Source code for pylada.dftcrystal.functional

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
from import stateless, assign_attributes
from .extract import Extract as ExtractBase

[docs]class Functional(object): """ Wrapper for the CRYSTAL program. This object provides a pythonic interface to the CRYSTAL_ program. It is modelled loosely after CRYSTAL_'s input: - The OPTGEOM keyword of the first code block can be accessed through the :py:class:`optgeom <pylada.dftcrystal.optgeom.OptGeom>` :py:attr:`attribute <optgeom>`: .. code-block:: python # enable geometry optimization functional.optgeom.enabled = True # change some of the keywords functional.optgeom.maxcycle = True Geometry optimization must be explicitly enabled, as is done in the first line above. - The interface to the second block of input (basis-functions) can be accessed through the :py:class:`basis <pylada.dftcrystal.basis.BasisSet>` :py:attr:`attribute <basis>`. It allows to set the basis set itself, as well as keywords specific to the basis set: .. code-block:: python functional.basis['H'] = [Shell('s', a0=(15.0, 1.0), a1=(8.0, 1.0)), ...] functional.basis.ghosts = [1, 4, 6], False - The third input block (Hamiltonian and miscellaneous) can be accessed directly through the functional, or, alternatively, *via* the :py:class:`scf <pylada.dftcrystal.electronic.Electronic>` :py:attr:`attribute <scf>`. .. code-block:: python functional.scf.dft.b3lyp = True functional.dft.b3lyp = True functional.tolinteg = [8] * 4 + [14] The first two lines are exactly equivalent. The third line could also be written as ``functional.scf.tolinteg = ...``. """ Extract = ExtractBase """ Extraction class. """ __ui_name__ = 'functional' """ Name used in user-friendly representation """ def __init__(self, program=None, copy=None, **kwargs): """ Creates the crystal wrapper. """ from copy import deepcopy from .basis import BasisSet from .optgeom import OptGeom from .electronic import Electronic super(Functional, self).__init__() self.scf = Electronic() """ Holds scf/electronic keywords -- block 3. """ self.basis = BasisSet() """ Holds definition of basis functions -- block 2. """ self.optgeom = OptGeom() """ Holds definition of geometry optimization -- part of block 1. """ self.title = None """ Title of the calculation. Overriden by the name of the input structure, if it exists. """ self.program = program """ Path to crystal program. If this attribute is None, then :py:data:`~pylada.crystal_program` is used. """ self.restart = None """ Place holder. """ if copy is not None: for key, value in copy.__dict__.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, deepcopy(value)) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Pushes scf stuff into instance namespace. """ from ..error import AttributeError if name in self.scf._input: return getattr(self.scf, name) raise AttributeError('Unknown attribute {0}.'.format(name)) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Pushes scf stuff into instance namespace. """ from import BaseKeyword if isinstance(value, BaseKeyword): if name in ['scf', 'basis', 'optgeom']: return super(Functional, self).__setattr__(name, value) setattr(self.scf, name, value) elif name in self.scf._input: setattr(self.scf, name, value) else: super(Functional, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __delattr__(self, name): """ Deletes attributes. """ if name in self.scf._input: del self.scf._input[name] else: super(Functional, self).__delattr__(name) def __dir__(self): """ List of attributes and members """ return list( set(self.__dict__.iterkeys()) | set(dir(self.__class__)) \ | set(self.scf._input.iterkeys()) )
[docs] def add_keyword(self, name, value=None): """ Passes on to :py:attr:`~Functional.scf` """ return self.scf.add_keyword(name, value)
def read_input(self, tree, owner=None): """ Reads file or string with CRYSTAL input. """ from ..error import IOError from .. import CRYSTAL_geom_blocks as starters from .input import find_sym, find_units kwargs = {'units': 'angstrom', 'breaksym': True, 'owner': self} self.title = tree.keys()[0] tree = tree[self.title] # read optgeom bit. found = False for starter in starters: if starter in tree.keys(): found = True; break if found == False: raise IOError('Could not find start of input in file.') if 'OPTGEOM' in tree[starter].keys(): kwargs['breaksym'] = find_sym( tree[starter], 'OPTGEOM', kwargs['breaksym'] ) kwargs['units'] = find_units(tree[starter], 'OPTGEOM', kwargs['units']) self.optgeom.read_input(tree[starter]['OPTGEOM'], **kwargs) # read basis set if 'BASISSET' in tree.keys(): kwargs['breaksym'] = find_sym( tree[starter], 'BASISSET', kwargs['breaksym'] ) kwargs['units'] = find_units(tree[starter], 'BASISSET', kwargs['units']) self.basis.read_input(tree['BASISSET'], **kwargs) # read hamiltonian stuff. if 'HAMSCF' in tree.keys(): kwargs['breaksym'] = find_sym( tree[starter], 'HAMSCF', kwargs['breaksym'] ) kwargs['units'] = find_units(tree[starter], 'HAMSCF', kwargs['units']) self.scf.read_input(tree['HAMSCF'], **kwargs) if len(self.title) == 0: self.title = None def output_map(self, **kwargs): """ Dumps CRYSTAL input to string. """ from import Tree from .input import find_units, find_sym if 'crystal' not in kwargs: kwargs['crystal'] = self root = Tree() inner = root if 'structure' in kwargs: structure = kwargs['structure'].copy() # Appends symmetry modification if basis includes a modification of the # initial guess. modsymm = self.basis.chemod.modisymm(structure) if modsymm is not None: structure.append(modsymm) # insert name of structure as title. if hasattr(structure, 'name'): inner = root.descend( elif getattr(self, 'title', None) is not None: inner = root.descend(self.title.rstrip().lstrip()) else: inner = root.descend('') # Output map of the structure smap = structure.output_map(**kwargs) # To which we add the output map of optgeom kwargs['breaksym'] = structure.is_breaksym kwargs['units'] = structure.current_units smap[0][1].update(self.optgeom.output_map(**kwargs)) # finally we add that to inner. inner.update(smap) else: # no structures. Not a meaningful input, but whatever. kwargs['breaksym'] = False kwargs['units'] = 'angstrom' title = getattr(self, 'title', '') if title is None: title = '' inner = root.descend(title.rstrip().lstrip()) inner.update(self.optgeom.output_map(**kwargs)) kwargs['breaksym'] = find_sym(inner, result=kwargs['breaksym']) kwargs['units'] = find_units(inner, result=kwargs['units']) # now add basis inner['BASISSET'] = self.basis.output_map(**kwargs) # add scf block kwargs['breaksym'] = find_sym(inner, result=kwargs['breaksym']) kwargs['units'] = find_units(inner, result=kwargs['units']) inner.update(self.scf.output_map(**kwargs)) # end input and return return root def print_input(self, **kwargs): """ Prints input to string. """ from .input import print_input test = kwargs.pop('test', False) map = self.output_map(**kwargs) # Does not capitalize input. result = map[0][0].rstrip().lstrip() + '\n' # Otherwise, everything is standard. if test: # If test run, does not actually perform calculation. return result + print_input(map[0][1]).rstrip() + '\nTEST\nEND\n' return result + print_input(map[0][1]).rstrip() + '\nEND\n' def guess_workdir(self, outdir): """ Tries and guess working directory. """ from ..misc import mkdtemp from .. import crystal_inplace return outdir if crystal_inplace else mkdtemp(prefix='dftcrystal') def bringup(self, structure, outdir, workdir, restart, test): """ Creates file environment for run. """ from os.path import join, abspath, samefile, lexists from os import symlink, remove from ..misc import copyfile, Changedir from ..error import ValueError from .. import CRYSTAL_filenames as filenames from ..crystal import write from .external import External # sanity check if len(self.basis) == 0: raise ValueError('Basis is empty, cannot run CRYSTAL.') with Changedir(workdir) as cwd: # first copies file from current working directory if restart is not None: for key, value in filenames.iteritems(): copyfile( value.format('crystal'), key, nocopyempty=True, symlink=False, nothrow="never" ) # then copy files from restart. if restart is not None: for key, value in filenames.iteritems(): copyfile( join(, value.format('crystal')), key, nocopyempty=True, symlink=False, nothrow="never" ) # then creates input file. string = self.print_input( crystal=self, structure=structure, workdir=workdir, test=test, filework=True ) with open('crystal.d12', 'w') as file: file.write(string) # write additional input to file. with Changedir(outdir) as cwd: header = ''.join(['#']*20) with open('crystal.out', 'w') as file: file.write('{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'INPUT FILE')) file.write(string.rstrip() + '\n') file.write('{0} END {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'INPUT FILE')) if isinstance(structure, External): file.write('{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'INITIAL STRUCTURE')) file.write(write.crystal(structure.initial, None)) file.write('{0} END {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'INITIAL STRUCTURE')) file.write('\n{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'FUNCTIONAL')) file.write(self.__repr__(defaults=False)) file.write('\n{0} END {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'FUNCTIONAL')) if not samefile(outdir, workdir): # Creates symlink to make sure we keep working directory. with Changedir(outdir) as cwd: with open('crystal.d12', 'w') as file: file.write(string) # creates symlink files. for filename in ['crystal.err', 'crystal.out', 'ERROR']: if lexists(join(workdir, filename)): try: remove( join(workdir, filename) ) except OSError: pass try: symlink(abspath(filename), abspath(join(workdir, filename))) except OSError: pass # adds symlink for unformatted wavefunctions. if not lexists(join(workdir, 'fort.9')): try: remove(join(workdir, 'fort.9')) except OSError: pass try: symlink(abspath('crystal.f9'), abspath(join(workdir, 'fort.9'))) except OSError: pass # for optgeom, make sure we bring SCFOUT.LOG if self.optgeom.enabled: if self.optgeom.onelog is None or self.optgeom.onelog == False: outname = filenames['SCFOUT.LOG'].format('crystal') if lexists(join(workdir, 'SCFOUT.LOG')): try: remove(join(workdir, 'SCFOUT.LOG')) except OSError: pass try: symlink( abspath(outname), abspath(join(workdir, 'SCFOUT.LOG')) ) except OSError: pass if lexists('workdir'): try: remove('workdir') except OSError: pass try: symlink(workdir, 'workdir') except OSError: pass # creates a file in the directory, to say we are going to work here with open(join(outdir, '.pylada_is_running'), 'w') as file: pass def bringdown(self, structure, workdir, outdir): """ Copies files back to output directory. Cats input intO output. Removes workdir if different from outdir **and** run was successfull. """ from itertools import chain from os import remove from os.path import join, samefile, exists from shutil import rmtree from glob import iglob from ..misc import copyfile, Changedir from .. import CRYSTAL_filenames, CRYSTAL_delpatterns with Changedir(outdir) as cwd: # remove 'is running' file marker. if exists('.pylada_is_running'): try: remove('.pylada_is_running') except OSError: pass for key, value in CRYSTAL_filenames.iteritems(): copyfile( join(workdir, key), value.format('crystal'), nocopyempty=True, symlink=False, nothrow="never" ) header = ''.join(['#']*20) if len([0 for filename in iglob(join(workdir, 'ERROR.*'))]): string = "" for filename in iglob(join(workdir, 'ERROR.*')): with open(filename, 'r') as file: string += + '\n' with open('crystal.err', 'w') as out: out.write(string) lines = [] with open('crystal.err', 'r') as out: for line in out: if len(line.rstrip().lstrip()) == 0: continue if line not in lines: lines.append(line.rstrip().lstrip()) with open('crystal.out', 'a') as out: out.write('{0} {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'ERROR FILE')) out.write('\n'.join(lines)) if len(lines) > 0: out.write('\n') out.write('{0} END {1} {0}\n'.format(header, 'ERROR FILE')) if exists(workdir): if samefile(outdir, workdir): with Changedir(workdir) as cwd: for filepath in chain(*[iglob(u) for u in CRYSTAL_delpatterns]): try: remove(filepath) except OSError: pass elif ExtractBase(outdir).success: try: rmtree(workdir) except OSError: pass try: remove(join(outdir, 'workdir')) except OSError: pass @stateless @assign_attributes(ignore=['overwrite', 'comm', 'workdir', 'test'])
[docs] def iter(self, structure, outdir=None, workdir=None, comm=None, overwrite=False, test=False, **kwargs): """ Performs a CRYSTAL calculation If successfull results (see :py:attr:`extract.Extract.success`) already exist in outdir, calculations are not repeated. Instead, an extraction object for the stored results are given. :param structure: :py:class:`~pylada.crystal.Structure` structure to compute. :param outdir: Output directory where the results should be stored. This directory will be checked for restart status, eg whether calculations already exist. If None, then results are stored in current working directory. :param comm: Holds arguments for executing CRYSTAL externally. :param overwrite: If True, will overwrite pre-existing results. If False, will check whether a successfull calculation exists. If one does, then does not execute. :param test: If True, TEST is inserted at the very end of the run. This makes it easier to check that the input is correct. :param kwargs: Any attribute of the VASP instance can be overidden for the duration of this call by passing it as keyword argument. :return: Yields an extractor object if a prior successful run exists. Otherwise, yields a tuple object for executing an external program. :note: This functor is stateless as long as self and structure can be deepcopied correctly. :raise ExternalRunFailed: when computations do not complete. :raise IOError: when outdir exists but is not a directory. """ from os import getcwd from ..process.program import ProgramProcess from ..misc import Changedir, RelativePath from .. import crystal_program # check for pre-existing and successfull run. if not overwrite: extract = ExtractBase(outdir) if extract.success: yield extract # in which case, returns extraction object. return if outdir == None: outdir = getcwd() if workdir == None: workdir = self.guess_workdir(outdir) outdir = RelativePath(outdir).path workdir = RelativePath(workdir).path with Changedir(workdir) as tmpdir: # writes/copies files before launching. self.bringup(structure, outdir, workdir, restart=self.restart, test=test) dompi = comm is not None and comm['n'] > 1 if dompi: from ..misc import copyfile copyfile('crystal.d12', 'INPUT') # figure out the program to launch. program = self.program if self.program is not None else crystal_program if hasattr(program, '__call__'): program = program(self, structure, comm=comm) # now creates the process, with a callback when finished. onfinish = self.OnFinish(self, structure, workdir, outdir) onfail = self.OnFail(ExtractBase(outdir)) yield ProgramProcess( program, outdir=workdir, onfinish=onfinish, stdout=None if dompi else ('crystal.out', 'a'), stderr=('crystal.out', 'a') if dompi else 'crystal.err', stdin=None if dompi else 'crystal.d12', dompi=dompi, onfail=onfail ) # yields final extraction object. yield ExtractBase(outdir)
[docs] def __call__( self, structure, outdir=None, workdir=None, comm=None, \ overwrite=False, test=False, **kwargs): from ..error import ExternalRunFailed for program in self.iter( structure, outdir=outdir, workdir=workdir, comm=comm, overwrite=overwrite, test=test, **kwargs ): # iterator may yield the result from a prior successfull run. if getattr(program, 'success', False): continue # Or may fail return a failed run. if not hasattr(program, 'start'): return program # otherwise, it should yield a Program tuple to execute. program.start(comm) program.wait() # Last yield should be an extraction object. if not program.success: raise ExternalRunFailed("CRYSTAL failed to execute correctly.") return program
__call__.__doc__ = iter.__doc__ def __repr__(self, defaults=True, name=None): """ Returns representation of this instance """ from import uirepr defaults = self.__class__() if defaults else None return uirepr(self, name=name, defaults=defaults) def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None): from import template_ui_repr results = template_ui_repr(self, imports, name, defaults, ['scf']) if name is None: name = getattr(self, '__ui_name__', self.__class__.__name__.lower()) scf = self.scf.__ui_repr__(imports, name, getattr(defaults, 'scf', None)) results.update(scf) return results def __deepcopy__(self, memo): from copy import deepcopy result = self.__class__() d = deepcopy(self.__dict__, memo) result.__dict__.update(d) return result def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, value): self.__dict__.update(value.copy()) def copy(self): from copy import deepcopy return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def test_basis(self, structure, **kwargs): """ Returns output of test basis run. """ from copy import deepcopy from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree try: this = deepcopy(self) this.basis.add_keyword('TEST') tmpdir = mkdtemp() result = this(structure, outdir=tmpdir, **kwargs) with result.__stdout__() as file: return finally: try: rmtree(tmpdir) except OSError: pass
[docs] def test_hamiltonian(self, structure, **kwargs): """ Returns output of test basis run. """ from copy import deepcopy from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree try: this = deepcopy(self) this.add_keyword('TEST') tmpdir = mkdtemp() result = this(structure, outdir=tmpdir, **kwargs) with result.__stdout__() as file: return finally: try: rmtree(tmpdir) except OSError: pass
def _ibz(self, structure): """ Guesses irreducible k-points from input. """ from collections import Sequence from numpy import abs, floor, dot, any, identity, zeros, array, all from numpy.linalg import inv, det from ..error import ValueError from ..crystal import HFTransform, into_cell # first figure out supercell and cell in k-space cell = structure.eval().cell # the supercell is the ksupercell = inv(cell).T periodicity = 3 if abs(cell[2, 2] - 500) < 1e-8: periodicity = 2 if abs(cell[1, 1] - 500) < 1e-8: periodicity = 1 if abs(cell[0, 0] - 500) < 1e-8: raise ValueError('Non-periodic system.') mp = if not isinstance(mp, Sequence): mp = [mp] * periodicity kcell = ksupercell.copy() if periodicity > 2: kcell[:, 2] /= float(mp[2]) if periodicity > 1: kcell[:, 1] /= float(mp[1]) if periodicity > 0: kcell[:, 0] /= float(mp[0]) # check those symmetries which leave the reciprocal lattice invariant. # also checks for inversion operator. symops = [] invkcell = inv(kcell) inverse = -identity(3) for op in structure.symmetry_operators: if inverse is not None and all(abs(op[:3] - inverse) < 1e-8): symops.append(op[:3]) continue transform = dot(invkcell, dot(op[:3], kcell)) if any(abs(transform - floor(transform)) > 1e-8): continue if abs(det(transform) - 1e0) < 1e-8: symops.append(op[:3]) # Now adds inversion operator if it does not exist. if inverse is not None: for op in [u for u in symops]: matrix = dot(op, inverse) if all([all(abs(matrix - u) > 1e-8) for u in symops]): symops.append(matrix) matrix = dot(inverse, op) if all([all(abs(matrix - u) > 1e-8) for u in symops]): symops.append(matrix) if all([all(abs(inverse - u) > 1e-8) for u in symops]): symops.append(inverse) # Now we have a fully consistent symmetry group for the k-mesh. # We can actually the work advertised: # The Hart-Forcade transforms creates a mapping from any point in a lattice # back into a supercell. transform = HFTransform(kcell, ksupercell) # It can be used to quickly index transformd kpoints and figure out which # kpoints are equivalent by symmetry. map = zeros(transform.quotient, dtype='bool') # First we create a list of symmetry operators with the right-hand-side in # the index basis and the left-hand-side in cartesian basis. invtrans = inv(transform.transform) symops = [ dot(op, invtrans) for op in symops if any(abs(op-identity(3)) > 1e-8) ] # now loop over all k-points an check their symmetries. result = [] for i in xrange(transform.quotient[0]): for j in xrange(transform.quotient[1]): for k in xrange(transform.quotient[2]): i_orig = array([i, j, k]) if not map[i, j, k]: result.append(dot(invtrans, i_orig)) map[i, j, k] = True for op in symops: u, v, w = transform.indices(dot(op, i_orig)) map[u, v, w] = True return into_cell(array(result), ksupercell) def _nAOs(self, structure): """ Determins number of orbitals. The number of orbitals is *not* reduced by symmetry. """ from ..error import KeyError species = [u.type for u in structure.eval()] result = 0 for specie in set(species): if specie not in self.basis: raise KeyError("Unknown specie {0}.".format(specie)) dummy = 0 for shell in self.basis[specie]: if shell.type == 's': dummy += 1 elif shell.type == 'sp': dummy += 4 elif shell.type == 'p': dummy += 3 elif shell.type == 'd': dummy += 5 result += species.count(specie) * dummy return result def _nb_real_cmplx_kpoints(self, structure): """ Number of real and complex k-points. """ from numpy import dot from ..math import is_integer # we need to compute real and complex k-points differently. # real k-points are those which are on the Brillouin zone edege and Gamma. # Their wavefunctions are real through time=reversal and translational # symmetry. invrecipcell = structure.eval().cell.T kpoints = self._ibz(structure) kpoints = dot(invrecipcell, kpoints.T).T nreal, ncmplx = 0, 0 for kpoint in kpoints: if is_integer(2.*kpoint): nreal += 1 else: ncmplx += 1 return nreal, ncmplx
[docs] def mpp_compatible_procs( self, structure, multipleof=1, dof=20, cmplxfac=None ): """ Returns list of MPP compatible processor counts. Processor counts are compatible if: - :math:`N_p < N_{AO} * N_k * N_s // dof` - :math:`N_p % multipleof == 0` - the number of processors per k-point is never prime Where: - :math:`N_p` is the number of cores - :math:`N_k` is the number of irreducible kpoints - :math:`N_s` is the number of spins - :math:`N_{AO}` is the number of atomic orbitals The last condition is somewhat more complex and depends upon the total number of kpoints, the number of k-points at the Brillouin zone edge, and the particular way CRYSTAL_ assigns procs for each k-point. This decomposition is computed in :py:meth:`kpoint_blocking`. :param structure: Crystal structure for which to run the code. :param int multipleof: Pars down results to multiple of this number (eg cores per node). :param int dof: Minimum degrees of freedom per processor. """ if cmplxfac is None: cmplxfac = getattr(self, 'cmplxfac', 2) if cmplxfac is None: cmplxfac = 2 # computes number of real and complex k-points. kreal, kcmplx = self._nb_real_cmplx_kpoints(structure) # we can now define the max and min number of procs. nAOs = self._nAOs(structure) # the minimum number of procs should be divisible by multipleof weightedprocs = kreal + int(cmplxfac * kcmplx) minprocs = int(weightedprocs * 2) maxprocs = nAOs * minprocs // dof if minprocs % multipleof != 0: minprocs = (minprocs // multipleof + 1) * multipleof # compute all primes, so as to avoid problems later on. def allprimes(n): """ Computes all primes up to n. """ primes = list(xrange(2, n+1)) i = 0 while i < len(primes): fac = primes[i] primes = primes[:i+1] + [p for p in primes[i+1:] if p % fac != 0] i += 1 return set([1] + primes) primes = allprimes(maxprocs) # now loop over potential number of procs and append if ok result = [] for i in xrange(minprocs, maxprocs+1, multipleof): blocks = self.kpoint_blocking(structure, i, (kreal, kcmplx)) if primes.isdisjoint(blocks): result.append(i) return result
[docs] def kpoint_blocking(self, structure, nprocs, nkpoints=None, cmplxfac=None): """ Infers the number of procs per kpoint. This function is helpfull in checking whether MPPcrystal will run correcly or not. It returns a list consisting of the number of procs per k-point. It is a list since CRYSTAL_ may assign some k-points with more processors than others, in order to maximize the number of processors used. However, this approach fails when a k-point is assigned a prime number of processors, because of some bug somewhere (see comment in k_space_MPP.f90: asssing_k_to_proc in CRYSTAL_ code). Unfortunately, MPPCrystal does not recover well from this problem. """ # count real and complex k-points in irreducible Brillouin zone. if nkpoints is None: kreal, kimag = self._nb_real_cmplx_kpoints(structure) else: kreal, kimag = nkpoints if self.dft.spin: kreal *= 2; kimag *= 2 # now perform blocking as in crystal. # cmplxfac: computational cost of a complex k-point w.r.t. real k-point. if cmplxfac is None: cmplxfac = getattr(self, 'cmplxfac', 2) if cmplxfac is None: cmplxfac = 2 # weight: total compuational weight of real+complex k-points. weight = cmplxfac*kimag + kreal # trivial case where there are more k-points than processors. if weight > nprocs: return 0 # avoids round-off errors nreal = int(float(nprocs) / weight) nimag = int(cmplxfac * nreal) if nreal*kreal + nimag*kimag > nprocs: nreal -= 1; nimag = int(cmplxfac * nreal) assert nreal*kreal + nimag*kimag <= nprocs nleft = nprocs - nreal*kreal - nimag*kimag if nleft == 0: if kreal == 0: return [nimag] elif kimag == 0: return [nreal] else: return [nreal, nimag] result = [] if kimag != 0: imagonly = min(nleft, int(cmplxfac) * kimag) nleft -= imagonly result.append(nimag + imagonly//kimag) if imagonly % kimag != 0: result.append(result[-1] - 1) if kreal != 0: result.append(nreal + nleft // kreal) if nleft % kreal != 0: result.append(result[-1] - 1) return sorted(set(result))
[docs] def nbelectrons(self, structure): """ Number of electrons per formula unit. """ species = [u.type for u in structure.eval()] result = 0 for specie in set(species): if specie not in self.basis: raise KeyError("Unknown specie {0}.".format(specie)) result += sum(u.charge for u in self.basis[species]) return result
class OnFinish(object): """ Called when a run finishes. Makes sure files are copied and stuff is pasted at the end of a call to CRYSTAL. """ def __init__(self, this, *args): self.this = this self.args = args def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.this.bringdown(*self.args) class OnFail(object): """ Checks whether CRYSTAL run succeeded. Crystal reports an error when reaching maximum iteration without converging. This screws up how Pylada does things. """ def __init__(self, extract): self.extract = extract def __call__(self, process, error): from ..process import Fail self.extract.uncache() try: success = self.extract.success except: success = False if not success: raise Fail( 'Crystal failed to run correctly.\n' \ 'It returned with error {0}.'.format(error) )