the above, symmetries are kept. Hence atoms equivalent those explicitely given are also removed. The two attributes can also be obtained and set using :py:attr:`~Ghosts.value` and :py:attr:`~Ghosts.breaksym`: >>> functional.basis.ghosts.breaksym True >>> functional.basis.ghosts.value [1, 3, 5], """ self.chemod = Chemod() """ Sets initial electronic occupation. """ @property def raw(self): """ Raw basis set input. """ from .. import periodic_table as pt # figure out set of species # Now print them result = '' for key, value in self.iteritems(): if len(value) == 0: continue if isinstance(key, str): key = getattr(pt, key).atomic_number result += '{0} {1}\n'.format(key, len(value)) for function in value: result += function.raw.rstrip() if result[-1] != '\n': result += '\n' result = result.rstrip() if result[-1] != '\n': result += '\n' result += '99 0\n' return result @raw.setter def raw(self, value): """ Sets basis data from raw CRYSTAL input. """ from ..error import NotImplementedError as NA, IOError # clean up all basis functions. for key in self.keys(): del self[key] lines = value.split('\n') while len(lines): line = lines.pop(0).split() type, nshells = int(line[0]), int(line[1]) if type == 99: break type = specie_name(type) self._functions[type] = [] for i in xrange(nshells): bt = int(lines[0].split()[0]) if bt == 0: ncoefs = int(lines[0].split()[2]) if len(lines) < ncoefs + 1: raise IOError('Unexpected end-of-file.') basis = Shell() basis.raw = '\n'.join(lines[:ncoefs+1]) self._functions[type].append(basis) lines = lines[ncoefs+1:] else: raise NA('Basis type {0} hasnot yet been implemented.'.format(bt)) def __setitem__(self, specie, shell): """ Sets basis function for a particular specie. """ specie = specie_name(specie) self._functions[specie] = shell def __getitem__(self, specie): """ Gets basis-functions for a given specie. """ specie = specie_name(specie) return self._functions[specie] def __delitem__(self, specie): """ Gets basis-functions for a given specie. """ specie = specie_name(specie) del self._functions[specie] def __contains__(self, specie): """ Gets basis-functions for a given specie. """ specie = specie_name(specie) return specie in self._functions def __len__(self): """ Number of atomic species. """ return len(self._functions) def __iter__(self): """ Iterates over species. """ for key in self._functions: yield key
[docs] def keys(self): """ List of species. """ return self._functions.keys()
[docs] def items(self): """ Tuples (specie, basis-functions) """ return self._functions.items()
[docs] def values(self): """ List of basis functions, """ return self._functions.values()
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """ Iterates over species. """ return self._functions.iterkeys()
[docs] def iteritems(self): """ Iterates over tuple (key, basis-functions). """ return self._functions.iteritems()
[docs] def itervalues(self): """ Iterates over basis-functions. """ return self._functions.itervalues()
[docs] def append(self, specie, shell): """ Adds shell to set. """ specie = specie_name(specie) # now adds shell correctly. if specie in self._functions: self._functions[specie].append(shell) else: self._functions[specie] = [shell] return self
def __repr__(self, defaults=False, name=None): """ Returns representation of this instance """ from import uirepr defaults = self.__class__() if defaults else None return uirepr(self, name=name, defaults=defaults) def output_map(self, **kwargs): """ Dumps CRYSTAL input to string. """ if kwargs.get('structure', None) is not None: from copy import deepcopy c = deepcopy(self) species = set([a.type for a in kwargs['structure'].eval()]) for specie in species: if specie not in c: raise KeyError('No basis set for specie {0}.'.format(specie)) for specie in self.keys(): if specie not in species: del c[specie] else: c = self results = super(BasisSet, self).output_map(**kwargs) results.prefix = c.raw return results def read_input(self, tree, owner=None, **kwargs): """ Parses an input tree. """ self._functions = {} self._input = self.__class__()._input super(BasisSet, self).read_input(tree, owner=self, **kwargs) if hasattr(tree, 'prefix'): self.raw = tree.prefix def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None): """ Prettier representation """ from pprint import pprint from StringIO import StringIO from import add_to_imports results = super(BasisSet, self).__ui_repr__( imports, name, defaults, ['raw', 'gaussian94'] ) if name is None: name = getattr(self, '__ui_name__', self.__class__.__name__.lower()) for key, value in self._functions.iteritems(): newname = '{0}[{1!r}]'.format(name, key) string = StringIO() pprint(value, string) results[newname] = for u in value: add_to_imports(u, imports) return results
[docs] def update(self, basis): """ Updates dictionary of basis-sets. Overwrites existing species. """ for key, value in basis.iteritems(): if key in self: del self[key] for v in value: self.append(key, v)
[docs] def gaussian94(self): """ Basis set in GAUSSIAN94 format """ result = '\n\n****\n' for specie, basis in self._functions.iteritems(): result += '{0} 0\n'.format(specie) for shell in basis: result += '{0} {1} 1.0\n'.format(shell.type.upper(), len(shell)) for function in shell.functions: alpha, coef1 = function[0], function[1] if hasattr(alpha, 'rescale'): alpha = float(alpha.rescale(crystal_invbohr2).magnitude) if len(function) == 2: result += '{0:> 20.12f} {1:> 20.12f}\n'.format(alpha, coef1) else: result += '{0:> 20.12f} {1:> 20.12f} {2[2]:> 20.12f}\n' \ .format(alpha, coef1, function) result += '****\n' return result
[docs] def add_specie(self, string): """ Add specie using CRYSTAL string input. Just a convenience function to quickly add species by copy/pasting crystal input. :param str string: Full CRYSTAL_ input for an atomic specie. """ a = BasisSet() try: a.raw = string except: from sys import exc_info type, value, traceback = exc_info() message = string + '\n\n ******* Incorrect input.' if value is not None: value = value, string else: type.args = tuple(list(type.args) + [message]) raise type, value, traceback self.update(a)