Source code for pylada.dftcrystal.molecule

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['Molecule']
from import ListBlock, BaseKeyword
[docs]class Molecule(ListBlock): """ Base class for functional crystal structures for CRYSTAL. """ keyword = 'molecule' def __init__(self, symmgroup=1, **kwargs): """ Creates a crystal following the CRYSTAL philosophy. """ super(Molecule, self).__init__() self.symmgroup = symmgroup """ Symmetry group. """ self.atoms = [] """ List of atoms. """ for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def add_atom(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds an atom to the structure. """ from ..crystal import Atom atom = Atom(*args, **kwargs) self.atoms.append(atom) return self
def __repr_header__(self): """ Dumps representation header to string. Mostly useful to limit how much should be rewritten of repr in derived classes. """ # prints construction part. length = len('{0.__class__.__name__}('.format(self)) + 1 args = [repr(self.symmgroup)] indent = ''.join([' ']*length) for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems(): if key in ['atoms', 'symmgroup'] : continue args.append('\\\n{2}{0}={1!r}'.format(key, value, indent)) return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format(self, ', '.join(args)) def __ui_repr__(self, imports, name=None, defaults=None, exclude=None): """ Dumps representation to string. """ from import add_to_imports result = self.__repr_header__() indent = ' '.join('' for i in xrange(result.find('(')+1)) add_to_imports(self, imports) # prints atoms. for o in self.atoms: dummy = repr(o) dummy = dummy[dummy.find('(')+1:dummy.rfind(')')].rstrip().lstrip() result += '\\\n{0}.add_atom({1})'.format(indent, dummy) for item in self: if item.__class__ is BaseKeyword: args = [repr(item.keyword)] if getattr(item, 'raw', None) is not None: args.append(repr(item.raw)) result += '\\\n{0}.append({1})'.format(indent, ', '.join(args)) else: add_to_imports(item, imports) item = repr(item).rstrip().lstrip() item = item.replace('\n', '\n' + indent) result += '\\\n{0}.append({1})'.format(indent, item) result = result.rstrip() if name is None: name = getattr(self, '__ui_name__', self.__class__.__name__.lower()) return {name: result.rstrip()} @property def raw(self): """ Raw input for structure. """ from ..error import ValueError from ..periodic_table import find as find_specie # symmgroup result = str(self.symmgroup).rstrip().lstrip() + '\n' # number of atoms + atoms result += '{0}\n'.format(len(self.atoms)) for atom in self.atoms: try: n = find_specie(name=atom.type).atomic_number except: try: n = int(atom.type) except: raise ValueError( 'Could not make sense of atomic type {0.type}.' \ .format(atom) ) result += '{0} {1.pos[0]} {1.pos[1]} {1.pos[2]}\n'.format(n, atom) return result @raw.setter def raw(self, value): """ Reads crystal input. """ from ..periodic_table import find as find_specie if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'): value = value.splitlines() self.symmgroup = int(value.pop(0)) n = int(value.pop(0)) self.atoms = [] for line in value[:n]: line = line.split() type = int(line[0]) if type < 100: type = find_specie(atomic_number=type).symbol self.add_atom(pos=[float(u) for u in line[1:4]], type=type) def read_input(self, tree, owner=None, **kwargs): """ Parses an input tree. """ from import Tree from . import registered self[:] = [] self.raw = tree.prefix kwargs['owner'] = self for key, value in tree: # parses sub-block. if isinstance(value, Tree): continue # check for special keywords. if key.lower() in registered: newobject = registered[key.lower()]() else: newobject = BaseKeyword(keyword=key) if len(value) > 0: if hasattr(newobject, 'read_input'): newobject.read_input(value, **kwargs) else: try: newobject.raw = getattr(value, 'raw', value) except: pass self.append(newobject)
[docs] def append(self, keyword, raw=None): """ Appends an item. Some shortcuts are accpted: - 'breaksym' - 'keepsymm' - 'angstrom' - 'bohr' - 'fractional' :return: self, so calls can be chained. """ from . import registered if hasattr(keyword, 'lower') \ and keyword.lower() in [ 'breaksym', 'keepsymm', 'bohr', 'fraction', 'angstrom' ]: keyword = registered[keyword]() super(Molecule, self).append(keyword, raw) return self
[docs] def insert(self, i, keyword, raw=None): """ Inserts item at given position. Some shortcuts are accpted: - 'breaksym' - 'keepsymm' - 'angstrom' - 'bohr' - 'fractional' """ from . import registered if hasattr(keyword, 'lower') \ and keyword.lower() in [ 'breaksym', 'keepsymm', 'bohr', 'fraction', 'angstrom' ]: keyword = registered[keyword]() super(Molecule, self).insert(i, keyword, raw)
def __setitem__(self, i, value): """ Sets an item. Some shortcuts are accpted: - 'breaksym' - 'keepsymm' - 'angstrom' - 'bohr' - 'fractional' """ from . import registered if hasattr(value, 'lower') \ and value.lower() in [ 'breaksym', 'keepsymm', 'bohr', 'fraction', 'angstrom' ]: value = registered[value](value=True) super(Molecule, self).__setitem__(i, value) @property
[docs] def current_units(self): """ Current units in transformation list. This will one of "bohr", "angstrom", "fractional", depending on the last encountered keyword in the list, """ for u in self[::-1]: if u.keyword == 'fraction': return 'fraction' elif u.keyword == 'bohr': return 'bohr' elif u.keyword == 'angstrom': return 'angstrom' return 'angstrom'
[docs] def is_fractional(self): """ True if current units are fractional. """ return self.current_units == 'fraction'
[docs] def is_bohr(self): """ True if current units are bohrs. """ return self.current_units == 'bohr'
[docs] def is_angstrom(self): """ True if current units are angstrom. """ return self.current_units == 'angstrom'
[docs] def is_breaksym(self): """ True if currently keeping symmetries. """ for u in self[::-1]: if u.keyword == 'keepsymm': return False elif u.keyword == 'breaksym': return True return True
[docs] def eval(self): """ Evaluates current structure. Runs crystal to evaluate current structure. :returns: a :py:class:`~pylada.crystal.cppwrappers.Structure` instance. """ from copy import deepcopy from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree from ..misc import Changedir from ..process import ProgramProcess as Process from .. error import GrepError from .. import crystal_program as program from .extract import Extract this = deepcopy(self) this.append('TESTGEOM') try: tmpdir = mkdtemp() with Changedir(tmpdir) as cwd: # writes input file with open('crystal.input', 'w') as file: file.write('{0}\n'.format(getattr(self, 'name', ''))) file.write(this.print_input(filework=True)) # creates process and run it. if hasattr(program, '__call__'): program = program() process = Process( program, stdin='crystal.input', outdir=tmpdir, stdout='crystal.out', stderr='crystal.err', dompi=False ) process.start() process.wait() try: return Extract().input_structure except GrepError: message = this.print_input(filework=True) + '\n\n' with Extract().__stdout__() as file: message += raise ValueError(message + '\n\nInput structure is likely incorrect\n') finally: try: rmtree(tmpdir) except: pass
[docs] def crystal_output(self): """ CRYSTAL program output. This is a string which contains the CRYSTAL output from a geometry run. Electronic calculations are not performed. """ from copy import deepcopy from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree from ..misc import Changedir from ..process import ProgramProcess as Process from .. import crystal_program as program this = deepcopy(self) this.append('TESTGEOM') try: tmpdir = mkdtemp() with Changedir(tmpdir) as cwd: # writes input file with open('crystal.input', 'w') as file: file.write('{0}\n'.format(getattr(self, 'name', ''))) file.write(this.print_input(filework=True)) # creates process and run it. if hasattr(program, '__call__'): program = program(self) process = Process( program, stdin='crystal.input', outdir=tmpdir, stdout='crystal.out', stderr='crystal.err', dompi=False ) process.start() process.wait() with open('crystal.out', 'r') as file: return finally: try: rmtree(tmpdir) except: pass
[docs] def extprt(self): """ CRYSTAL external output. This is a string which contains the structure in CRYSTAL_'s external output format. Mostly for debugging. """ from copy import deepcopy from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree from ..misc import Changedir from ..process import ProgramProcess as Process from .. import crystal_program as program this = deepcopy(self) this.append('EXTPRT') this.append('TESTGEOM') try: tmpdir = mkdtemp() with Changedir(tmpdir) as cwd: # writes input file with open('crystal.input', 'w') as file: file.write('{0}\n'.format(getattr(self, 'name', ''))) file.write(this.print_input(filework=True)) # creates process and run it. if hasattr(program, '__call__'): program = program(self) process = Process( program, stdin='crystal.input', outdir=tmpdir, stdout='crystal.out', stderr='crystal.err', dompi=False ) process.start() process.wait() with open('fort.34', 'r') as file: return finally: try: rmtree(tmpdir) except: pass
[docs] def symmetry_operators(self): """ Symmetry operators, as determined by CRYSTAL. Runs crystal to evaluate the symmetry operators on the current structure. """ from copy import deepcopy from tempfile import mkdtemp from shutil import rmtree from ..misc import Changedir from ..process import ProgramProcess as Process from .. error import GrepError from .. import crystal_program as program from .extract import Extract this = deepcopy(self) this.append('TESTGEOM') try: tmpdir = mkdtemp() with Changedir(tmpdir) as cwd: # writes input file with open('crystal.input', 'w') as file: file.write('{0}\n'.format(getattr(self, 'name', ''))) file.write(this.print_input(filework=True)) # creates process and run it. if hasattr(program, '__call__'): program = program(self) process = Process( program, stdin='crystal.input', outdir=tmpdir, stdout='crystal.out', stderr='crystal.err', dompi=False ) process.start() process.wait() try: return Extract().symmetry_operators except GrepError: message = this.print_input(filework=True) + '\n\n' with Extract().__stdout__() as file: message += raise ValueError(message + '\n\nInput structure is likely incorrect\n') finally: try: rmtree(tmpdir) except: pass
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns deep copy of self. """ from copy import deepcopy return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def print_input(self, **kwargs): """ Returns CRYSTAL input. """ from warnings import warn from .input import print_input # corrects bug in crystal whereby mutliple atomsym commands will do # shit-loads of incorrect stuff, from overallocating array to operations # on unitialized arrays. map = self.output_map(**kwargs) indices = [] for i, (key, value) in enumerate(map[0][1]): if key.upper() == 'ATOMSYMM': indices.append(i) if len(indices) > 1: warn( "ATOMSYMM present more than once in input.\n" \ "Multiple bugs in CRYSTAL make this unsafe.\n" \ "All but the last instance of ATOMSYMM will be ignored.", UserWarning, 0 ) indices.reverse() for i in indices[1:]: map[0][1].pop(i) # now print map. return print_input(map)
def output_map(self, **kwargs): from import Tree from .input import find_sym, find_units if 'structure' not in kwargs: kwargs['structure'] = self if kwargs.get('breaksym', None) is None: kwargs['breaksym'] = True if kwargs.get('units', None) is None: kwargs['units'] = 'angstrom' root = Tree() root[self.keyword] = Tree() result = root[self.keyword] if getattr(self, 'raw', None) is not None: result.prefix = str(self.raw) for item in self: keyword = getattr(item, 'keyword', None) value = getattr(item, 'raw', None) if hasattr(item, 'output_map'): dummy = item.output_map(**kwargs) if dummy is not None: result.update(dummy) kwargs['breaksym'] = find_sym(result, result=kwargs['breaksym']) kwargs['units'] = find_units(result, result=kwargs['units']) elif value is not None: result[keyword] = value elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): result[keyword] = ' '.join(str(u) for u in value) else: result[keyword] = str(value) lowkey = keyword.lower() if lowkey == 'breaksym': kwargs['breaksym'] = True elif lowkey == 'keepsymm': kwargs['breaksym'] = False elif lowkey == 'angstrom': kwargs['units'] = 'angstrom' elif lowkey == 'bohr': kwargs['units'] = 'bohr' elif lowkey == 'fraction': kwargs['units'] = 'fractional' return root