Source code for pylada.dftcrystal.electronic

""" Subpackage grouping hamiltonian and computational parameters. 

    In practice, this holds "block 3" input. 
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['Electronic']
from .input import AttrBlock, BoolKeyword
from import TypedKeyword, BaseKeyword
from quantities import UnitQuantity, hartree

class Shrink(BaseKeyword):
  """ Implements SHRINK parameter. """
  keyword = 'shrink'
  """ Crystal keyword. """
  def __init__(self, mp=None, gallat=None):
    """ Initializes Shrink keyword. 

        :param mp: 
           - if an integer, corresponds to IS variable of SHRINK.
           - if a sequence of at most three integers, corresponds to IS1, IS2,
             IS3. In that case, IS is of course set to 0. If there are only one
             or two numbers, then IS2 and/or IS3 is set to one. If None, the
             set to 1.
        :param int gallat:
           Corresponds to ISP variable of SHRINK. If None, then it is set equal
           to IS1
    super(Shrink, self).__init__() = mp
    self.gallat = gallat
  def mp(self):
    """ Defines the Monkhorst-Pack mesh. """
    return self._mp
  def mp(self, value):
    if value is None: self._mp = None; return
    elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
      mp = [max(int(u), 1) for u in value]
      if len(mp) > 3:
        raise ValueError('k-point mesh defined by at most three integers.')
      elif len(mp) == 0: mp = 1
      self._mp = mp
    else: self._mp = max(int(value), 1)
  def gallat(self): 
    """ Defines Gallat mesh for density matrix and Fermi energy. """
    return self._gallat
  def gallat(self, value): 
    self._gallat = None if value is None else int(value)

  def raw(self):
    """ Prints raw CRYSTAL input. """
    if is None: return ""
    if hasattr(, '__iter__'):
      ISP =[0] if self.gallat is None else self.gallat
      IS = ' '.join(str(u) for u in + [1]*(3-len(
      return '0 {0}\n{1}\n'.format(ISP, IS)
      ISP = if self.gallat is None else self.gallat
      return '{0} {1}\n'.format(, ISP)
  def raw(self, value):
    """ Sets from raw CRYSTAL input. """
    value = value.split()
    IS, ISP = int(value[0]), int(value[1])
    if IS == 0: = [int(u) for u in value[2:5]]
      if[-1] == 1: =[:-1]
      if[-1] == 1: =[:-1]
      if[-1] == 1: = 1
        self.gallat = None if ISP == else ISP
      else: self.gallat = None if ISP ==[0] else ISP
    else: = IS
      self.gallat = None if ISP == else ISP

  def __set__(self, instance, value):
    """ Sets the keyword more easily. """
    if value is None: = None; return = value[0]
    self.gallat = value[1]

  def __repr__(self):
    """ Representation of this instance. """
    args = []
    if is None:
      if self.gallat is not None:
      if self.gallat is not None: args.append('{0.gallat!r}'.format(self))
    return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format(self, ', '.join(args))

  def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None):
    """ Creates user friendly representation. """
    from import add_to_imports
    if defaults is not None: 
      if type(defaults) is not type(self): 
        add_to_imports(self, imports)
        return {name: repr(self)}
      if self.gallat == defaults.gallat and == 
        return {}
      return {name: '{!r}, {0.gallat!r}'.format(self)}
    elif name is None:
      add_to_imports(self, imports)
      return {None: 'shrink = {0!r}'.format(self)}
    add_to_imports(self, imports)
    return {name: self.__repr__()}

  def output_map(self, **kwargs):
    """ Prints SHRINK keyword """
    from .molecule import Molecule
    if is None: return None
    # The 'get' piece is to make testing a bit easier
    if type(kwargs.get('structure', None)) is Molecule: return None
    return super(Shrink, self).output_map(**kwargs)

def _get_list(name): 
  """ Creates getter method for AtomSpin. """
  def getme(this): return getattr(this, '_' + name)
  return getme
def _set_list(name): 
  """ Creates setter method for AtomSpin. """
  def setme(this, value): 
    from collections import Sequence, Iterable
    from ..error import TypeError
    if value is not None: 
      if not isinstance(value, Sequence):
        raise TypeError( 'Expected a sequence when setting {0} in AtomSpin.'   \
                         .format(name) )
      if not isinstance(value, Iterable):
        raise TypeError( 'Expected an iterable when setting {0} in AtomSpin.'  \
                         .format(name) )
      for v in value: 
        try: int(v)
          raise TypeError( 'Wrong type in list when setting AtomSpin.{0}.'     \
                           'The list should be all integers.'.format(name) )
      if len(value) == 0: value = None
    setattr(this, '_' + name, value)
  return setme

class AtomSpin(BaseKeyword):
  keyword = 'atomspin' 
  def __init__(self, up=None, down=None, other=None):
    """ Creates AtomSpin instance """
    super(AtomSpin, self).__init__()
    self.up = up
    self.down = down
    self.other = other
  def __getitem__(self, index):
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index in [1, 'up', 'alpha']: return self.up
    elif index in [-1, 'down', 'beta']: return self.down
    elif index in [0, 'other', 'others', 'irrelevant']: return self.others
    raise IndexError('Unknown index to AtomSpin {0}.'.format(index))
  def __setitem__(self, index, value):
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index in [1, 'up', 'alpha']: self.up = value
    elif index in [-1, 'down', 'beta']: self.down = value
    elif index in [0, 'other', 'others', 'irrelevant']: self.others = value
    raise IndexError('Unknown index to AtomSpin {0}.'.format(index))

  up = property( _get_list('up'), _set_list('up'),
                 doc=""" Labels of atoms with spin up. """ )
  down = property( _get_list('down'), _set_list('down'),
                   doc=""" Labels of atoms with spin down. """ )
  other = property( _get_list('other'), _set_list('other'),
            doc = """ Labels of atoms with irrelevant atoms. 
		      'Irrelevant' is the word used by the CRYSTAL_ userguide.
		      This feature is likely only relevant to bash-scripts. 
                  """ )
  def output_map(self, **kwargs):
    """ Creates standard output map for AtomSpin. """
    # If disabled returns None
    if self.up is None and self.down is None and self.other is None: 
      return None
    # if not a spin polarized calculation, then disabled.
    if kwargs['crystal'].dft.spin is False: return None
    # If GuessP then disabled. 
    if 'crystal' in kwargs:
      kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy()
      kwargs_copy['filework'] = False
      map = kwargs['crystal'].scf._input['guessp'].output_map(**kwargs_copy)
      if map is not None and map.get('guessp', False) == 'True': return None
    # Ok, now add ATOMSPIN stuff.
    result = ''
    if self.up is not None and len(self.up) > 0:
      result += ' 1  '.join(str(u) for u in self.up) + ' 1\n'
    if self.down is not None and len(self.down) > 0:
      result += ' -1  '.join(str(u) for u in self.down) + ' -1\n'
    if self.other is not None and len(self.other) > 0:
      result += ' 0  '.join(str(u) for u in self.other) + ' 0\n'
    if len(result) == 0: return None
    return {self.keyword: '{0}\n{1}'.format(len(result.split())//2, result)}
  def read_input(self, value, owner=None, **kwargs):
    """ Reads input. """
    results = value.split()
    N = int(results.pop(0))
    self._up, self._down, self._other = [], [], []
    for label, spin in zip(results[:2*N:2], results[1:2*N:2]):
      if spin == '1': self.up.append(int(label))
      elif spin == '-1': self.down.append(int(label))
      elif spin == '0': self.other.append(int(label))
        raise ValueError( 'Unexpected value when reading AtomSpin data {0}.'   \
                          .format(value) )
    if len(self.up) == 0: self.up = None
    if len(self.down) == 0: self.down = None
    if len(self.other) == 0: self.other = None
  def __repr__(self):
    """ Representation of the this object. """
    args = []
    if self.up is not None: args.append(repr(self.up))
    if self.down is not None:
      if len(args) == 1: args.append(repr(self.down))
      else: args.append('down={0.down!r}'.format(self))
    if self.other is not None:
      if len(args) == 2: args.append(repr(self.other))
      else: args.append('other={0.other!r}'.format(self))
    return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format(self, ', '.join(args))

  def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None):
    """ Creates user friendly representation. """
    from import add_to_imports

    if defaults is not None: 
      if type(defaults) is not type(self): 
        add_to_imports(self.up, imports)
        add_to_imports(self.down, imports)
        add_to_imports(self.other, imports)
        add_to_imports(self, imports)
        return {name: repr(self)}
      if self.up == defaults.up and self.down == defaults.down                 \
         and self.other == defaults.other: 
        return {}
      results = {}
      if self.up is not None:
        add_to_imports(self.up, imports)
        results[name + '.up'] = '{0.up!r}'.format(self)
      if self.down is not None:
        add_to_imports(self.down, imports)
        results[name + '.down'] = '{0.down!r}'.format(self)
      if self.other is not None:
        add_to_imports(self.other, imports)
        results[name + '.down'] = '{0.other!r}'.format(self)
      return results
    elif name is None:
      add_to_imports(self, imports)
      return {None: 'atomspin = {0!r}'.format(self)}
    add_to_imports(self, imports)
    return {name: self.__repr__()}

class SpinLock(BaseKeyword):
  """ Implements SpinLock keyword. """
  keyword = 'spinlock'
  """ CRYSTAL input keyword. """
  def __init__(self, nspin=None, ncycles=None):
    """ Creates the LEVSHIFT keyword. """
    super(SpinLock, self).__init__()
    self.nspin = nspin
    self.ncycles = ncycles
  def nspin(self): 
    return self._nspin
  def nspin(self, nspin):
    self._nspin = int(nspin) if nspin is not None else None
  def ncycles(self): 
    """ Whether shift is kept after diagaonalization. """
    return self._ncycles
  def ncycles(self, ncycles):
    self._ncycles = int(ncycles) if ncycles is not None else None
  def __set__(self, instance, value):
    """ Sets the value of this instance. """
    from ..error import ValueError
    if value is None: self.nspin, self.ncycles = None, None; return
    if not hasattr(value, '__getitem__'): 
      raise ValueError('Incorrect input to spinlock: {0}.'.format(value))
    self.nspin = int(value[0])
    self.ncycles = value[1]
  def __getitem__(self, index):
    """ list [self.nspin, self.ncycles] """
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index == 0: return self.nspin
    elif index == 1 or index == -1: return self.ncycles
    raise IndexError('Levshift can be indexed with 0, 1, or -1 only.')
  def __setitem__(self, index, value):
    """ sets as list [self.nspin, self.ncycles] """
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index == 0: self.nspin = value
    elif index == 1 or index == -1: self.ncycles = value
    else: raise IndexError('Levshift can be indexed with 0, 1, or -1 only.')
  def __len__(self): return 2
  def raw(self):
    """ CRYSTAL input as a string """
    if self.nspin is None or self.ncycles is None: return ''
    return '{0} {1}'.format(self.nspin, self.ncycles)
  def raw(self, value):
    """ Sets instance from raw data """
    self.nspin = int(value.split()[0])
    self.ncycles = int(value.split()[1])
  def output_map(self, **kwargs):
    if self.nspin is None or self.ncycles is None: return None
    if kwargs['crystal'].dft.spin != True: return None
    return super(SpinLock, self).output_map(**kwargs)
  def __repr__(self):
    args = []
    if self.nspin is not None: args.append(str(self.nspin))
    if self.ncycles is not None:
      args.append( 'ncycles={0}'.format(self.ncycles) if len(args) == 0        \
                   else str(self.ncycles) )
    return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format(self, ', '.join(args))
  def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None):
    """ Creates user friendly representation. """
    from import add_to_imports

    if defaults is not None: 
      if type(defaults) is not type(self): 
        add_to_imports(self.shift, imports)
        add_to_imports(self, imports)
        return {name: repr(self)}
      if self.nspin is None and self.ncycles is None: return {}
      results = {}
      if self.nspin is not None:
        add_to_imports(self.nspin, imports)
        results[name + '.nspin'] = '{0.nspin!r}'.format(self)
      if self.ncycles is not None:
        add_to_imports(self.ncycles, imports)
        results[name + '.ncycles'] = '{0.ncycles!r}'.format(self)
      return results
    elif name is None:
      add_to_imports(self, imports)
      return {None: 'levshift = {0!r}'.format(self)}
    add_to_imports(self, imports)
    return {name: self.__repr__()}
class BetaLock(SpinLock):
  keyword = 'betalock'

class LevShift(BaseKeyword):
  """ Implements LevShift keyword. """
  keyword = 'levshift'
  """ CRYSTAL input keyword. """
  units = UnitQuantity('decihartree', 0.1*hartree)
  """ LEVSHIFT takes 0.1 * hartrees. """
  def __init__(self, shift=None, lock=None):
    """ Creates the LEVSHIFT keyword. """
    super(LevShift, self).__init__()
    self.shift = shift
    self.lock = lock
  def shift(self): 
    """ Value to which this keyword is set. """
    return self._shift
  def shift(self, shift):
    """ Artificial shift between conduction and valence bands. 
        Can be a regular floating point, in which case the units are 0.1 *
        hartree, or a scalar signed by an unit with dimensionality of an energy.
        In the latter case, the value is rescaled to 0.1 H.
    from ..error import ValueError
    if shift is None: self._shift = None; return
    if hasattr(shift, 'rescale'): shift = shift.rescale(self.units)
    else: shift = shift * self.units
    if len(shift.shape) != 0:
      raise ValueError('shift should be a scalar.')
    self._shift = shift
  def lock(self): 
    """ Whether shift is kept after diagaonalization. """
    return self._lock
  def lock(self, lock):
    self._lock = None if lock is None else (lock == True)
  def __set__(self, instance, value):
    """ Sets the value of this instance. """
    from ..error import ValueError
    if value is None: self.shift, self.lock = None, None; return
    if not hasattr(value, '__getitem__'): 
      raise ValueError('Incorrect input to levshift: {0}.'.format(value))
    self.shift = value[0]
    self.lock = value[1]
  def __getitem__(self, index):
    """ list [self.shift, self.lock] """
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index == 0: return self.shift
    elif index == 1 or index == -1: return self.lock
    raise IndexError('Levshift can be indexed with 0, 1, or -1 only.')
  def __setitem__(self, index, value):
    """ sets as list [self.shift, self.lock] """
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index == 0: self.shift = value
    elif index == 1 or index == -1: self.lock = value
    else: raise IndexError('Levshift can be indexed with 0, 1, or -1 only.')
  def __len__(self): return 2
  def raw(self):
    """ CRYSTAL input as a string """
    if self.shift is None or self.lock is None: return ''
    return '{0} {1}'.format(int(float(self.shift)+0.01), 1 if self.lock else 0)
  def raw(self, value):
    """ Sets instance from raw data """
    self.shift = int(value.split()[0])
    self.lock = int(value.split()[1]) != 0
  def output_map(self, **kwargs):
    if self.shift is None or self.lock is None: return None
    return super(LevShift, self).output_map(**kwargs)
  def __repr__(self):
    args = []
    if self.shift is not None: args.append(str(float(self.shift)))
    if self.lock is not None:
      args.append( 'lock={0}'.format(self.lock) if len(args) == 0              \
                   else str(self.lock) )
    return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format(self, ', '.join(args))

  def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None):
    """ Creates user friendly representation. """
    from import add_to_imports

    if defaults is not None: 
      if type(defaults) is not type(self): 
        add_to_imports(self.shift, imports)
        add_to_imports(self, imports)
        return {name: repr(self)}
      if self.shift is None and self.lock is None: return {}
      results = {}
      if self.shift is not None:
        results[name + '.shift'] = '{0}'.format(float(self.shift))
      if self.lock is not None:
        add_to_imports(self.lock, imports)
        results[name + '.lock'] = '{0.lock!r}'.format(self)
      return results
    elif name is None:
      add_to_imports(self, imports)
      return {None: 'levshift = {0!r}'.format(self)}
    add_to_imports(self, imports)
    return {name: self.__repr__()}

class GuessP(BoolKeyword):
  """ Implements GuessP parameter. """
  keyword = 'guessp'
  def __init__(self, value=True):
    super(GuessP, self).__init__(value=value)
  def output_map(self, **kwargs):
    from os.path import join
    from ..misc import latest_file, copyfile
    from .. import CRYSTAL_filenames as filenames
    from .properties import Properties
    if self.value is None or self.value == False: return None
    if kwargs['crystal'].restart is None: return None

    directory = kwargs['crystal']
    paths = join(directory, filenames['fort.9'].format('crystal')),            \
            join(directory, filenames['fort.98'].format('crystal'))
    filename = latest_file(*paths)
    if filename is None: return

    if kwargs.get('filework', False) == True:
      props = Properties(kwargs['crystal'].restart)
      if filename[-3:] == '.f9':
        props.fmwf = True
        props = Properties('.')
      props.rdfmwf = True
      props(overwrite=True, outdir='.')
      copyfile(filenames['fort.9'].format('crystal'), 'fort.20')
    return super(GuessP, self).output_map(**kwargs)

class Broyden(BaseKeyword):
  """ Broyden mixing parameters. """
  keyword = 'broyden'
  """ CRYSTAL keyword. """
  def __init__(self, w0=None, imix=None, istart=None):
    super(Broyden, self).__init__()

    self.w0 = w0
    self.imix = imix
    self.istart = istart

  def w0(self): 
    """ Anderson mixing parameter. """
    return self._w0
  def w0(self, value):
    from ..error import ValueError
    if value is None: self._w0 = None; return
    try: self._w0 = float(value)
      raise ValueError('w0 attribute expects a floating point in Broyden.')
  def imix(self): 
    """ Percent mixing when Broyden is switched on. """
    return self._imix
  def imix(self, value):
    from ..error import ValueError
    if value is None: self._imix = None; return
    try: dummy = int(value)
      raise ValueError('imix attribute expects an integer point in Broyden.')
      if dummy < 1 or dummy > 99:
        raise ValueError("Broyden's imix should be > 0 and < 100.")
      self._imix = dummy
  def istart(self): 
    """ Percent mixing when Broyden is switched on. """
    return self._istart
  def istart(self, value):
    from ..error import ValueError
    if value is None: self._istart = None; return
    try: dummy = int(value)
      raise ValueError('istart attribute expects an integer point in Broyden.')
      if dummy < 2: 
        raise ValueError("Broyden's istart should be larger than or equal to 2.")
      self._istart = dummy
  def output_map(self, **kwargs):
    if self._w0 is None or self._istart is None or self._imix is None:
      return None
    return {self.keyword: '{0.w0!r} {0.imix!r} {0.istart!r}'.format(self)}

  def read_input(self, value, **kwargs):
    self.__set__(None, value.split())

  def __set__(self, instance, value):
    from collections import Sequence
    from ..error import TypeError
    if value is None:
      self._w0, self._imix, self._istart = None, None, None
    if not isinstance(value, Sequence):
      raise TypeError("Expected a sequence [float, int, int] in Brodyen.")
    if len(value) != 3: 
      raise TypeError("Expected a sequence [float, int, int] in Brodyen.")
    self.w0 = value[0]
    self.imix = value[1]
    self.istart = value[2]

  def __getitem__(self, index):
    """ Allows access to input as sequence. """
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index == 0 or index == -3: return self.w0
    if index == 1 or index == -2: return self.imix
    if index == 2 or index == -1: return self.istart
    raise IndexError('Index out-of-range in Broyden.')
  def __setitem__(self, index, value):
    """ Allows access to input as sequence. """
    from ..error import IndexError
    if index == 0 or index == -3:   self.w0     = value
    elif index == 1 or index == -2: self.imix   = value
    elif index == 2 or index == -1: self.istart = value
    else: raise IndexError('Index out-of-range in Broyden.')

  def __repr__(self):
    """ Prints keyword to string. """
    args = []
    if self.w0 is not None: args.append("{0.w0!r}".format(self))
    if self.imix is not None:
      if len(args) == 0: args.append("imix={0.imix!r}".format(self))
      else: args.append("{0.imix!r}".format(self))
    if self.istart is not None:
      if len(args) != 2: args.append("istart={0.istart!r}".format(self))
      else: args.append("{0.istart!r}".format(self))
    return "{0.__class__.__name__}({1})".format(self, ', '.join(args))

[docs]class Electronic(AttrBlock): """ DFT attribute block. """ __ui_name__ = 'electronics' """ Name used when printing this instance with ui_repr """ def __init__(self): """ Creates the scf attribute block. """ from import ChoiceKeyword, QuantityKeyword from .input import SetPrint from .hamiltonian import Dft super(Electronic, self).__init__() self.maxcycle = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Maximum number of electronic minimization steps. Should be None(default) or an integer. """ self.tolinteg = TypedKeyword(type=[int]*5) """ Integration truncation criteria. Should be None(default) or a sequence of 5 integers. """ self.toldep = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Density matrix convergence criteria. Should be None(default) or an integer. """ self.tolpseud = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Pseudopotential truncation criteria. Should be None(default) or an integer. """ self.toldee = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Total energy convergence criteria. Should be None(default) or an integer. """ self.testpdim = BoolKeyword() """ Stop after processing input and performing symmetry analysis. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.test = BoolKeyword() """ Stop after printing ressource requirement. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.symadapt = BoolKeyword() """ Symmetry adapted bloch wavefunctions. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.savewf = BoolKeyword() """ Save wavefunctions to disk. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.shrink = Shrink() """ k-point description -- SHRINK The IS (or IS1, IS2, IS3) and ISP keywords are mapped to :py:attr:`` and :py:attr:`~Shrink.gallat`. They can be used as follows:: = 5 functional.shrink.gallat = 10 This will map IS to 5 and ISP to 10. ISP automatically set to equal IS (or IS1) when :py:attr:`~Shrink.gallat` is set to None:: = 10 functional.shrink.gallat = None This will print in the CRYSTAL input: | SHRINK | 5 5 Finally, setting :py:attr:`` to a sequence of at most three integers will set IS to 0 and IS1, IS2 (defaults to 1), and IS3 (defaults to 1) to the relevant values:: = [5, 6] functional.shrink.gallat = None This will lead to the following input, where ISP defaulted automatically to IS1: | SHRINK | 0 5 | 5 6 1 Another option it to set :py:attr:`` and :py:attr:`~Shrink.gallat` directly:: functional.shrink = 8, 8 would result in the following ouput | SHRINK | 8 8 :py:attr:`` will be set to the first item. and :py:attr:`~Shrink.gallat` to the second. There should always be two items. """ self.fmixing = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Fock mixing during electronic minimiztion. Should be None(default) or an integer. """ self.levshift = LevShift() """ Artificial shift between the valence and conduction band. Opens the gap between occupied and unoccupied bands for better numerical behavior. It can be set as follows: >>> functional.levshift = 5 * decihartree, False The first parameter is the amount by which to open the gap. It should either an integer, or a signed energy quantity (see quantities_). In the latter case, the input is converted to decihartree and rounded to the nearest integer. The second parameter specifies whether to keep (True) or remove (False) the shift after diagonalization. """ self.ppan = BoolKeyword() """ Mulliken population analysis. Should None(default), True, or False. """ self.biposize = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Size of buffer for Coulomb integrals bipolar expansions. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.exchsize = TypedKeyword(type=int) """ Size of buffer for exchange integrals bipolar expansions. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.scfdir = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to reevaluate integrals at each electronic step. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.poleordr = ChoiceKeyword(values=range(0, 7)) """ Coulomb intergrals pole truncation. Should be None(default), or an integer between 0 and 6 included. """ self.guessp = GuessP(value=True) """ Reads density matrix from disk. - If True *and* :py:attr:`~pylada.dftcrystal.functional.Functional.restart` is not None, then copies crystal.f9 to fort.20 in the working directory and adds GUESSP keyword to the input. Alternatively, if a later crystal.f98 file is found, then it is transformed to an unformatted file and copied to fort.20. - If True but :py:attr:`~pylada.dftcrystal.functional.Functional.restart` is None or the file crystal.f9 does not exist, then does nothing. - If False or None, does nothing. .. note:: There seems to be a strange bug, at least on crays, where the crystal.f9 file is likely to be corrupt as far as the main CRYSTAL_ program can tell. However, it can still be read by PROPERTIES_ and transformed to a valid f98 file. That file can then be transformed back to a valid f9 file. To ensure correctness, this procedure is followed each time an f9 file is found. """ self.dft = Dft() """ Holds definition of the DFT functional itself. """ self.nofmwf = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to print formatted wavefunctions to disk. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.nobipola = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to compute bielectronic integrals exactly. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.nobipcou = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to compute bielectronic Coulomb integrals exactly. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.nobipexc = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to compute bielectronic exchange integrals exactly. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.nomondir = BoolKeyword() """ Whether store monoelectronic integrals to disk. If True, the monoelctronic integrals are computed once at the start of the SCF calculation and re-read from disk at each geometric optimization step. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.nosymada = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to not use symmetry adapted functions. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.savewf = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to save wavefunctions at each step. Should be None(default), True, or False. """ self.mpp = BoolKeyword(value=False) """ Whether to use MPP or Pcrystal when running mpi. If True and more than one process is requested, switches to using MPPcrystal as opposed to Pcrystal. This only works under the assumption that :py:data:`pylada.crystal_program` is implemented correctly. """ self.spinlock = SpinLock() """ Difference in occupation between the two spin-channels. This object takes two values, the difference between of occupations between the two spin channels, and the number of electronic minimization steps during which the lock is maintained. >>> functional.spinlock.nspin = 2 >>> functional.spinlock.ncycles = 30 The above sets the :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta` occupations to :math:`\\frac{N+2}{2}` and :math:`\\frac{N-2}{2}` respectively, for 30 iterations of the electronic structure minimization algorithm. It results in the input: | SPINLOCK | 2 30 Alternatively, the same could be done with the 2-tuple syntax: >>> functional.spinlock = 2, 30 If either the occupation or the cycle-lock is None, then ``SPINLOCK`` is *disabled*. """ self.atomspin = AtomSpin() """ Atomic spins. Defines the atomic spins. >>> functional.atomspin.up = range(5)*2 + 1 >>> functional.atomspin.down = range(5)*2 + 2 For spin-polarized calculations, this would result in the CRYSTAL_ input: | ATOMSPIN | 8 | 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 1 | 1 -1 3 -1 5 -1 7 -1 There are two main variables, ``up`` and ``down``, which are lists of atomic labels. ``up`` contains the atoms which at the start of the calculation should have an up spin, and ``down`` those atoms with a down spin. A third variable, ``other``, corresponds to the ''irrelevant'' atoms, as per CRYSTAL_'s input. Alternatively, the ``up`` and ``down`` variables can be reached via indexing: >>> functional.atomspin[1] is functional.atomspin.up True >>> functional.atomspin[-1] is functional.atomspin.down True >>> functional.atomspin[0] is functional.atomspin.other True .. note:: A number of settings will disable this keyword: - py:attr:`~pylada.dftcrystal.functional.dft.spin` is False - py:attr:`~pylada.dftcrystal.functional.dft.spin` is None or True, and the appropriate wavefunction exists. """ self.betalock = BetaLock() """ Locks in the number of beta electrons. This tag presents the same user-interface as :py:attr:`spinlock`. """ self.smear = QuantityKeyword(units=hartree) """ Smearing energy, if any. Expects None (default, does nothing) or an energy wich defines the width of the smearing function. """ self.anderson = BoolKeyword() """ Applies Anderson mixing method. Andersen mixing does not require any input. It expects None (default, does nothing), True or False. The latter is equivalent to None. """ self.broyden = Broyden() """ Applies broyden mixing method. Broyden takes three inputs: >>> functional.broyden.w0 = 1e-4 >>> functional.broyden.imix = 50 >>> functional.broyden.istart = 2 The above results in: | BROYDEN | 0.0001 50 2 The first attribute should be a floating point, whereas the second and third should be integers. The second item should be between 0 and 100, excluded, and the third larger than two. The input can also be set and accessed as an array: >>> functional.broyden = [1e-4, 50, 2] >>> functional.broyden[1] = 25 >>> functional.broyden.imix 25 """ self.setprint = SetPrint() """ Extended printing request. Printing options consists of (keyword, value) pairs. As such, they can be inputed much like arrays: >>> functional.setprint[66] = -5 Will result in the output: | SETPRINT | 1 | 66 -5 which prints the eigenvalues of the first five k-points at the end of the electronic minimization loop only. The print-out options can be found in the CRYSTAL_ user-guide. """ self.cmplxfac = TypedKeyword(type=float) """ Computaional weight of complex vs real k-points. """ self.postscf = BoolKeyword() """ Whether to continue despite lack of electronic convergence. """ def output_map(self, **kwargs): """ Makes sure DFT subblock is first. """ result = super(Electronic, self).output_map(**kwargs) for i, item in enumerate(result): if item[0] == 'DFT': break if result[i][0] == 'DFT': dft = result.pop(i) result.insert(0, dft) return result